Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/1111

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1084 Hughes, .Berrie B., payment to .............................. 662 payment to ...................... ........ 66? payment to .............................. Hn.qhe.?, Elizabeth E., payment to .............................. 764 Hagldi.ff, James p?yme? ?o .............................. Hugh fit, Robert, payment to .............................. Hull, John ?., de?sed, payment to administrator of ............. 766 HMI, ?m?l L., of Ohio, payment to .............................. 784 Hull, 8am?l L., of payment to .............................. 7? H?Kble, Jamb, pension to ............................... 7? H?m?idt, CaL, boundaries of customs collection dist?ct . of, p?ri?d ...................... H?m?l?t Harbor a?d Rap, Cal., approp?tion for i?ptovemen? of ......... ?fund of t? to ......................... 727 ?es, payment to .............................. Hum?, J. H., H?mpa?ent ? .............................. 7? ?r?s, J?s ?., ?s? of J. ?. T., H?a?en? ? .............................. m?kr?s, Jok? ?aymen$ ? .............................. ?m?hr?s? Will?m G., paymenS lo .............................. H?nniwells Beach, Maine, establishmenS of ?e?ving ?on pa?en? ?o ?n?r H?aymen? ? .............................. ?ti?ment of, ?m Su0? ?o? of U. 2 p?ymen? to ad?n?tmtor of ............. H?nzymen$ to .............................. ?ayment to ?mi?s?x of H?, ?a? W., p?en? to .............................. Hu?b r, William, p?ym?n? to administer H?aymen? ? .............................. rlbut, ?r? R., ?en? to .............................. H?rl?t, ?phen ?., pzymen? to widow of, ere ................ H?rle?, ?. H., ?ent to .............................. Huron, Ohio,

gp?$ion for impmvem? of 
ppmpri?ion for annuity 

Hurst, D?n? P., ?ymen? ? .............................. 781 Hurt, Fannie M., payment to .............................. 765 Hurt, James, payment to .............................. 765 Husto?, Benjamin _?r., payment to .............................. 780 HuMan, Felix B., payment to .............................. 235 Hustbn, William., deceased, payment of administrator of ............. 792 Hutchinson, Darid G., father of William H., pension to ............................... 699 Hutchinson, Margaret, oxlmiaistratri?, payment to .............................. 671 H?tson, FYilliam, payment to estate of ..................... 682 Hutton, Elizabeth, payment to .............................. 765 Hydrographic O?ce, appropriation thr salaries, el?., in ........ 2/15, 554 tbr pureh?e of books, e? .............. ?45 Ice, exempt from duty ........................ 519 Idaho, post-mutes established in ............ 16, ??r?5, 574 appropriation for expenses of Territorial government of .................... 236, 549 for salaries in office of surveyor-general of ................................ 251,559 contingent expenses ................ 32?, 622 for incidental expenses of Indian ?ervico in ................................. 84,447 deficiency ........................... 278 investigation of claims for suppression of I?,dJan hoatihtiea in, authorized .... 111 post-routes e?'mbli?hed in ............ 16, 356, 574 Illinois Ri?er, Ill; appropriation mr improvemmxt of ........ - 203 _Illiraqis mtd Michigan Ca?al, - sur?ey and location of the, authorized, ap- propriation for ..................... 207 Immigrants, hoad-? levied on ...................... 214 to be a lien on vessels, when ........... 214 ?onvi?, lunatic, idiot., and pauper, prohib- ited from landing, etc .............. 214

usI?n9_ion of, Chinese laborers, to United 

?tate% for ten years ................ 58 Ohine8% treaty concerning ............... I? ?, p?ncts .......................... ?e?ed?e ? su? ..................... Schedule , co.on and eatton goods .... 505 Schedule hemp, jute, and flax good? .. 606 fiehedulo wool and woolens ......... 500 Schedule silk and silk goods..% ...... 510 Schedule M, books, papers. et? ......... 510 fichedale N, sundries ................... 511 on goo?a? prodaee?l east of Calm of ?Iood nope, act nipesling dla?imina?ing, amead?d .......................... 300 xn?peal of laws levying, not to affect rlghiz, ?.? aomnm? o? ao?--uiug ........... 526