Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/589

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562 FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 128. 1883. order office of the Post-Oiiice Department, and of the money-order division of the Auditor of the Treasury for the Post-Oilice Department, eight thousand dollars; in all, nine thousand five hundred dollars. Official Pedal For the publication of copies of the Official Postal Guide, twenty nine Gum- thousand dollars. Post-routemaps. For miscellaneous expenses of the topographer’s office in the prepa- · ration and publication of the post-route maps, nfteen thousand dollars. . JUDICIAL. Compensation or Orman or Tun Arronmnr-Gnunnn.-For compensation of the

  • 1*** *°*°¤*°Y·G°“· Attorney-General eight thousand dollars; Solicitor-General, seven thou-

"°]’ mm °°h°"‘ sand dollars; three Assistant Attorney’s-General, at five thousand dollars each; one Assistant Attorney-General of the Post·Ollice Department, four thousand dollars; Solicitor of the Internal Revenue, four thousand five hundred dollars; examiner of claims, three thousand five hundred dollars; two assistant attorneys, at three thousand dollars each; three assistant attorneys, at two thousand five hundred dollars each; one assistant attorney, at two thousand dollars; law clerk and examiner of titles, two thousand seven hundred dollars; chief clerk and ex officio superintendent of the building, two thousand two hundred dollars; stenogmphic clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; two law clerks, at two thousand dollars each; live clerks of class four; additional for disbursing clerk and clerk in charge of pardons, two hundred dollars each; three clerks of class three; two clerks of class two; live clerks of class one; one telegraph operator, at one thousand dollars; seven · eopyist ; one messenger ; four assistant messengers ; two laborers ; three watchmen; one engineer, one thousand dollars; 'superintendent of the building, two hundred and ilfty dollars; two conductors of the elevator, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; three charwomen, at one hundred and eighty dollars each; and two ilremen; in all, one hundred and ten thousand three hundred and ten dollars. Contingent ex- For contingent expenses of the department, namely: For furniture P¤¤¤¤¤· and repairs, one thousand dollars; for law and books for library of the department, one thousand five hundred dollars; for stationery, one thousand five hundred dollars; for miscellaneous expenditures, such as telegraphing, postage, fuel, lights, labor, and other necesseries, including repairs of building, seven thousand one hundred and sixty dollars; in all, eleven thousand one,hundred and sixty dollars. For care and subsistence of horses and repairs of wagons and harness, one thousand two hundred dollars. core, etc., or For the following force, necessary for the care and protection of the cqrrrt —1¤¤¤¤¤. Din- courthouse in the District of Columbia, who shall be under the direc- “"°'* "‘ c°l”"““‘· tion of the United States marshal of the District of Columbia: one engineer, twelve hundred dollars; two watchman, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; two firemen, at sevenhundred and twenty dollars each ; three laborers, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; six assistant messengers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; in all, nine Deiicioncy. thousand eight hundred and forty dollars. And for the hke force, for the same purpose, for the balance of the fiscal year ending Juno thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, three thousand two hundred and eighty dollars. Compensation or OFFICE or THE 801,1011*0}: or THE TREASURY.-For compensation i*[h° $°h°¤'*°*:_*£;f of the Solicitor of the Treasury, four thousand five hundred dollars · mt, ogg, gmk assistant solicitor, three thousand dollars · chief clerk, two thousand ,,,,4 ,,¤,,,,_ ’ dollars; four clerks of class four; three clerks of class three ; two clerks ef class two; two clerks of class one; one assistant messenger; and one laborer; in all, twenty-eight thousand and eighty dollars. B<><>k¤· For law and miscellaneous books for Omce of the Solicitor of the Treasury, five hundred dollars. Warden of ljail, For warden of the jail of the District of Columbia, one thousand @$6 C0 ¤¤¤· eight hundred dollars.