Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/156

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128 FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 227. 1884. necessary; ten lieutenants, at one thousand three hundred and twenty dollars each; twenty sergeants, at one thousand one hundred and forty dollars each ; ninety privates, class one, at nine hundred dollars each; one hundred wud forty privates, class two, at one thousand and eighty dollars each ; seventeen station-keepers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; eight laborers, at four hundred and twenty dollars each; one messenger, seven hundred dollars; one messenger, five hundred dollars; one major and superintendent, mounted, two hundred and forty dollars; one captain, mounted, two hundred and forty dollars; twenty lieutenants, sergeants, and privates, mounted, at two hundred and forty dollars each; one driver, three hundred and sixty dollars; one ambulance driver four hundred and eighty dollars; one assistant to driver three hundred dollars; rent of sixth and seventh precinct station-houses, substation at Uniontown, and police headquarters, three thousand and twenty dollars; for fuel, two thou- Ncw mmm in and dollars; erection of stable in nrst precinct, three thousand dol- ,,,,1, ,,,.°c,,,c,_ lars; purchase of site and erection of new station in sixth precinct, Comin t fifteen thousand dollars; repairs to station-houses, one thousand two www K"' °x' hundred dollars; miscellaneous and contingent expenses, including stationery, books, telegraphing, photographs, printing and binding, gas, ice, washing, meals for prisoners, furniture, and repairs to same, police equipments, and repairs to same, beds and bed-clothing, insignia of office, horses, harness, and forage repairs to van and ambulance, and expenses incurred in prevention and detection of crime, and other necessary items, nine thousand five hundred dollars; in all, three hundred and thirty-seven thousand one hundred dollars. esmaweu alarm To purchase, if on due trial found useful and necessary, twenty Game-

  • °]°8¤¤Ph Wd **1**- well alarm telegraph and telephone police stations, ive thousand dol-

},',?,;';? p°u°° °t°' lars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. Fon Tim Finn Dmunrirmcr. Flndepsnmem:. For one chief engineer, one thousand eight hundred dollars · one nre marshal, one thousand dollars; one clerk, nine hundred dollars; two foremen acting as assistant engineers, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; six foremen, at one thousand dollars each; six engineers, at one thousand dollars each; six iiremen, at eight hundred dollars each; two tillermen, at eight hundred dollars each; eight hostlers, at eight hundred dollars each; fifty-four privates, at seven hundred and eighty dollars each; three watchmen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; one veterinary surgeon, three hundred dollars; repairs to enginehouses, seven hundred and fifty dollars; for fuel, two thousand dollars; purchase of horses, two thousand five hundred dollars; forage, six thousand dollars; hose, two thousand dollars; repairs to apparatu , four thousand dollars; exchanging three Amoskeag engines, C‘<>¤*i¤g¤¤* ¤¤· nine thousand dollars; contingent expenses, including office-rent, horse- P"“°"“· shoeing, furniture, washing, oil, medical and stable supplies, harness, blacksmithing, labor, gas, and other necessary items, seven thousand five hundred dollars ; purchase of site and erection of new engine-house, ten thousand dollars; in all, one hundred and nineteen thousand two Pf""’“°· , _ hundred and thirty dollars : Provided, That the Commissioners shall de- ,.“f5’°”‘“““ '°h°f duct one dollar each month from the monthly pay of each llreman, ' which sum so deducted shall be kept as a iiremen’s relief fund under the control of the Commissioners, and shall be used for the relief of any fireman who by accident, while in actual performance of duty, shall become so permanently disabled as to be discharged from service therefor, and in case of his death, leaving a widow or children under sixteen P"°°"°· years of age, for their relief: Provided further, That such relief shall not exceed for any one fireman or his family the sum of forty dollars per month. - mma W. Darby, To pay Rezin W. Darby the amount due him on his contract for re- P•¥*¤•¤* *0- modeling the Georgetown townhall and converting the same into a nre-