Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/668

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FOBTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ras. 21-23. 1883. 641 seven, of which number three thousand copies shall be for the House, Di¤¤‘ib¤l=i<>¤· one thousand copies for the Senate, two hundred copies for the Smithsonian Institution for distribution to such foreign governments and ' others as made contributions from such exhibition to the National Museum, three hundred copies for the late members of said Board, and nvc hundred copies for distribution by the late President of the Centennial Commission, the printing to be done by the Public Printer, under the supervision of the late chairman of said Board, upon whose order may be allowed by the Public Printer to th'e late secretary of the Board not exceeding three hundred dollars for services to be performed, and incidental expenses to be incurred in connection therewith: Pro- PWM00- vided, That the photographic views of the government exhibit accompanying the manuscript report, shall not be printed or reproduced for the publication herein authorized. Approved, March 3, 1883. [No. 22.] Joint resolution providingfor the termination of articles numbered eighteen Mar. 3, 1883. to twenty-nve, inclusive, and article numbered thirty of the treaty between the ··*j·‘i United States of America and Her Britannia Majesty, concluded at Washington, May eighth, eighteen hundred and seventy-one. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States _ _ of America in Congress assembled, That in the judgment of Congress the £ii';“°° t.°;1_t*€"{“· provisions of articles numbered eighteen to twenty-five, inclusive, and Qzmbzrgd ,8 ,2*;* of article thirty of the treaty between the United States and Her Bri- inclusive, me mil tannic Majesty, for an amicable settlement of all causes of diiference cle numbered30m between the two countries, concluded at Washington on the eighth day 3:%* ¥t°db°§'-is of May, anno Domini eighteen hundred and seventy-one, ought to be and G';,, Britain terminated at the earliest possible time, and be no longer in force; and 0;];,, 8, 131;, to this end the President be, and he hereby is, directed to give notice 17 Stat., 869. to the Government of Her Britannic Majesty that the provisions of each . and every of the articles aforesaid will terminate and be of no force on the expiration of two years next ader the time of giving such notice. ‘ » Sec. 2. That the President be, and he hereby is, directed to give and pungent ci. communicate to the Government of Her Britanic Majesty such notice of rgctod to lgivc nwsuch terminatiouron the nrst day of July, anno Domini eighteen hun- **°°· °*°· dred and eighty-three, or as soon thereafter as may be. · Sec. 3. at on and alter the expiration of the two year’s time re- Declaration or quired by said treaty, each and every of said articles shall be deemed repeal, vwand held to have expired and be of no force and efect, and that every department of the Government of the United States shall execute the laws of the United States (iu the premises,) in the same manner and to the same efect as if said articles had never been in force; and the act ’ of Congress approved March first, anno Domini eighteen hundred and seventy-three, entitled “An act to carry into eifect the provisions of the treaty between the United States and Great Britain, signed in the city of Washington the eighth day of May, eighteen hundred and seventy- one, relating to the Jisheries,” so far as it relates to the articles of said treaty so to be terminated shall be and stand repealed and be of no force on and after the time of the expiration of said two years. Approved, March 3, 1883. ,lu'onforthe rin' of theA culturalk rtforthe ear , "‘°·” ] ‘°“" ’°“° ".i._,».t ¤£.d.‘.‘3‘..s .r,,ey*?i‘i. °"° ’ ..“°’· "» ”’°“· Resolved by the Senate and House of Reprccbilatives of the United Pdaé) A 8H_ States of America in Congress assembled, That there be printed three g,,,u,,,,,u{,P,,,H·,,,. hundred thousand copies of the Annual Report of the Commissioner of 1883. Agriculture for the year eighteen hundred and eighty-three; two hunxxrr-41 _