490 FORTYSEVEN TH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 121. 1888. admitted to entry; and all invoices and packages whereof any such articles shall compose a part are liable to be proceeded against, seized, and forfeited by due course of law. All such prohibited articles in the course of importation shall be detained by the officer of custom , and proceedings taken against the same as prescribed in the following sec- Prcviw. tion: Provided, That the drugs hereinbefore mentioned, when imported in bulk and not put up for any of the purposes hereinbefore specified, are excepted from the operation of this section. Penalties. Sec. 2492. Whoever, being an officer, agent, or employee of the Gov- B- S- 2*92- ernment of the United States, shall knowingly aid or abet any person engaged in any violation of any of the provisions of law prohibiting importing, advertising, dealing in, exhibiting, or sending or receiving by mail obscene or indecent publications or representations, or means for preventing conception or procuring abortion, or other articles of indecent or immoral use or tendency, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall for every offense be punishable by a line of not more than five thousand dollars or by imprisonment at hard labor for _ not more than ten year , or both. ' _ Modootproooid- Sec. 2493. Any judge of any district or circuit court of the United ¤¤8· States, within the proper district, before whom complaint in writing of any violation of the preceding sections is made, to the satisfaction of such judge, and founded on knowledge or belief, and, if upon belief, set ting forth the grounds of such belief, and supported by oath or ailirmation of the complainant, may issue, conformably to the Constitution, a warrant directed to the marshal, or any deputy marshal, in the proper district, directing him to search for, seize, and take possession of any such article or thing hereinbefore mentioned, and to make due and immediate return thereof to the end that the same may be condemned and destroyed by proceedings, which shall be conducted in the same manner as other proceedings in the case of municipal seizure, and with the same right of appeal or writ of error. Importation of Sec. 2494. The importation of neat cattle and the hides of neat cattle ¤¤¤¤ ¤§*¤!¤» W- from any foreign country into the United States is prohibited: Pro- Qffdg, 458 vided, That the operation of this section shall be suspended as to any `' foreign country or countries, or any parts of such country or couutri whenever the Secretary of the Treasury shall officially determine, ami give public notice thereof, that such importation will not tend to the introduction or spread of contagious or infectious diseases among the cattle of the United States; and the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized and empowered, and it shall be his duty, to make all necessary orders and regulations to carry this law into effect, or to suspend the same as therein provided, and to send copies thereof to the proper officers in the United States, and to such officers or agents of the United States in foreign countries as he shall judge necessary. p,,,,,,m,,_ Sec. 2495. Any person convicted of a willful violation of any of the R. 8.2495,58. provisions of the preceding section shall be fined not exceeding ilve hundred dollars, or imprisoned not exceeding one year, or both, in the discretion of the court. p,-0;, n,;;;,,,, Sec. 2496. No watches, watch-cases, watch·movements, or parts of upon importation watch-movements, or any other articles of foreign manufacture, which Z} tmhm “l;1;° d shall copy or simulate the name or trademark of any domestic manumfmg, 0:,;* "` facture, shall be admitted to entry at the custom-houses of the United 3, 5, mg;;, 45s_ States, unless such domestic manufacturer is the importer of the same. And in order to aid the officers of the customs in enforcing this prohibition, any domestic manutactnrer who has adopted trade-marks may require his name and residence and a description of his trademarks to be recorded in books which shall be kept for that purpose in the Department of the Treasury, under such regulations as the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe, and may furnish to the department fac similes of such trade marks; and thereupon the Secretary of the Treasury shall cause one or more copies of the same to be transmitted to each collector or other proper officer of the customs.