Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/640

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FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. C11. 143. 1883. 613 Control and protection of property acquired under direct tax laws: P¤>t¤¤*·i¤¤ Of Care, control, and protection of real estate acquired by the United P"‘£°"°Q&t;‘1:“d` States under the direct-tax laws, five hundred dollars. °r M "' For the National Board of Health. For compensation and personal Nntivrwl Bowl expenses of members of the board ten thousand dollars. °f H°"·m‘· The President of the United States is hereby authorized, in case of Approprintiopin a threatened or actual epidemic, to use a sum, not exceeding one hun- °”·’° °f °P“1°”“°· dred thousand dollars, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, in aid of State and local boards or otherwise, in his discretion, in preventing and suppressing the spread of the -same and maintaining quarantine at points of danger. . To enalile tlile Seeretarydof the Treasury todccoperate with State apld °x§0•>:tt;?:t~l¤ fqf municipa au - oritie an corporations an persons engaged in the “i ‘;_'“` transportation of nest-cattle by land or water, in establishing regula- ’°g°`°°° tions for the safe conveyance of such cattle from the interior to the seaboard, and the shipment thereon so that such cattle may not be exposed to the disease known as pleuro-pneumonia, or lung plague, and to prevent the spread of said disease, and to establish quarantine stations and provide proper shelter for neat-cattle imported, at such ports · - as he may deem necessary, fifty thousand dollars. UNDER THE WAR DEPARTMENT. Anuomns AND Ansmurs. For the Rock Island Arsenal, Bock Island, Illinois, as follows: Rock Island Ar- For completing shop H, an iron-finishing shop, for the armory, sixty- ¤°¤¤·1· five thousand dollars. - _ For armory-shop K, an iron-finishing shop, fifty thousand dollars. For storehouse numbered four, forty thousand dollars. . For machinery and shop-lixtures, fifteen thousand dollars. For deepening the water-power canal, twenty thousand dollars; ‘the same to be expended as required by act entitled *‘An act making ap- . propriations for sundry civil expenses of the government for the ilscal year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty thm, and • for other purposes! approved August seventh, eighteen In and eighty-two, and to be immediately available. · For general ® preservation, and improvement; for building new ' roads; for care and preservation of the water-power; for painting andcare and preservation of permanent buildings, bridges, and shores of the island; for building fences, grading grounds, and repairs and extension of railroad, twelve thousand five hundred dollars. A . For the Rock Island bridge as follows: For care and preservation of the Bock Island bridge, and expenses ltock Island of maintaining and operating the draw, nine thousand dollars. l>¤dz¤· For protecting the Rock Island bridge by means of sheer·booms, two hundred and fifty dollars. · For Benicia Arsenal, Benicia, California: For purchasing metal- Ar¤¤¤¤l· working machines for shops, namely, one planer, complete., with appendages; one steam-hammer; one slottingmachine; one hundred and · tlfty feet four-inch shafting, with couplings and pillar-blocks; one drillpress; one brass-founder’s lathe, and one lathe for turning shaiting, ten thousand dollars.. · To excavate for and build cisterns for saving water from new shoproofs, four thousand two hundred and forty-four dollars and eighty cents. For permanent repairs of post fences, and so forth, ive thousand . ‘ donuts , A Fo1·Fraulrford Arsenal, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: For laying drain Frankford Arfrom the principal building to the creek, one thousand ive hundred ••¤•¤· dollars. ‘ For New York Arsenal, New York: For one set of olllcers’ quarters, New York Arrive thousand live lnmdred dollars. ¤•¤¤I-