Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/334

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FORTYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 433. 1882. 307 med to acquire, by private purchase or by condemnation, the necessary luuds for the public buildings and the light-houses to be constructed and for which money is appropriated by this act. And the Secretary of the Treasury is also authorized to secure, by L°°“*i°¤°*`“Bh*¤ private purchase or by condemnation, land on the Savzumuh River, be- gfveg ° V ° u u °b tween the city of Savannah and the bar at Tybee, for the location of lights ` under the appropriation of sixty thousand dollars made by the Forty- sixth Congress to light the river hom the bar to the city; and said Secretary may use not exceeding three thousand dollars of said sum so appropriated to pay for uch land for the locations of lights as may be necessary; and said appropriation of sixty thousand dollars shall be used as soon as convenient for the location and cgustruction of said lig s. _ LIFE·SAVING— STATIONS. ‘ For salaries of superintendents for the life-saving stations as follows: ¥·if¤·$=¤’*¤8 $•¥*· On the coasts of Maine and New Hampshire cue, and on the coast of ‘°°· Massachusetts one, at cue thousand five hundred dollars each; ou the coasts of Rhode Island and Long Island one,at one thousand eight hundred dollars; of one assistant superintendent on the coasts of Rhode Island and Long Island, who may hereafter reside in any portion of the State of Rhode Island, one thousand dollars. For salary of one superintendent on the coast of New Jersey, one thousand eight hundred dollars.

 For salaries of superintendents on the coasts of Delaware, Maryland,

and Virginia, une, at one thousand five hundred dollars; on the coasts of Virginia and North Carolina, one, at one thousand eight hundred dollars. For salary of one superintendent for life-saving stations and for the houses of refuge on the coast of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida, one thousand two hundred dollars; and of one superintendent ter the lifesaving and lifeboat stations on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico, one thousand five hundred dollars, and of one on the coasts of Lake Ontario and Erie, one thousand eight hundred dollars. _ . For salaries of superintendent for the lifesaving and lifegboat stations: One on the ecastsnthdne-Hurcusnd enuosoueonm coast of Lake Michigan, and one on the euabm ot Teuitnry, ‘ Oregon, and Califomiq, at one thousand eight hundred 0'Hars each. For salary of two hundred and two keepems `of life-savingand life-` boat stations and of houses of refuge, one hundred and f<My·°!¤9 thousand four hundred dollars. ‘ For pay of crews of surfmen employed at the life-saving and hfeboat stations, during the period of actual employment ; compensauon of Yolunteers at life-saving and life-boat stations, for actual and deserving service rendered upon any occasion of disaster, at such rate, not to exceed ten dollars for each person, as the Secretary of the Treasury rpay . determine ; pay of volunteer crews for drill and exercmse · fuel for stations and houses of refuge; repairs and 0utd[:s for same; rebuilding and 1m- provemeut of same; supplies and provmops for houses of refuge and tbr Bl1i[)~WTBCk8d persons suecored at stamens; tmveling expenses of o$eers under orders hom the Treasury Department; for carrying out the provisions of sections seven and eight of t.he act approved Mey fourth, eighteen hundred eightytwo, and eontmgent expenses, m- chxding freight, storage, repmrs to apparatus, medalshgxpor, stationery, advertising, uml miscellaneous expenses that cannot mclpded under may other head of life-saving statgogs an the coasts of the United States, tive hundred and eight theusan dollars. To replace life-saéng medals provided for by section seyeu of the act J ·if¤-¤•¤¤z¤¤¤•i· of July twentieth, eighteen hundred and seventy-feur,wb1ch have been 18 Sum In · stolen from parties upon whom they have been bestowed or have been hast vrmwm fault on their part, one hundred dcllmjs, or so much thereof usmeybee necessary, tube expem1ed¤uderthedueeb0¤0ftheSeere- · tary of the 'i‘re¤np·y. , .