Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/725

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GONVENTION—GEBMAN EMPIRE. Oomoismz 9. 1879. 695 [Form.] 660,99 Stump ot Cologne oftlce. List, N0. —. 0/[0¤mr·0m>1m Oxnucz, Goroorm, Gunniw, --, 188-. SIB: I transmit to you, herewith, A List, N0.—-— with the jJll:0T'1l'l»tl(IllDl money ordors belonging to if, amounting, in the °·|lE'¤'6S¤W6. to —-—- dollars -—-— cents. Bc plewsed to examine and complete this List, and l'DI'9h'I1I'l1 to me mn acknowledgment of its receipt, by merms of your first Subsequent List. I n.m,rospeebf\.x11y,ynur obedient servant, —·- -——» _ Dis autor of Port:. 'lo the Posuusnn or mm MONIYORDBR Excrmmn Orman, New York, II. Y.