Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/8

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VIII LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. Page. Public buildin Terre Huh, Indiana. A11 not to provide for the erection of a. public building for the use of the post-oflice and government omces nt the city of Terre Haute, Indians. July 7, 1882. 152 Public building, Shreveport, Louisiana. An not to provide for the construction of a pnbhc building r at the city of Shreveport, State of Louisiana. July 7, 1882 . . . . ., ,.-_... 1.>2 Public building, Harrisonburg and Abingdon, Virginia. An not for the erection of a public building at Harrisonburg and Abingdon, State of Virginia. July 7, 1882 ... I . . . . -. . . 153 Gsllipolis, Ohio. An act to create a district for the inspection of hulls and boilers of steam vessels. 153 J¤\y7, 1882 ---- -· ------..-. ----·--- ·--- - ·.. , -... -.-- - ----- -·-- Public building, Dallas, T exon. An act for the erection of zi public budding ct Dallas, Pexas. July 154 7,18%.-.. .--. ..-. . · --··--·· -·--—- -··--• ·----- · ·--·-- j -········ ·· 060 Chapman Pont, No. 103, G. A. R. An act gunting four condemned cannon to Qtis Chgfmnn Post, Number One hundred and three, of the Grand Anny of the Republic, at Clucepee, usecbusetrs, for monumental purposes. July 7, 1882 -- .. Z _ . _ .. . 154 Bridge across Sainte Marie River. An act to authorize the construction of a railroad bridge across . the Sainte Mariekiver. July 8, 1882 ... .. . . _. ., 154 Hof Springs, Arkansas. An act to authorise the sale of certain lots in the city of Hot Springs, Arkansas, to the Womnn’s Christian National Library Association. _ July 8, 1882. . . Z .. 155 Bridges, in Georgia and Florida. An actto authorizethe construction of bridges over the rivers Sumt M:¤ry’s, Satella, Little Satella, and Crooked, in the States of George and Florida .. . 156 Grow Indiana, Montana. An act to accept and ratify an agreement wit the Crow Indians for the sale of e portion of their reservation in the Territory of Montana required for the use of the Northern Pacino Railroad, and to make the necessary appropriations for carrying ont, the same. July 10, 1882 .-.. ...- . ... ..·- ---- ---- ·------- - --------- 157 National Cemetery, New Albany, Indiana. An not making appropriation for the purpose of mncadnmizing a road from the city of New Albany, in the State of Indiana, to the natwual cemetery near said city. Jul§11, 1882 .. ...- . . . .. . 1. -- ..--·-------- 160 Public building, Dmfklin, eu York. An set for the erection of n public building at Brooklyn, New 161 York. Ju] BSB - ... ..-.-.-- . ... .· ··-.·· ···· -·-· · ---- · . Public b¤ilding, , An not br the erection of u public building at Oxford, Minis- 161 si i. J 2,1 .. l..- .,.. .. ..-.. . . ... - . ... .J.. r Bde of lspterest apos races, District of Columbia. An act fixing the rate of interest upon urrenmges of taxes ue July lirst, eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, and on all special assessments due the District of Columbia. and which may be paid by November first, eighaeen hundred and eighty-two, and for other purposes. July 12, 1882 . . . ... . . . 16l_ Home-breaking, District of Columbia. An act to more effectually punish honsabrcziking in the District of Columbia, and for other purposes. July 12, 1882 . ... - .--. 162 National Banking Associations. An act to enable national banking ancciations to extend their comporate existence, and for other purposes. July 12, 1® .. .. . . . . 162 Bridges our channels of Pearl River, jc. An not authorizinq the New Orleans und Northeastern Hail- Em boconstruct bridges over the channels of Pear River and Lake Pcntchurtrsin. July 1 IE .. . . . ... - - ... . . . ... - ... . . . ... 66 Fort Abucrosnbie Military Baervdios. Ln act abolishing the military reservation at Fort Aborerombie, in the State of Minnesota, and snthorizin the Secretary of the Interior to have the lands embraced therein mnde subject to homestead entry and sale the sums as other public lands. July 15, 1882 . . . .. . . .-.-.. .-.. .. . . ---- _.. .. 168 Water-supply, Washington, D. C. An not to increase the ymter-supply of the city of Washingwn, and for other purposes. July 15, 1882. . . . ... . . ---- 1 r: Public building, Poughkeepsie, New York. An act to provide for the erction of ll public Building nit Poughkeepsie, New York. July 15, 1882 ... . . 170 Condemned commu, East Blooayield, Man York. An act donating four condcmned csst·ir0n cannon for the soldier’s monument at the village of East Bloomfield, New York. July 19, 1882. . 171 Abc Lincoln Po•t,L'o. 29, G. A. R. An act granting condemned cannon to Abe Lincoln Post, No. · Twenty-niu§,?f tgelglénnd Army of the Republic, nt Council Bluffs, Iowa, for monumental purposes. n y , . . . ... . . .. 171 Port Dick Lenhart, G. A. R. An not donating four condemned castriron cannon ond four cost-iron cannon balls for the soldiers? monument nt Imnton, Ohio. July 19, 1882 . . . ..-. 171 Condemned cannon, Marshalltown, Iowa. An act granting condemned cannon, and so forth, to the city of Marshalltown, lows. July 19, 1882 .. ..,,,, ,, . ,,... , _..,,__,,,_,,,, ,_ ____ __ 171 Judicial districts, Iowa. An cet to divide the State of Iown into two judicial districts. July 20, 1882 . 172 Old poet-office rite, New York City. An nctwouthorizing the sale of the land and premises formerly occupied as a site for the posbotllce in the city of New York. July 21, 1882 ,,,,,,,,___ _ ____ 173 Ocean my AnJuct gg epézgéirnge and promote telcgrupliic communication between America ¤l’°P°· ¤¥ » ---~-·--·----—-·-—·.---·--·-- · ...- 173 Pension cpproprnwrs. An act muki v appropriations for the a ment of invalid und other n- sions the Unihul States for The iiscnl year ending Julieythirtieth, eighteen hundredlncud mghty-thmg, nml for other purposes. July 25, 1882 , , . . _ ,,_,, . ,,,.,,,,,., , _ _,,_,... ,__ , ,,,, ‘ 174 Catalogue of government publications. An act to authorize the preparation und publication of c classified, znnulytxcul, and descrpitive catalogue of all government publications from July fourth, seventeen hundred and seventy-six, to llnrch fourth ei·•I1teen hundred and eighty- qgg, July 2Q, 188Q,__ __ _________ _ __________ _______ _ ______ i__?_____ ____ _ _______ __ ______ 176 Ibm: of courl, Ukio. An act to iix the times for holding terms of the circuit and district courts _ of the United States in the northern district nf Ohio, Jul 27: I39g__ ________________ _ _____ mg P“*"°1liL31.""&¤£“Tz%Y‘{’§s»£l?T ?’YT’}1..‘}K ff? YT Yff’.f‘T1’f‘T”‘fT'T.‘T'l° ’“"“° ‘"‘"‘”“‘ “‘ *'*‘"‘“°““’ m ` Pnblso Filing, Sa-onto:. _Pem•ayh·ania. An not to authorize the pn rclmse of a site and the erection of n building for m postoilico and other government ohices in the city of Scranton, Pqgugxlyggga jqlyzf, _______ ______ _____________"______________" _________________