Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/22

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XXII LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. Page. Fmcdall Carpenter. An act for the relief of FSI1d3H C¤¥’P¤¤WI`· Miniih 3: 1885 ·---·· · ·······'‘‘ ‘ “E28 William H. Whitcvmb. An act granting a. pension to William H. whltCOX}lb· March 3, IBS5 ·-·- -- (ii John W. Martin. An acc for the relief of John W. M3·1‘iiD; M01`¤h 3, 1880 · - -; ——---- · ···· ···· ···· {{*8 Durid AI. Nagle. An act granting a pension to David M- BH31B- March 3» l88·" ·; -·-· · ········ • •‘‘‘ **78 John E. Denham. An act granting u pension tc John E. D¢l1l1¤¤r M¤¤¤h ·*» 18%* --;· ----·- — ······ 628 Robert Cary. An act granting an increase of pB¤Si0l1 to R0b€1'F C8;';'- Merch ga 18** -·········· "• Gfg Jervmmh McCarthy. An act for the relief of Jeremiah M¢U¤·1`f5`· ¤1`<>h $»1§B° --·-- -- ----· · -···· (H9 Mayen E Carleton. An act for the relief of Moses F. CBPIBIOIQ- MRPOh 3, 1880- - ·: - - ·--- - - ----·· · · · Sarah J1. Bmell. An act; granting n pension tu Sarah M. Bw4f5U- March 3· --·-- - -------- · · bi? Ann E. Gridley. An act granting a pension to Mrs. Ann E- Gl'1<U0_Y· M1}!'?]! ·‘, 1885 ; ---—· ---- --j- 6*-) Eliza W. Thornburgh. An act granting an increase ofpcnsmn to the wxdow of Mayor Thomas T. Thomburgh, lata of the United States Army. March 3, 15B5 .-·- - ·-------·-- - ----- - ·-·--—-- ew Emily L. Alvurd. An act granting a pension to Mrs. Emlly L· AiV0l‘d· MST0h 3, 1865 -···- · · ·---- 680 Mary A. Greene. An act granting a pension to the widow of the late Commander S. Dana Greene, United States Navy. March 3, 1885 .. - ... . .. . ... 680 Hugh and Byrd Douglas. An acc for the relief of the estates of Hugh and Byrd Douglas, deceased. 680 March3,l885 . ... .-.. .. . ... . ...-· - ---- -·-- ---· -- ---··-·----·--- - ··-· 1'hmnus Jejries. An act granting a pension to Thomas Jeifiics. March 3. 1885- ------ -~· ·----- -·· C1-wt [I. Dougherty. An act granting a penaiou to Greet: H. Doughcrly. March 3, 1885- ----- · ----· (*81 John Boyle. An act granting u pension to John Boyle. March 3, l@5 .-·-·- - ----·-----—----· ·-- - $81 Elizabeth Conor. An act grnnt-ing as pension to Elizabeth Connor. March 3, 1885 . . . . @81 Lcmucl J. Bennett. An act granting a pension to Lcmuol J. Bennett. March 3, 1885 . .-. . 681 Rachel Nickell. An act. granting a. pension to Rachel Nickel}. March 3, 1885 - - - -·--· - ---- 681 Branuiu, summers and Company. An act for the relief of Bramniu, Summers and Company. March 682 3, 1;+85 ,,,,,. . . . . . ..._.. . ._,.,,,... . . - . ,_,.. . . . . ,, John B. Davie. An act for the relief of John B. Davis. March 3, 1885 .. . . . . ., -.- 692 William W. Tluman. An not for the relief of William W. Thomas. March 3, 1885.. - . 682 Nathan H. Dunphc. All act for the relief of Nathan H. Dmnphu, of Bridgewater, in the Ststo of Massachusetts. March 3, 1885 . . . . .-.--. .. ... . 683 Lydia s. Huggins. An act granting a pension to Mrs. Lydia S. Huggins. March 3, 1885 -. 683 Nelly Roberta. An not granting a pension to Nelly Boberts. March 3, 1885 . .. 683 John Juylor and Son. An act for the relief of John Taylor and Son. March 3, 1885 .. 683 Annie E. Bailey. An act granting a pension to Annie E. Bailey. March 3, 1886 . . -- .. 683 J. H. Hammond. An act for thorolinf of J. H. Hammond. March 3, 1885 .. .. 684 George W. Bean An act granting a pension to George W. Beau. March 3, 1885 . . . .. . . 684 Calvin L. Kuick. An acs igrzmting a pension to Calvin L. Kuick. March 3, 1885 .. .. --... 684 Edward Kramer. A11 act or the relief of Edward Kraemor. _ March 3, 1885 --. ... 