] 130 IDEX. Page. ?raitb, William..J[.., debased, payment to admiuist?tor of ............. 7? ?mitb, W. H., deceased, payment to administrator of .............. 775 ?mitb, Win. g., payment to .............................. ?9 $mitb's Shoals, Cumberland Riv?', Kp., appropriation for improvement of ........ Smitbso,, ?, administraWr? payment to .............................. ?miths:rn, 8. W., deceased, payment to administrator of ............. ?mitbsoaia? Instit?tio% app?priation for continuing ethnolo?cal re?a?hes among the ?o?h Ameri- can ?dians ....................... ?, 628 for ex?n? of in?ation? exchanges, etc., ?tween the U. ?. ?d ?o?i? coun? ......................... for transpotation of maps and repo?s to tbrei? counties through the ...... 319, 618 for eomple?g ?cons?uction, etc., of interior of e?te? potion of build- ing, ere ............ ? ............... 628 for payment of freight ................. ?5 8?ails, exempt from duty ....................... 521 8na? Rir? ?eg?, appmp?tion for improvement of ........ g?app, W?f? payment ? .............................. payment to .............................. 8?d, P. A. 0.? payment ? .............................. ?, Jok?, payment ? .............................. ?ni?el?, B?jamin, paymen? to .............................. $nirel9, 8am?l B., payment to .............................. ?nodd?, Margar? de?as?, p?yment ? ?mini?rator of .............. 8?ass, Ja? H., ?yment ? .............................. � ppmp?ti? ? improvemenS ? approp?a?on for impmve?toL ........ ?, O. H. P., appm?on for ?l-?n?z ex?rtation ?nd on, e? ? ?j? cent fo?i? ?W?, ? ? eta ................................ in?al ?x on .......................... m?d snuff flour, du? on .................. ?3 8ngdo' , Baltzer, payment ? .............................. 673 $ayd?, George ?., ?!ief of .................................. ?ayment ? .............................. ?d? William M., ?, ?yment ? adenhiker of .... � ?le ................................ st?, ?xempt ? duty .................. ?eiy of the A?y of the p?yment ? the, for monument ?o memo? of Gefieral James A. Ga?eld ........ ?9 of ? of Pot?ao, i?n of ?n? to, annual m?fing Mieh .............................. 744 Societies of the Red Cross, appropriation for printing and publishing iuformation in relation to the ...... 391 Soda, preparations of, duty on .................. nitrate of? exempt ?om duty ............. 517 ?da Potassa? duty on .................................. 492 exempt from duty ........................ 521 ?ldi?'s, increase of pension to, who have lost a leg , or arm, etc ........................ 453 Soldiers Charged with Des?'t?n, act for the ?lief of ...................... 347 ?ldi? ?le of prope?y of, at Ha?burg, Ky., authorized ........................ 398 ?oldiers' Home, Washingt?, D.C., appmp?ations for sup?rt of ............ ?, 619 appointment of manage? for the .......... Bo? of Comm?ione? for, to cons? of? eto ................................. ?fio? for gove?ent of the, author- iz? .............................. unifo?s ? ? f?n?hed i?atos of the... donation of condemned cannon, etc., to, at B?mingham, Corm ................. Pa., donation of condemned cannon to ........ 374 ?ld? Mordant, ?,c?, Pa., donation of condemn? cannon, etc., ?..,. 374 ?!dt?P M?am?t ds?iat?n, U?a, ?. Y., donation of ?ndemn? c?on, e?., ? .... ?9 ? of ? ?, to .................... 743 loan of ?n?,e?., ? .................... 742 loan of ?n? e?., for ?he ................ 747 Delawa?, 0? don?ion of ?nde? ?on, e?., ? the ?4 ?ldi?s and ?i? Mo? A?t?, Lym?g Go., Pa., donation of condemned e?uon ? ......... 67 ?i?sa? ? 0? H?, D? of ?11?fion of ?oun? due ?m ?tste of J?y C?ke and ?o., anthodS, ere ..... 4? ?t? of I?I ?, ?ppmp?afion ?r ? of ?e .......... ? ? - appmp?ation for ?m?n?on o? ? sn? chief clerk, snd othe? ...... ?,? ?lo?, ?al?, ?yment ? .............................. ?, E. D., p?yment ? .............................. ?lomon, Tho?, ?, psy?nt ? admin?trator of ............. ?4 ?ll?, Jamo R., payment ? .............................. pay?nt t? es? of ..................... p?mutes ?tablizhed in ............ ? ?, � ppmp?a$ion for ?prove?$ ? ........ ?th Ha?, Mi?., appropriation for impmve?t of hater at ?mbIi?nt ot lff?ving s?on at or