Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/318

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290 FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 43. 1885. cruiting for the naval service, and for the transportation of enlisted men and boys at home and abroad, twelve thousand five hundred dollars. Contingent ex- For contingent expenses equipment and recruiting: For extra ex- P¤¤¤¤· penses of trainingships, freight and transportation of equipment stores, printing advertising, telegraphing, books and models,· postage, cartickets, ferriage, ice, apprehension of deserters and stragglers, assistance to vessels in distress, continuous-service certificates and good-conduct badges for enlisted men, school-books for training-ships, medals for boys, and emergencies arising under cognizance of Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting unforeseen and impossible to classify, five thousand dollars. Civil establish- For the civil establishment at navy-yards and stations, four thoument. sand five hundred dollars. BUREAU OF YARDS AND DOCKS. Y“'d”"dd°°*“· For general maintenance of yards and docks, namely: For ireights ml"'- and transportation of materials and stores; books, models, maps, and drawings; purchase and repair of are-engines; machinery; repairs on · steam iire-engines, and attendance on the same; purchase and maintenance of oxen and horses, and driving teams, carts, and timber-wheels, and all vehicles for use in the navy-yards, and tools and repairs of the same; dredging; postage on letters and other mailable matter on pub- , lic service, and telcgrams; furniture for Government houses and offices in the navy-yards; coal and other fuel; candles, oil, and gas; cleaning and clearing up yards, and care of public buildings; attendance on fires, lights, nre-engines and apparatus; for clerical and incidental labor at navy-yards ; water-tax, and for toll and ferriages ; rent of four oiIicers’ quarters at League Island; pay of the watclrmen in the navy-yards; and for awning and packing-llioxes, and advertising for yard and dock purposes, ninety thousan dollars. contingent ,,. For contingent expenses that mayarise at navy·yards and stations, penses. five thousand dollars. CM, ,,,,,,,,;;.1,. d Forthecivil establishment at navy-yards andstations, twelve thousand ment. 011111*8. BUREAU OF MEDICINE AND SURGERY. §¤¤;¤¤¤¤, ¤•¤¤•· For support of the medical department: For surgeons, necessaries “"“°“‘ for vessels in commission, navy—yards, naval stations, Marine Corps, and Coast Survey, twenty thousand dollars. Hospital fund- For the naval-hospital fund, namely: For maintenance of the navalhospitals at the various navy-yards and stations, fifteen thousand dollars. And if the Secretary of the Navy shall not be able to maintain properly the whole number of naval hospitals now kept open on the amounts hereby appropriated for the maintenance of and civil establishment at naval hospitals, he shall close those which are least necessary to the service, and provide lor the patients now cared for therein at such other naval hospitals as may be most convenient. Contingent ex- For contingent expenses of the Bureau : For freight on medical stores; pauses- transportation of insane patients; advertising; telegraphing; purchase of books; expenses attending the medical board of examiners; rent of rooms for naval dispensary; hygienic and sanitary investigation and illustration; purchase and repair of wagons and harness; purchase and feed of horses and cows; tI°8€S, garden tools, and seeds, twelve thousand ave hundred dollars. Repairs. For necessary of naval laboratory, naval hospitals, and appendages, including roads, wharves, oubhouses, sidewalks, fences, gardens, farms, and cemeteries, two thousand five hundred dollars. Civil establish- For the maintenance of the civil establishment at the several naval '°°°*‘· hospigalg, navy-yards, naval laboratory, and Naval Academy, ten thousan dollars.