684 Harriwn Mitchell. An act fur the relief of Harrison Mitchell. late of Company K, Forty-eighth Indiana Volunteers. March 3, 1885. ... . .. 684 Joseph Mvlntoah. An act granting a pension to Joseph McIntosh. March 3, 1885 .. . . --.. 685 Mary Allen. An acc granting a pension to Mary Allen. March 3, 1885 .. . . - . ---. 68.3 ' .-Stats National Bank of Boston. Massachusetts. An act for the relief of the State National Bank cf Boston, Massachusetts. March 3, 188.~ . . . . .. ... .. . . . . ..-. 685 Jann Stockton. An act granting s pension to James Stockton. Mm-eh 3, 1885 .. . ... h85 Richard Dillon. An act granting u pension to Richard Dillon. March 3, 1885 .. . . .--- 686 Jacob Funkkoum. An act granting a pension to Jacob Funkhouser. March 3, 18*35. . .--- 686 Marion D. Lybart. An act granting a pension to Marion D. Egbert;. March 3, 1885 . ..-. 686 Nathaniel Johnson Cajon. An acs for tho relief of Lieutenant Nathaniel Johnson Collin. March 3, 18'5 . . . . . ... ~ . .. . . . . ..- . ;-. . . 686 Nathaniel Pond, jr. An act for the relief ofNutbuuie Pond, jr. Mare]; 3, 18B5 ..., ---, .. . .,... 666 Sarah E. Webafer. An act for the relief of Sarah E. Wcbswr, admiuistratrix. March 3, 1885 687 Cihzenu of Marion Cmmty Tennessee. An act for the relief of cercam citizens of Marion County, Tennessee. March 3, lu85 .. . ., . ... . . ..-- 687 L7izabr1h HC Creighton. A11 act for the re11efofE1izabcmh W. Creighton. March 3, 1885 GS1 Mary Rqyal. An act thr the relicfof Mary Royal. March 3, 1885; ..,.. .. . .,,- ..,.. .. ,.,, -... 6(57 Charles Milk. An act tht the rcliefof Charles Milk. March 3, MS5 __,,.. . ,, _ __,,,. , ,__, _,,, 633 Grigaby Foster. An act. thr the reliefot'Grignby Foster. March 3, 1883 ,. . ,,_, , ,,.,. , ,,,_ __,_ 645,3 Rosa Dougwmy. An act for the relief of Rom: Dougherty. March 3, 1555 ,...,____ __, _ ___,_ _ __,,, ($83 John P. Pvleramn. An act for the rc1i¢~fofJ0hu P. Peterson. Much 3, 1855 ,___ _ ______,,,___ __,_ 688 Tl»»m·uz¢ J. Jones. An act for the relief of Doctor Thomas J. Jonca. March 3, 1885 . . 698 John F. (Thane. An act. for the reliefof John F. Cbnsc. March 3, 1885 ____,, _ _____ _ _,,_, _ _______ gpg Charles L. Aldon. An aut mr the relief o|·'t‘barles L. Alden. March 3, 11*85 .. ..-. BHD Clark G. Maine. An act {br the ru\iefofCi:n·k G. Maine. Mm-ch :4, 1385 ._,.,________,, _,_ ______ 689 P`r•·drri¢·k Haven An uct, for the relief 0f1·`tcdcrick Hunan. March 3, 1885 ,,,___ __ ____ , _,,______ 659 Dunivl .lIc.·Upin. An act {br the r¢·1ie—fo(` Daniel Me-Alpiu. Murph 3, l8r3S_ ,_,,_______ ____ ____ ____ 639 Joaeph IC Wilson. An act for the relief of Jem-pla I-`. W1I»on. March 3, 11585 .. . .. 690 Pmwlou H. Morey. An not for the relief of Pardon H. Morey. M.;n;h_3, [S15 . 690 [da 1-*. Belcher. An act {br ;be|·u1ict'qf Mm. ldu P. Belcher. March 3, 1d8L .,--. ... 690 Christian Arm}!. An ucc for (hc relief of Christian Armlt. March 3, 15155 . - . . 69l Wihimn Szauaberry. An act thrtho relief of William Stmmberry. March 3, 1885 ., . . . . 69l Addiron M. Caper:. An act for thu relief ofAddis0n M. Cupun. kiarch 3, 1885. . . ... .. 691 William D. Phrwmrorfh. Ab act for the relief 0!'William D. 1·"umsw0rtb. March 3. 1885 . 691 Eagan B. Rael and mlm-:. An act. for the relief of Eugene B. Rail and others. March 3, 1885.. . 691 John M. Milla:. An act granting u pension to John M. Milton. March 3, 1885 .. . ... 692 Jah G. Tod. An act for tha relief of the legal repnsenmtiven of dw late Captain John G. Tod, of the Taxa navy. Mm-cb 3, 1885 . . ..,,,.,.,. - ,i,_______________ ___ ______ _ _____ 692