Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/896

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866 mnnx. Pago. _ _ Pago. New Ym·k—Continued. North Amqrwgn Indumu, _ _ _ I I boimdary lines between State of, and Con- appropriation for coutmuing ethnologica F . nectieut, consent of Congressto agree- 351 N th Cmeaearches among the . . 27 >, 44.3 ment iixin the· roviso . . or ara ma, _ _ _ _ boundary line b§twee11PState of Vermont post-routos_osta.bl1shed III. .. 17, 39, 100, 209, .56o aud, consent of Congress . ... 72 North East Rom, M4., I ( New York City, appropriation for improvement of .. . . . . 130 appropriation for salaries in office of assist- North, James_E, _ ant treasurer at ., . . 23, 221, 397 political disabilities removed, ______ _ __,___. 525 for salaries in assay office at . . 23, 224, 399 North Landing River, _Va., __ for court-house and post—oi·Iice ..., .. 435 appropriations for improvement of .. .185, 414 port of entry, privilege of immediate trans- North River [far, M Q., r portation of dutiable goods to .. 174 aplpgobpmation for improvement of . 18-> bullion may be refined at assay office in, Nort , AU’red, _ expenses .-..--. 224 payment to . 507 deiicivnoy appropriation for passenger ele Northern Cheyenne Indians, vators in post-oftice .. .. . . .. . 241 appropriations for installments, etc., to ..122, 492 New York Harbor, Norvell, Henry L., appropriation for protecting site to Elm relief of surieties of .. . .. .. . . 609 Tree Beacon in entrance to .. 262 Norwallc, Como., for stake-lights on the dikes at entries to appropriation for improvement of harbor Rondout Creek. i . 262 at . . . . . . . 180, 469 for purchase <>f1¤·¤d M Staten I¤1¤¤<1 262 Nm ua-me at Lac Umm-my 0,; mama. 1or protecting Princes Bay light-station duties refunded ti, ______ _ _____ ____ ___ ____ 555 on Staten Island . / .. 2 62 Notmway R,;,.m. yah fm i¤¤1>¤>v<=m·=¤¢ of ¤h¤¤¤¤¤1 i¤ --·--- - - -- 469 appropriauoi for improvement of . 474 Nee PWM Irdmv, ’ Nowlan A. w. 0., appropriation for installments, etc. , to .. .121, 491 Paynfcnt to ________ ____ ______ __ ____ ______ 425 for support of J 0seph’s Band of, in Indian Nombd. River, M,;,,," T°rnt0I°Y ······ · ·---- · ----- · -—-— 67v 128: 499 appropriation for improvement of ___, ]_91, 476 Nez PWCé? Wm`; .Z\T1wa:0 Leon and Cohuahuila Payment to citizens engaged in · -·-·· - -·--· 641 drafts bv governor of o1;Mexioa,n minister Niagara ·Ri"“"> N- Y-: miay be delivered to proper person 54 appropriation for improvement of -.. . - 480 Nuhpa Mm, Of 1,,.01,, ue,. Ni“"“"> Wchir chained to Metropolitan . ..._...,,.. , 41 name of, changed to Hildegrade .. 197 Nuqlall-F y_ g_ .N’l;0h»0Z(l8, TIIOMGS, payméut to , Pa’ym°m}t° ······ · ····- - ---·· - ·-----·-—-- 560 Nunnelly Jah1L?"-"".-an_.·-'·--‘.----. Nwwmv ,Ch“"l‘* Hv pa. rment to .. .,,.,,...,,, ,_,, ______ 531 creiiit $17 aiccount .. . . . 427 b Niche a il iam W. payuient to - . . .,... .,,. _,., 633 * 0. Nimmo", Somerville, i Oakland, Qalz, _ ‘ restored to active list of the Navy; proviso. 325 $PPi'°PI'1$·U0¤ fo¥’ ]mPi'°V°m°¤t of hN'b°I` Nidwlson., J. W A., at .. . . .. . . 192,469 permission given m, toacceptpreseut .. 604 Oak Orchqrd _H¤r!><>n N- Y·, Nicholson, L, 3,, appropriation for improvement of . 181 payment to . . . ... 617 Oath, _ Nickel I , Miles W., l of office, accounts of Entomological Commis- Npaiuéent to ..__ _ .,,,, , _,_,_ _ ____, ____ 517 _ gum tot bp Iiettlecl notwithstanding 8 int ensue ; 31 ure 0 a e .. . . .. appropriation for service, etc., in compiet- { emplgyés of House paid before taking , sg in ____ 52= o enae . . .. . . Niobrara, lguer, 0bcd’s River, Tenn., app;-opyigmgu for military post new- _______ 33 appropriation for improvement of . . . . 191, 477 Noah, J. J, Ocmulgce River, ga., f a ment to . . , ,... . ..,_,.____________ 251 } appropriation or improvement o . . . , 186, 476 Noieifohn F., I Oconee River, Ga., payment to D. J. Taylor, surviving admin- appropriation M improvement of »--- -- --186,476 istrator of . - -. . .. . . 633 O’C0rmor, Charles E., Nokomis, .9chaanep·.ya,eht, J\,’eLtie, payment to .. . .,,..,, , .,_____ _ _ _ _ 425 Nname cg, changed to . , , ...,,______ ____ 312 0’ Connor, Elghn D., omoni rock, Va., payméu o .. .. .. . . .. _ 252 Napprgpxlation for improvement of 185, 474 0’C°”;'°"£» £I·lP _ f oon zo con es e -e ec -1on ex enses o .. . . 457 P3,§mgu{; ______ _ ____ __ ____ _ _____ __ ____ 244 Oggntg, Wjg_7 P Norfolk, Va., appropriation for improvement of harbor at. 472 appropriation for improvement of harbor Odell, Rebcijcca, . at ---- -- ..-. . . - .-.. . 181 470 peymen to -..-- - --.------------·· . ..--. 614 for maintenance of naval hospital at ..., 86; 336 O,0°w8e8, port of entry, privilege of immediate trams- 0»gHi!1¤$ Ulliiicd States, liability of parties p<g;ation of dutiable goods to, author- for conspiracy to commit . . . . 4 _ IZ ···· · ··-·· · ····· · ----· - ·-——· -— 174 Oficc Furniture for 1’oat·0 ce D arhnem Norm, Bemard, appropriation for .. .. .. {78, 37.5, 412 Npaympit to . . . . . . . .., 58; 0,;;%,.,,, owns, i [man, appropriation., for a. of of . - » ‘ ‘ ' r·=·v¤¤·=¤* i¤ ---------·-- - ----- - ---- - ------ 633 P5? Iilouse .. .?’ X. 1. ..’i‘T‘}T"i"i°_?i§§; ${3;