Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 22.djvu/975

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Dciniticnof the b0rm"ambn1anc¤."

ART. III. Under fha conditions provfiled for in Armcles I. and IV. of the Convention, tha name " ambulance " applies to iicld hospitals and other temporary establishments, which follow the troops on the field of battle to receive tha sick and y mccvoir des malades at des blessés.

ART: III. Dzmsles c0uditi0uspréx*u0s par lcs article? un ct quatra dc In Convenyion, la déu0m1uat1011 d’umbul:mc0 s’npphqu0 aux hépitznux dc campagne qt autres étu.· blisscments tcm]£0raires q11L iuiHent les tmupcs sur es c amps 0 zi ai a pour wounded.

Charges fm- qua;. mying of troops, and contributions, ctc.

ART. IV., In conformity with the spirit of Article V. of the Convention, and to the reservations contained in the protocol of 1864, it is explained that for the appointment of the charges relative to tim qnartcring of troops, and of the contsributwns at of war, account only shall be taken in an equitable manner of the charitable zeal displayed by the inhabitants.

ART. IV. Conformémqut Mkespritg de Pm-- ticle ciuq do la Convention ct aux rése;-veg mcutiouuécs au Protocols de 186}, il est expliqué que pour la réparmuou des charges relatjvcspu logcment dg troupes aux contributwns do gucrm, 11 no scm tenu compte qmi5lar§ mesure de l’équité du zèle charitable déployé par les habitants.

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zguzray 0: caugb- {gm .°f mm agf; thuing arms ° wm"

ART. V. In addition to Article VI. of the Convention, it is stipulated that, with the reservation of officers whose detfution mivht be important to the fate 0 arms ana within the limits iixcd by the second paragraph of that article, the wounded be sent back to their country, after théy are cured, or s00n;;; if possible, on condition, ncvcrtshclms, of not again bearing arms during the continuance of the war.

Arun V. Par extension de Particle six dc la Convention, il csh stipulé que sous la réscrve des officierg dont la poisscssiou importarait an sort es armcs ct ( ans lcs limites iixécs par lc deuxiéme; paragraphs dc cet article, les blossés tombés entre les fallen into tha limds of the enemy shall mains do Yenncmi, lors méme qu’i1s no seraicnt pas rcconnus incapablcs de servir, devront étre rcnvqvés dans leur pays nprés leur guérisou, ou plus abt si faire se peut, h. la condition toutufois c nc pas reprendrc lcs armcs pendant la duréa do la guorre.

[Articles concerning the Marine.]

Articles conccmant In Marine.

Bmtspic · up t h 6 shipwmcicd 01, wouudem atm

ART. VI. The bouts which, at their own risk andpcril, during and after an engagementpick np qhc shjpwrcckcdor wounded, or which having picked them up, convey them on board a neutral or hospital ship, shall enjoy, until the accomplishment of their mission, the character of neutrality, as far as tho circumstances •f the engagement and the position of the ships ongaggd will permit.

ART. VI. Les cmbarcations qui, A leur risqucs at périls, pendant at nprés lc combat, mcucillent cu qui, ayant recucilli des naufmgés ou des b1cssés,1cs portentz A bord d’un navirc suit ucutrc, soit hospitalicr, jouiront jusqu’£s Paccomplissement do leur mission d0 la part dc neutralité qnc lcs circonstaucos du combat at la situa tion dos nuvires sn coniis pcrmcttrout do leur appliquer.

The appreciation 0 t cse cirmm nccs is entrusted to the humanity of all the cgmbataxatii T30 wromakcd and wounded 1: us pic c an save must not servo aiain (¥1{'§Dg gshc iontiuuancc of the war.

L’appréciation ces circonstances est confiée à l’humanité de tous les combattants. Les naufragés et les blessés ainsi recueillis et sauvés ne pourront servir pendant la durée de la guerre.

Religious, medical, and hospital staff of a captured vessel declared neutral.

ART. VII. The religious, medical and hospital sts1E0f any captured vessel are declared neutral, and on leaving the ship, may remove the articles and surgical instruments which are their private property.

ART. VII. Le personnel religieux, médical at hospitalier de tout bâtiment capturé, est déclaré neutre. Il emporte, en quittant le navire, les objets et les instruments de chirurgie qui sont sa propriété particulière.

Duties of staff officers, etc.

ART. VIII. The staff designated in the preceding article must continue to fulfil their functigns in the captured ship, assisting in the removal of the wounded made by the victorious party ; they will then be at liberty to return to their country, in conformity with the second paragraph of the first additional article.

ART. VIII. Le personnel désigné dans l’article précédént doit continuer à remses fonctions sur la bâtiment capturé, concourir aux évacuations de blessés faites par le vainqnaur, puis il doit être libre de rejoindre son pays, conformément au second paragraphe du premier article additiounal ci·dcssus.

pay and mow- 'lgm stipulations of the second addi- Lee stipulations du dcuxiéme article mm of stag; t01`h3l ?!'t1C16 ar; ézpplzcablc to the pay additiounel ci—dessus sont applicablcs nu an a owance 0 e u a . traitemcut dc cc personnel. Captui·od hos· IX. The military iiospital ships 41:1*. IX. Los bétiments lwpitaux milipntal ships to ro- remain under martud law in all that can- tures restont soumis aux lois do is gucrrc, xnaiu under ma.r· cams their stores; they become the pmp- on ca qui concerns leur matériol; iis dctnal law, ctc.; not cijty of the capwr, bu t the Inttcr must not viennont la pronriété du capmur, mais c0· to be used fm other cixvart diem from their special nppmpria.- lui-ci no pcuna csdétourncr dc leur affecpurpocca. tion during the coutmnauco of the wu. tion spécmlc pondnntladuréodo In gucrro. ’[ The vessels not equipped for jlghtiosg, which dtring peace the govmmenl shall ‘ sm Jpmazzy muwéa to be mmm w um ds jloaung lnnpiml ships, almll, Iwwever, enjoy during the war complete neutrality, both as regards stares, and also as regemlo their zggéprqmégléd  ;·qxi?n;e1•t exclusively t are employed.}

—-—In the published English text, fmxn which this version of the Additional Articles is taken, tha paragraph thus marked m brackets appears in continuation of