Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/196

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168 FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 331. 1884. S ¤ re r vi ¤ i ¤5 Surrmvrsme Auonrrncr.- In the construction branch of the Treas- $f¤‘fr*;_"°"*» "·“ ury: For Supervising Architect, four thousand ive hundred dollars; assistant and chief clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars; one principal clerk, at two thousand dollars; photographer, two thousand dollars; two clerks of class three; three clerks of class one; one clerk, at airgemgipipdgeld ldollgrrg; ang tome grspsmug messenger; in all, nineteen un an w n . plgylgsafi i sl ein- And the services of skilled draughtsgenfitvil engiineers, computers, umu Dfzppmpml zcgguntants, modelers, assistants to t_e p 0 ograp er, copyists, and ,,00 ,-00 other services as the Secretary of the_ Treasury may deem necessary and specially order, may be employed in the Office ot: the Su.pervising Architect to carry mto elfect the various appropriations for public buildings, to be paid for from such appropriations: Frovided, That the expenditures on this account for the tispal year enging June 3hirtieth.'btc h ded d`ht-ii halntecee h red F S »¤»»··r y »M..i tilt,. u.€.'i.s.‘1I’d 2i..iE.2.,°;i.i§t!“s§c.ea.;’ otglthe r£§§m";“.m

;';Y,0_";0";,f)]f,f each year, in the annual estimates, report to Colugress the number of

I I ' persons so employed and the amount paid to eac .

F£"¤* C¤¤¤;>¤<>¤- Fmscr Comrrnormnn or run Tnnssunr.-For First Comptroller of

' 0*:2 d°P“*Y· ° "k“* the Treasury, five thousand dollars; deputy comptroller, two thousand ·- geveéimhlundred dollars four chiellis of divéision, at two {:h<:isau_d {me un dollarseach; veclerkso cass our· ecvencer so cass three; ten clerks of class two; eight clerks of dlass one; four clerks, at one thousand dollars each; and eleven clerks, *at nine hundred dollars eaeéh; one mgssenger ; and three laborers; in all, eighty-three thousand an twenty ollars. Be ond comp- Siacoxn Comrrnorrnu or rim Tnmlsmzr.-For Second Compmllgf. ¢!¤P¤W· troller of the Treasury, five thousand dollars; deputy comptroller, two °1°‘k'· °“'*• thousand seven hundred dollars, live chiefs of division, at two thousand one hundred dollars each; nine clerks of class four; fourteen clerks of class three; fourteen clerks of class two; twelve clerks of class one; three clerks, at one thousand dollars each; nine clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; one messenger- and three laborers; in all, one hundred “"% ""1i.*"11’.§'.*l‘t'*" T.?`?" "‘*“‘t'i" s..a.““° *3%;** "é’£fi'§;· me .8 dered or e ion orcc lll e u mp s n necessary by increase of work relating to pensions, namely : Three . clerks of class iiour; three clerkshof class ghree; and two clerks of class one · in all twe ve thousand six o Adjusting ac ~ For continuing the adjustment of the accounts of the Soldier’s Home, ?£;¤g°¤H°Y **1** Sd under section forty-eight hundred and eighteen of the Revised Statutes}, Res. 030 Klgigm tglghe Comptroller and in the Onice of the Secon g.,m,,,;,,,;,,m,r of Comrrssromsm or Cusrous.-For Commissioner of Customs, four Customs, deputy, thousand dollars; deputy commissioner, two thousand two hundred °’°"*°· °""· and fifty dollars; two chiefs of division, at two thousand one hundred dollars each; two clerks of class four; five clerks of class three; eleven clerks of class two; nine clerks of class one; two clerks, at one'thougatnd dolhairs eaeg; on: asg1st1ant5n3s;sr•;r;Tg(¢;r);lds"nd one laborer; in all, y-one thousand six un re an . First Auditor, Fmscr Aumrou.-For the First Auditor of the Treasury, three thoui¤l•¤¤¢.¤i¢¤‘l¤¤,¤¢¤· sand six hundred dollars; deputy audxtor, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars; four chiefs of division, at two thousand dollars each; seven clerks of class four; ten clerks ot class three; eleven clerks ol $"Ti“ °"°‘ l?"£"°"“ °‘°"§3 °‘§‘?““ 2Z"°° €'.‘i¥§§ tf.£“m.i° “"?i‘I.liZI‘£ o ars enc · wo copyis an wo coun rs, a _ _ _· ` epch; twlo aslsj;s§]antdme1ssen(,;:etz;s; gud Evo laborers; in all, eighty-eight t iousan eng un re an n o a . _ Second Auditor, Saconn Aumcrou. For Second Auditor, three thousand six hundred i¤l>¤f·y.¤l¤rk¤,¤¢¤· dollars; deputy auditor, two thousand two hundred and Mty dollars; six chiefs of division, at two thousand dollars each; eight clerks of eluss tour; lor. y clerks of class three; additional to one clerk of class three as disbursiug clerk, two hundred dollars; iftydive clerks of class