Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/858

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SUPPLEMENTAL CON V ENTION-ITALY. Fnnnunnr 24, 1881. 83] Supplemental convention between the United States and the Kingdom of February 24, 1881. Italy, concerning the rights, privileges, and immunities of consular ogicers. *—‘—"’_‘“ Ooncluded February 24, 1881 ; ratification advised by the Senate May 5, 1881; ratified by the President May 10, 1881; ratified by the King of Italy Lggy 8, 1881; ratifications exchanged June 18, 1881; proclaimed June 29, 1 1. · BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AIHBRICA. A PBOCLAMATION. Whereas a Convention supplementary to the Consular Convention of Proclamation. May 8, 1878, between the United States and Italy, was concluded between the two Governments and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Washington, on the twenty-fourth day of February, in the year one thousand, eight hundred and eighty-one, which Convention is word for word as follows: Convention supplementaryto the Gon- Oonvenzione Supplementare alla sular Oonvention of May 8, 1878, Gonvenzione Oonsolare dell’ 8Magbetween the United States of Amer- gio 1878, fra gli Stati Uniti di ico and His Majesty the King of America e Sua Maesta il Re d’ Italy. Italia. Whereas question has arisen at Divario di opinioni essendosi Preamble divers times between the govern- manifestato ha il Governo degli i ment of the United States of Amer- Stati Uniti .d’ America od il Goica and the government of His verno diSuaMaestai1Be ¢i’ Italia, Majesty the King of Italy, touching riguardo alla interpretazione da the interpretation of the eleventh darsi a1l’ articolo undecimo della article of the Convention between Convenzione concernente i diritti, ~ the two countries, concerning the privilegi ed immuuita degli Uiiirights, privileges and immunities ciali Consolaridei duepaesi,iirmata of Consular Officers, signed at a Washington il giorno otto del Washington on the eighth day of mesediMaggio del1’ anno mille otto May, one thousand eight hundred eento e settanta otto, ed in special and seventy-eight, and especially modo rignardo a quolla parte di with respect to so much of said dotto articolo che doiinisce o limita article as defines and limits the la giurisdizione delle autorita loeali jurisdiction of the authorities of the e degli Uiliciali Cousolari rispetto country and of the Consular Oiii- a disordini 0 delitti a bordo delle cers, with regard to offenses and navi mercantili dell’ uno Stato disturbances on shipboard, while mentre [si trovano] nelle acque torin port; and whereas the high con- ritoriali del1’ altro; ed evendo le tracting parties, have deemed it alto parti contraenti ritenuto utile expedient to remove for the future di elimiuare per l’ avvenire ogni all ground of question in the prom- motivo di dubbio riguardo n questo ises, by substituting a new article questioni, sostitueudo un altro artiin place of the said eleventh article colo a quello undecimo della conof that Convention; the United veuzione predetta; gli Stati Uniti States of America and His Majesty di America e Sua Maesta il Re d’ the King of Italy, have resolved to Italia hanno deliberate di stipularo conclude ss special supplementary una speciale conveuzione supple- Convention to that end and have mentare a questo scopo, ed hanno appointed as their Pleuipotentia- nominate loro Plenipoteuziari: ries: °