Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 21.djvu/921

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INDEX. ‘ 891 Soldiers and Sailms, , Pap Special Mail Service Pago. totally disabled, increase of eusious to .,., 281 g,ppropri3,1;ioufor’ _,,__ , ,__,. . _,_,_ 178 375 Monument Associgtiou og Washington extension of, without advertising. .;I 7 11 County, Oh1o, condemned cannon Spencer, William, donated to ____,.,_._,,.,_,,.,_. 164 payment; to .,.,.. . ...,, , , 584 Solicitor and Judge-Advocate-General, New , SP’i*"m‘”`» Fwd?} T-, glp11g11n1E11g11i; gf, authorized; duties gig ____ 164 payment to j--- · -·-·-·------- · ----- - -·--- 621 a,ppr0pr1ation for salary of . .. . 337 Swim", Wwmm E1 sqlqjcum- pj glu; peaswy, pa,ym<-mt‘t0 . . . . . ... . 621 · approprismtiou for salaries, etc., in the 011100 SP°.#°"d¤ 4*”?'”°""h R-; ` of the ______ _ _ _ _ ____ _ ___________ 23, 236, 413 appropmutxon to reimburse . . . ... . 442 to investigate management of Frecdmmfs S}”"‘”“u"» A- M1 Swvlngg and ’_[‘;·¤g@ Company ____ _ ,, _ 328 Pa>)']P·9Dt to · - ···· · ···················• "583 svgwvszze T1 Dam, Spmdlw, gi J, 83 Hugs 1-,, unda.] __________________________ 549 P?»Ym6¤ 0 ---· - -—--- - ------·--·----· 5 smh emma, _ _ r Svmwfww Mm-» . . post-routes established 111 . 17, 22, 102, 209, 368 m`m°l`Yv a·PPX`0PU¤•1[i°u for ---- ;- ---- - -·-·- 443 ,g0u1]w,·n Clafing Commission, arsenal, u,p]11·0pr1:1.tion for repairs and prestransfer of appropriation for, to contingent , °"”*n°“ Of grounds: °t°·_¤ M ~~-- - 267 expenses of ____ _ _____ _ ____ _ ____ _ 29,25;; mght of way granted bq Spvngiieid wd Glérk tt? authorized; appropriation for pay 5 wgtgigh RK1g0a9i (10U1pm1y 61 0· ____ _ _____ _____ _ 253 _ BS ops pu . .. manner of taking testimony before . . . . 29 SP""U€“lg °'”fL°”d°” Rml"%$dtC””g”;"9» Souifwm S¢<=¤m··¤Mp Ovmpaw _ gm °1>0;L1;...?..Y?Y.??T°?é...??.. .??? 61 P“Ym°m_ of Q1mm 0i; from dencmncy ”pPr°' Sprqtt, Waller D., administrator of Samuel Milliprmmons for Pos1s—OE5ce Department, kan deceased prohibited .. . .. 258 ’ ’ · S0M¢hv(W·_U¢¢]’1d€¤”8» _ SpB·g.5;;lc!}g1$1%s.`-_-·-I--·' »645 p1·0v181011s for settlement oi§ lll. Colorado . . 200 pa,yH;6m to ’ 583 agency. fog tha, to be located by commis- 202 Sm’v¤·07,d’ Jesse, `'`````°```'°````````' Slou I-S ________ ____ __,, 1 aylncut-t0____ _____________ ____ __ ______ G3' South Farallon Island, Cal., Stgmfcrrd Harbor, Conn., 0 dciicieéxcy apprgpriatiou for completion of 240 n»ppr01£·ia.ti011 for establishment of lightug-signa. at ... . . .- ousc 011 Forkod Rock . . . .. 263 South. Haven, Mich., for OOIDPISHOII of .. . 436 appropriation for improvement of harbofsg 471 Smmmer, Anderson, at .. . . V .. . . . ... , paymentfo .--.. . .--. -.-- G35 South Pass, M issiasippi Riqcr, _ Sta"*·P*d E?'”*{l°P€§» _ _ _ 1 3_ appmpriatiou for cxa.m11mtion and survey ¤I>P1`0fP¤*¤»U0¤ TOT m§*»¤{U9·°Y“1° Pt ·--- 78- *6 of ____ __ ______ _ ___________ _ _____ 4, 189, pg trans 01* of u.ppr0p1‘1a1t10u for, i01‘ p¤1‘cI1&mS<> L SON/MPM.;) I007m_, · · t f th h Stamps of officml envelopes, ctc .- .. 249 appro Iifgitzizri EDT. B 6 . . 31180, 469 3P Pi‘6PI`i2·W;¤ for the mmkiug mid r=·»¤i¤g 037 S7? S ih R- V; J.' I .pOST·3» ..-... ... 1.. . ... , 1) 0;ppro;’g:;.t§011 for improvement of 184, 473 510I`l;¤;QY}¥$L; ¤`<¤:§*g;<> S;>1'}¤¤*> ·--- -· · 93, 220, 395 Splmglcn G€m·ge’ ¤ Sum an riafzyoffgr c0u;gr::;;1?:>11 and vcriilcar payment 10 . . . . .. .. .. 622 a·PPmI;’_ f %5 441 SPM611 Ammvcs, _ _ . St d. I j}"}r° H; · ·· ······ · ····· · ········· · appropriation for translatmg, c0pqn%,§ti;:, gg {$1;] {JL; ·, l 588 grggcc Uf Suwcycr-Gmc"?] ?_ 234 Stmwhrznvls Rock, Lake Superior, Mich., . `: " `. `'```` `;1,ppm11ria,tio11forcrcctiouoflight-]10us0011.263, 436 Spanish Clqms (jommwswnk _ SM1"), A_ _1_, deceased, 9·PP!`°I;$gt*°“B for S“’1a’“°° and °XP°“SBS °f40 346 payment to Cz}thm·iu0, as mlmi11istrm:r1x .. 560

