Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/447

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420 FOBTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 47-49. 1883. ‘ the lands of the United States included in the military I‘0SB1'V3»ti0I1 at Fort Smith, in the State of Arkansas, is hereby granted to the Sami: Louis and San Francisco Railway Company, an corporation duly organized under the laws of tho State of Missouri for the constmcmon und operation of a railroad and telegraph line through the same: Provided, PMW That from where the right of way of said railway compgmy enters and extends through the walls iuclosing the old fort, said rmlway cougpquy shall erect aud build a stone wall 011 the extreme lrue of the IHS1dé boundary of their right of way of like height and duucumous of the wall now inclosing the fort, so that the fort, after the coustructmn of the road, shall be completely iuclosod. - 3: otny m Sec. 2. That whomever said right of way shall cease to be used for fo UNM the purposes aforesaid, the same shall revert to the United States. 8*'*"? "l""· SEO. 3. That Congress may at any time add to, amend, alter, or ·. repeal this uct. , Approved, February the seventeenth, 1883. Feb. 17, 1883. CHAP. 48.-An act authorizing the commissioner of the Fmodgnufs Savings and —--——-———- — Trust Company to examine and audit certain claims against smd company, and to pay attain dividmdsbarrod by the act of Fcbruary twenty-first, eighteen hundred and eighty-ono, and for other purposes. Be itcouwtod by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Tim for pay- States of America in 6'ongfess assembled, That the commissioner of the ¤¤¤¤* of ¤!•*¤¤• Freédman’s Savings and Trust Company bc, and he is hereby, authorwzghém ized and directed to examine and audit all claims against said company, ~ ·pm,w,,m,,,,y,,,. and to pay all dividends on audited accounts which may have been tended. presented to him for that purpose since tho twenty-first day of August,

 eighteen hundred and eightymnc, notwithstanding the limitation for

tho presentation of such claims and tho payment of dividends contained in section eight of an act entitled “An act amending the charter of the Frecdmmfs Savings and Trust Company, and for other · poses", approved February twenty-first eighteen hundred aud`oig¥;· one. Dutis of mm- Sec. 2. That said commissioner shall keep an accurate record of all ¤¤i¤¤i¤¤¤¤‘· claims presented within the tnmu finally limited by existing law for \ examination and audit, and all dividends barred under existing laws, called for from and amor the passage of this act; and if at the expiration of the tW0·y331' limit for the payment of the inal dividend prescribed by tho act approved February twentyiirst, eighteen hundred and eighty-ono, any balance remains in the hands of said commissioner, ’ Pp nh dinri- he is hereby authorized and directed to make a pro rata distribution

’t';*'°’*°*° *"“*'*°°· of said balance among tho claimants who may have presented their

’ claims for examination or for payment of barred dividends after the passage of this act, and within tho time aforesaid. Approved, February 17, 1883. you In 188; CHAP. 49.-—-An act to authorize tho increase of the capita! stock of the Bowne] -.-.------ Nutimml Bank of Xenia, Ohio. . Bo it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Second Natioqul States of Amgrica in Congress asumblod, That the Second National gag; &;m% Bank of Xcmp, located m the city of Xenia, in mc State of Ohio, is ._ nw;] mck “ hereby authorized to uncrgaso its capital stock, in accordance with its mum umouded nruclcs of association, to any sum not exceeding two lmmlrcd gmd fifty qhousand dollars, notwithstanding the limit heretofore flxcd m its orxgmal articles of association and dctcrmiucd by the Comptroller of the Currency; mul the Comptroller of the Currency is Ixcrcby author-