Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/191

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I·`OR'1`Y-EIGHTH coxcmsss. sms. 1. cn. 331. lss;. 163 l·'or one assistant index clerk, to be employed from December iirst, eighteen hundred and eighty-ibm-, to May thirty-iirst, following, at six aloliars per day, one thousand and ninety-two dollars. For bcokkeeper and four clerks, one thousand six hundred dollars each. For the person preparing the general index to the Journals of Congress, under resolution of June eighteenth, eighteen hundred and sevent.y-eight, two thousand five hundred dollars. For two messengers in the House library, at three dollars and sixty cents per day each, two thousand six hundred and thirty-tive dollars and twenty cents. For one laborer in the bath-room, seven hundred and twenty dollars; tour laborers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; one telegraph operator, nine hundred dollars. For clerk to the Committee on Ways and Means, two thousand ilve hundred dollars; assistant clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; messenger, one thousand dollars. For clerk to the Committee on Appropriations, two thousand ilve hundred dollars; assistant clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; messenger, one thousand dollars. ` For clerk to the Committee on the Judiciary, clerk to the Committee on Agriculture, clerk to tho Committee on Claims, clerk to the Committee on the Public Lands, clerk to the Committee on War Claims, clerk to the Committee on Invalid Pensions, clerk to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, clerk to the Committee on the District of Columbia, clerk to the Committee on Indian Ailhirs, clerk to the Committee on Commerce, clerk to the Committee on Naval Afairs, clerk to tho Committee on Rivers and Harbors, and clerk to the Committee on Military Atfairs, at two thousand dollars each. For assistant clerk to the Committee on War Claims, one thousand six hundred dollars. For private secretary to the Speaker, one thousand eight hundred dollars. · For clerk to the Speaker, one thousand six hundred dollars. For clerk to the Spea.ker’s table, one thousand four hundred • ollars. For S8fg08Dt·8t·AIm8 of tho House of Representatives, four thonsand dollars; for one horse and wagon for his use, five hundred dollars; one deputy to the SCIQGBDFBVAIDB, two thousand dollars; one cashier, three thousand dollars; one payingdeller, two thousand dollars; one book keeper, eighteen hundred dollars; one messenger, one thousand two hundred dollars; one page, at sixty dollars per mouth; and one laborer, at six hundred and sixty dollars. For postage-stamps for the odieers of the House of Represcn natives, namely; For the Sergeant-a.t·Arms, fifty dollars; the Clerk, fifty dollars; and the Postmaster, fifty dollars. For Doorkeeper, three thousand dollars; and for hire of horses, ilve hundred dollars; assistant doorkeeper, two thousand dollars; second assistant doorkeeper (George A. Bacon), under resolution of December twenty4me, eighteen hundred and eighty-one, to be employed in the document-room, two thousand dollars; clerk for Doorkeeper, one thousand two hundred dollars; janitor, one thousand two hundred dollars. For superintendent of sho folding·room, two thousand dollars- three clerks in the folding-room, one at one thousand eight hundred dollars, and two at one thousand two hundred dollars each; superintendent of the document room, two thousand dollars; chief assistant in the documentroom, at two thousand dollars; document illo-clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars; assistant document tlc clerk, under resolution of Deeemher nineteenth, erghtecn hundred and eighty-one, one thousand three hundred and fourteen dollars. For rent of additional folding-room, one thousand dollars; one night Rmtofmom tar wawlnmm, nine hundred dollars; one driver, slx hundred dollars; for *`°]d*¤8· keel lor homes and eore and repairsof wagon and harness, si: hundred clullmm.