· ----—· · -·-··-········ • S; -1- ./ »l1.,

Secretary tv, my of ---·---- - -—-- - -—-· - -· - 140 (E;,,3?5{c11(£S;1; L .. .. . . . 6%4 contingent expenses of. . ..-. . . 140 Starr, David J., S1)(L1‘k`m(I’I’l, Moses, pa,ym61]b [0 _ ____ _ ,, . . . ... --. 624 paymrmt to ---- - - - ·----- - ·——-·---· - -——· 648 sm 1:0111.%, _ Sparks, M., administrator, 250 ;1pprop1—i11§i4>{11“or inlzmcl transportation 058 276 ymymcniito .. .-.. --·---- ·--···--· --·- m9·K$ Y·:·- ··—··· · ··*· j ···· ··*·‘_' >' S -· M 'lt L. for el —iiciency 111 12I‘2»!]SI)0l‘tH»tl0ll of mmls ”,?é{1g1OL1‘$’T...’ . 606 is »...----- -- -;-- I- ----- 71 Spéurs, Pedal`, 635 `ll‘[l(-}XI)(5I](lC(l ba].2TnS{>S of 91ppI`0pl‘13»l10ll {OI', 249 gi; ____ ____ ______ _,,---...- ..1113,1]1;3,v;),13, (5, ___, _·, .A __,_ . ._,, _,,. L Spgzlfgnigzvis? 2 gxpgditing Service f>11,Lpr0hib1t0d . . .. . 72 payment to ., . . . . 6 I State Bank of bouflg Law ma, _ Spccihl Aqents, payment to rcccwor of ; bonds dclnvored to Illdi8,l1`S6I'ViC6, appropriation fo{‘ Iégly off H7, 487 B rc<;ci?a;;f.I.t} . . . ..---------- - -- - 8 U3 1011 0i' St t ws 0 ea z _ _ I“d0p(;;;r6g;`.'H{?a§ ·--· - - ·2?» 223: 398 zsssegghom ports wéhcru p0ntu§;1o11¤;_¢11scasa r Special Examinations of National Banks, OZ qxwvs to f50H1P})' WWII Tm Q5 0 - ---··· " HPPFOPYWHOH for Mw · ···‘’ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘ 23’ 219*394 Siam aww]; { 1 3, ment of for swamp- ' I lm 1·0vc·m¢mt Yams approprm wn o p y , SppcmP f C I b` , intcrest 011 a,rr0a.r- lands .. . . .. 41 m DIS?;; gf; g0l;·?;c:;?gn of cxccssivc . 36 GX3mi11B!` Of, PW, GW-1 °f ····· · ···•‘‘ " ‘34