Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/917

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INDEX. 887 . P¤s¤ Secretary of Wd7‘—COD`iG1B¤0d. - P“8°· to transfercondemued cm.montoFa.i.rmount SG1?. amy of War Cowling0d` · · _ _ o report as to G011d1C10D of fortificomons Park Art Association for bronze - · ’ . and what number 1f any can be d1s- equestrlan statue of late General P011S8d with l . . i,468 _ George Gordoq Meade .. 164 to exchange, in his discretion unsezoyicet° ‘mI{’°V‘* and WDW Mum W¤·§0¤ 1‘*‘¤·d able ammunition for new} 453 m M°““‘““’ “'“d Id“h° ···------· -~ ·- 166 Surveys and examinations of certéio-riyér¤· to prescmbe terms for use of bridge across harbom etc. to be made b a. noi Lake Soiut Croix, Wis., for railway prialbioli for? . . 197 482 ccmpamos . . . 2 . . . .: ... 169 to construct a. free bridge over thoPo1:omo.c ’ to agorggae plans and sp0c1iicat10us for 169 River near Georgetown, D. C. ; pro- ..-- .- - -.-... . . . ..-.- V1 ---- - ----- - --·-----· -· · to complete survey of Gettysburg battle- ‘ Seddon, W??., l``` 329 field _,__,, , , _ ,, . ,_,__. , ,,_,_ , ,,,,, 170 payment to ...,,... . . . . . . 617 appropriations for rivers and harbors to be Seeds; expended under the _____ _ _ _______ 134), 468 appropriation for distribution of ; rofvr examinations and surveys of depth of _ Viso. . . . . . . 23, 2gB, 384, 453 water and width of channel secured S6'·”"€,°f Fo8W1S by J ag. B, EMIS, 9,;, South Pass, Mis- for violation of revenue laws, Revised Statsissippi River ... . ..,. . 189, 479 utes,'1‘it1o 34, in relation to, amended. 322 to accept from Smto of Michigan public Some"; Wmwml works of Saint Mlm·y’s hills; pro- S?;,ym?giv110 heirs of ; proviso . . .. , 250 visa ,, . .,,...,,..,,,,. , , ,, __,, 189 e ·s, ioua, to make requisition ou the Treasury for ex- P¤·5’mGHi5 to .--- - ------- . ---· - . . 624 penses of operating and keeping in $°u<”8l Swwwl. repairs Saint Mary s Ca,nal1.. ... 190, 478 P¥{·Ym6¤i¤ #9 ---- -- ------ - -·--·-------. 568 to appraise and settle certain lands in Fort: S°’””*·°l° 1f*d*{W—’l _ Gratiot H1i.]it8»I‘y I‘0S61‘V8li3iOI1. 310 ¤·1>1>r<>1>r1==¤=¤<>¤ for ¤¤*=<>r<-M, ¤’¤¤-. M -- ----- 124,494 appropriations for improvement of Oakland S*’”””°·‘*` <Y' Ba"b°*”`l Harbor, Call., when certain rights of Payment to —---—- - ----------· -- ---··· ·- -- 52 United States are secured SDlti.Sf2J4G·· SZMM, _ _ _ · tori1y to the 192 ¤·PPFoP¤¤·i¤0¤¤ fo1‘ PW. m1l<>¤·g0l and M11`- for improvement of rivers and harbors ‘ Wm? °XP°¤S°$ of- ·----- --·; 2» may be used for purchase of sites by; _ 23- 26»_65» 210- 21], 306, 385 proviso ______ _ _ ____ _ _____ _ ____ _193,482 for improvement {md repair of heating foI‘ i1X1PI'OV6IH8DJG of l`iVOI`S lllld illllbm, appmvus of M -·------------ 279 illlow expended, by G011'i]I'3»0t ol hllel}9 482 f<>§ ;¤;<£;=¤¤¤¤ of --------. 