Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/97

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7 O FORTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 163. 1882. not more than one thousand dollars of any moneys appropriated by this act shall be expended for clerical labor at this agency; At the Osage agency, at one thousand six hundred dollars; At the Cheyeyne and Arapaho agency, at two thousand two hundred dollars · At the Kiowa, Comanche, and Wichita agency, at two thousand dollars · At the Union agency, at one thousand eight hundred dollars; At the White Earth agency, at one thousand six hundred dollars; At the Sac and Fox agency, Iowa, at one thousand dollars ; At the Green Bay agency, at one thousand five hundred dollars ; At the La Pointe agency, at two thousand dollars; At the Mackinac agency, at one thousand two hundred dollars ; At the New York agency, at one thousand two hundred dollars; At the Colorado River agency, at one thousand five hundred dollars; . At the Pima agency, at one thousand eight hundred dollars; At the San Carlos agency, at two thousand dollars; _ At the Moquis Pueblo agency, who shall also perform the duties of teacher and clerk, at one thousand five hundred dollars; and no other money appropriated by this act shall be expended for pay of teachers or for clerical labor at this agency; in all, eighty-nine thousand nine hundred dollars. Interpreters. For the payment of necessary interpreters, to be distributed in the ’ R- 8- 2070. 363, discretion of the Secretary of the Interior, twenty thousand dollars; "‘P°"l°‘r and section two thousand and seventy of the Revised Statutes be, and the same is hereby, repealed. ` Inspectors. For pay of five Indian inspectors, at three thousand dollars per annum each, hfteen thousand dollars. Fordnecessary traveling expenses of live Indian inspectors, six thousand ollars. Immm, of In. The President is authorized to appoint a person to inspect all Indian alan schools. Schools, who is hereby required to report a plan for carrying into eftect, in the most economical and eiiicient manner all existing treaty stipulations for the education of Indians, with careful estimates of the cost - Education of In- thereof; also a plan and estimates for educating all Indian youths for ·1i¤m youths- whom no such provision now exists, and estimates of what sums can be saved from existing expenditures for Indian support by the adoption I of such plan, whose compensation shall not exceed three thousand dollars. which sum is hereby appropriated for that purpose, and also a further sum of one thousand five hundred dollars for his necessary traveling expenses. Agency build- For buildings at agencies, and repairs of the same, twenty-tive thoui¤s¤· sand dollars. Contingencies. For contingencies of the Indian service, including traveling and incidental expenses of Indian agents and of their offices, and for pay of employees not otherwise provided for, and for pay of four special agents, at two thousand dollars per annum each,. thirty~eight thousand five hundred dollars. 1...1;,,, Service For the expenses of the commission of citizens, serving without comcouimission. pensation, appointed by the President under the provision of the fourth " 1** S“”·· *°- section of the act of April tenth, eighteen hundred and sixtyqiine, four thousand seven hundred dollars, to be distributed as follows, namely: For secretary, two thousand dollars; for messenger, six hundred dollars ; for rent of office, four hundred dollars · for traveling expenses of the commission, one thousand five hundred dollars; and for contingent expenses of office, two hundred dollars. And hereafter the commission mem and pew- shall only have power to vist and inspect agencies and other branches °¥¤· of the Indian service, and to inspect goods purchased for said service, and the Commissioner of Indian Anairs shall consult with the commis- Report. sion in the purchase of supplies. The commission shall report their doings to the Secretary of the Interior.