Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/67

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40 FORTYSEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 61, 67, 68. 1882. - vide for the closin of an alle in s uare one hundred and

 CHAP. 61. niirgtgfhig ihghe city of Washington, Distrdt of (ilolumbia.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Alleyh s q u are- States of America in Congress assembled, That the Commissioners of the 19% •¤h*¤H*°¤ District of Columbia are hereby authorized and instructed, on the peti- °“Y* t°b° °l°'°d’ tion of all the owners of property abutting on a certain alley running north and south between Rhode Island avenue and 0 street, about one hundred feet east of Sixteenth street, in square one hundred and ninety- live, in the city of Washington, to declare said alley, or such portion Pmvin. thereof as may be included in said petition, closed: Provided, That the " owners of the land abutting on that portion of said alley to be closed in square one hundred and ninetynve shall, as a condition precedent to such action on the part of the Commissioners, iile in the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia a plat, to be approved by the Commissioners, dedicating to the use of the public, as a public alley, an area of ground equal to the area of the alley way declared to be closed. , . Sec. 2. That the owners of the property abutting on the portion of said alley which may be closed as aforesaid shall be held to have acquired all the right and title of the District of Columbia or of the city of Washington in and to the portion of the alley which may be closed under the provisions of the first section of this act, and which may be included within the extension of their several bounds to the lines of the new alley. · _ Approved, April 1, 1882. A . IE. CHAP. 6'l.—Ansettoamendseetion -fourhundredand -ei tof thelievised -L-§·°———-—· Statutes of the United States, tolio¤mefeesofohl‘if•e*;?rsofgrbsteamveazels. Bc it enacted by the Senate and. House of Representatives tif the United License fees at States of America in Congress assembled, That Section forty our hundred gulf?'. °‘ *****1 eight of the Revised Statutes be, and is hereby, amended by R_ s_ 4 4 58 striking out of the paragraph, beginning in the eighth line thereof, gmgmlql, ’ the following words, that is to say “Each Master, chief engineer, and i ilrst class pilot licensed as herein provided shall pay for every certiileategrantedbyanyinspector or inspectorsthesunroftendollars and every chief Mate, engineer, and pilot of an inferior grade shall pay for every certificate so granted the sum of five dollars" and insert in lieu thereof the following “Each Master, engineer, pilot, and Mate licensed as herein provided shall pay for every certificate granted by any inspector or inspectors the sum of nfty cents " Approved, April 5, 1882. _ CHAP. 68.-An set to facilitate the n' e e Apr 5, ISQ, Fr t of dividend; th creditors of th Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives o the United 2; SMU 6, M, States g America in Congress assembled, That Section si; of the act amended. “ amen mg the Charter of the Frcedman’s Savings and 'lfrnst Company, , 1E•_; and for other_ purposes" approved February twenty llrst, eighteen ccmpmsn hundred and eighty one, be and the same is hereby amended to read _ as follows, That, whenever said Commissioner is prepared to make a mfiw- dividend to the depositors he is authorized and directed to declare, and pay such dividend rn favor of the creditors of the bank, who have proved their claims as provided by law with checks upon the Treasurer gc Stgtesior tale A.;¥I€S'C2\ 3Sl11’B1' of the United States at · ew or wi su wri signaturesssma approv by the Secretary of the Treasury. y bs, ad Approved, April 5, 1882. ’