212, 306, la 01•__________4___________________ 3,1(J1 1 . ... to make surveys and estimates of cost of for ¤¤·1°¤¥`.Y_°f thi'?) m°SS°“g°1`S W tim --—· 303 romdvall of débris of mines from nav- fo1‘ <§¤G1i1<>;1¤y fo1'_&m001‘?, 0161*5, Mid 424 ·g=~*·1·-r=~m °¤%m¤---¤-·- ---- 1% for lilililz li; %§Fl‘2£‘,1,;§§l2.;e:;;···;···; 595 b° °x°'{;?°:’;;;;g;t€:;§{;° gg? g;:“§?;_ 96 employgggf, to have pay for month of July, 56 bo dtBa,y,Ca.1 .. . . . --.- 1 ''' 7 `' ` " ``````` w to give omcial notice of removal of sunken ?§;I;°‘bIé&y;£1°$§;&g2£§iééé Q, 53’ J5 vessels from navigable waters of 197 ioathp ° 2 United States .. . ... - 7 '````````````` ````````````` to SGH cargoes and wrecked vessels, Pm_ S02E5g1g ;$:;011 of the . 800 °°°d“ t° b° d°I’°Sit°d in Tmasury a. propriation for annuity etc. to . . . . 125, 495 United States ·····‘ ·‘ z ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 197 0¥New York for annual ihterést D0 .. 125, 495 to acquire sites and erect military posts for Sergeant Wimém L_ protection of Rio Grande fronts1ct:--. 73 puymént to I-_"_’____ ___ ______ ___ ____ M4 to purchase additional land for powder der H3 Servants, Quarters oc A .. . ------------· - - ’ lll 'bi ll 31 to ostsihlish military post; at Mussollsholl S;£3:2z;2f°r’ mommmofmmyp hl t dl Rive? M°“i’·? proviso ·‘‘‘‘‘ ‘‘‘‘ 114 appropriation for editing, ctc .. -..23, 216, 391 to sell Fort Logan, Mont., at public aluc- Scscicms, Tmvitorial Legialatures, tion ; proviso_. . . . · -·--· — · - - 114 limited to sixty days ---- --- ------ - -----· 312 1,0 remove obstructions from harbor and _ Seth, Julm, hear of William Blunt, deceased, river, Delaware Breakwamr ..-- -;- - 01 payment to .. . .---- _- -----· »;—;-- 645 Lo transfer Fort Ripley military reservation _ scm, Sidney LL, Children of hears of Wdlwm to tho Department of the Interxor. . . 69 Blunt, doceaacd, Lo purchase land to enlarge and pr0iJ<§<>i¤ payment to . . ..------ ·--- ------ -·-- 645 , United States arsenal at Sam Automo, 314 Soma, Alum 1),, 582 Tex .. .. - ---- am:-mtbo P ----· - ----- ---· -·-· - ·---- location of right: of waly for public W2·g011- Sgglgs, ‘ , _ road and railroad through United on Public lands a,1]owo<i30 days 11011160 to States cemetery lands near Vicks- make guuyiu certain contested cuscs. 141 burg, Miss., to be approved by . 314 lights gf, to (imo hook tofi;110 cfg35S1S;;;;; 141 ‘ .ht of wa. · b tunnel, on lan s in ir ma. mr 1 alry ‘°°““"}‘$’§€§lz§€l§?¤ll Rapidyirahrsit Rail- — allowed thicp yell: i1<€¤0¤*Pl°*° sm- 143 road Company through United St:-1.1308 VGY Mid I'9°ziV€bP*'·u‘H‘ di }é;

nd C0" N`Y" to be ap- 3m Mtualeoggeqahhz ihulgmgsas, relief of .. 143

-P YI I f":` A---- I 2----- 0h7L urchalso money and commissions on void w mm§i$3is1r,ff}0:?}:j’Yig;;?I{;{?l} . 313 P outries to be repaid to . . 287