Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/38

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10 FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 20, 21. 1884. CHAP, _- I ttk Iads l fth -


of Colorado the benetis of thebizctlof gu? egcoud, ei;ihé<;;1:ehu:¢}1r¢_§{;:;3,

t1 1 "A d    c an s 0 e severe. s a

2;; I$;0Vill§ 2:1§e;;e;ig:€h% mpe6t of agriculture and the mechanic arts." " 12 sur., 503. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United 18 8**% 474- States of America, in Congress assembled, That an act entitled "An act ngygztggrkialg to enable the people of Colorado to thrm a constitution and State govggleggmqgrtgjulgudg ernment, and tm- the admission of the said State into the Umop on an vltnlrxchau mineral Equal footing with the original SL:,tes", apygpved March thai céghgccrg uudred and eveuty-tive shall constru as giving to e a e 0 Colgrado the right tg} sefect for school purpose hotberbggnds iugie;1 le; _ suc sixteenth and t rty sixth section as may ave u or s a P"°”“*°· found to be mineral lands: Provided, That; such selections shall be made hom lands returned as agricultural, and upon which at the date of selection no valuable mineral discoveries have been made; and all such selections shall be reported to the Secretary of the Interior, who shall, if be is satisfied such lands so selected are not mineral, so certify, and thereupon the right of said State to such selected lands shall dually attack? and the Secretary of the Interior shall also useernflaifn whether . any 0 such sixteenth and y-sixth sections are mine ands and shall certify their character, which certiiicate shall determine the metter. Deputy ¤¤rv¤y- Sec. 2. That it shall be the duty of the deputy surveyor, at the time °’· duty °£ of exegcuging the survey of any township, to make a critical examination 0 e character of sections sixteen and thiri:y·six and to embrace in his iieldmotes a full report of any and all mineral discoveries ibnmd tp the surveyorgeueml, who shall report to the Secretary of the_]uteporhwhetgner the whole or any part of either of smd sections IB mmeml 111 c arac er. 14 Bus., 5B. Sm. 3. That the State of Colorado, in selecting lands for agriculturalcollege purposes under the acts of July second, eighteen hundred and sxxty-iimxyeud July twenty-third, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, may select an amount of land equal to thirty thousand acres for each Senator and Ikpresentatxve which said State is entitled to in Congress, h·0m anypublic land in said State not double-minimnnpriced land; or segeggous m:?; lie plmde said dcggle-uglnimum lands, but in the a rcase e an sare cnmpu at emaximumpriceandthe number of acres proportionally diminished; but no mineral lands shall be selected. _ Approved, April 2d, 1884. API-_ I0, gg_ CRAP. 21.-An act to print certain eulogl? delivered in Congmm upon the hte —i1——-—-·-——— GD. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Thomas men, States of America in Congress ancmblod, That there be printed of the dmy: 9t¤;1¤zi¢¤ eulugies delivered in Congress upon the late Thomas Allen, e member of Q1? §£$£L,°{,‘?.,;'°XF“»$'£&°I2,‘?.'f‘2?..f’°“..§"°¤£§“§Z $5 “£““°“‘ " ¥'1‘§}'%.,"‘°{‘4 e rin . · · usa s r e use 0 e us

 and eight thousand for the use of the House of Representatives; aud

the Secretayy of the Treasury xs hereby directcdjo have printed :.1 portrart of sand Thomas Alkm to accompany said eulcgies; and for engraving end pnming sand portrait the sum of five hundred dollars, 01- so upuch as may be necessary! IB hereby appropriated out of any money m the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, April I0, 1884. ·