Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/424

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396 FORTYEIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 343. 1885. dgcd and twengy dg?; soggabgrons; in all, one hundred and fourteen thousand ono un an Ty dollars. Pxioof - mming, For proof-reading the laws of the United States and reports to Con- °**“°¤°’Y» °*·°- gross, including boxes and transportation of the same, one thousand two hundred and eighty dollars, thr stationery, furniture, HXtlll‘BS,$\l1(l repairs, tivo thousand dollars; for hooks and maps, and books for the library, two thousand dollars; in all, eight thousand two hundred and oi hty dollars. Lithogmpher. §·‘or services of lighograpbcr, land Secgsisaay materials for the lithophic press, one thousand two nun re c dollars. naming md dip- gnhor expenses of editing and distributing che laws enacted dngiug the ¤¤'i‘>¤*i°¤ °f |¤·"¤· second session of the Forty-cigtln Congress, three thousand dollars. Editin and di; For cx -nses of cditin uml distributing the Statutes at Largo of the ¤’ib¤¢i<>¤¥ of W6 Flht L oge th u nd doll s orry-ug ln ‘ongress, n o su ar . I . §ta:»t;:g:¤I{“§;- For contingent expenses, namely: For care and subsistence of horses P°¤¤°¤· and repairs of wagons and harness! one thousand two hundred dollars; lor rent of stable and wagon-shed, sux hundred dollars; forcuro of clock, tulegraphic and electric apparatus, and repairs to the same, one thousand dollars; and for miscellaneous items, not included in the foregoing, two thonsand dollars; in all, four thousand eight hundred dollars. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. P¤y0fSoc1·¤tu·y, Smcrzmuuuvs Omucn.-For compensation of the Secretary of the A¤¤i•:]•¤¢ 8¤¤¤¢¤· Treasury, eight thousand dollars ; two Assistant Secretaries of the Treas- "°’> °’h· °*°· my, at four thousand ive hundred dollars each; stamographorto the Socrotary, two thousand dollars; two clerks of class four; Government act.- uary, under the control of the Treasury Department, two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars- one oopyist; live skilled laborers, at llvo hundred and fifty dollars each; iivo skilled laborers, at iivo hundred dollars mg;3 mzssexégors; one assistant messenger; in all, thirty live shousan eighty ollnrs. Omen o I chief Offico of chief clerk and superintendent: For chief clark, including ¤!•¤*» ¤¢¤- three hundred dollars as superintendent of Treasury, building, three thousand dollars; one clerk of class four; one clerk of class three; one clerk of class two; two clerks of class one; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each; one clerk, at nine hundred dollars; one messenger; one storekecpur, ono thousand two hundred dollars; one telegraph operator, one thousand two hundred dollars; three elevator conductors, at seven hundred and twenty dollars oaqh; one ongineuyona thousand four hunnmd dollars; ono usnstam cngnneor, one thousand dollars; one machinxst and gasitter, one thousand two hundred dollars; seven firemen; one gardener, eight hundred and forty dollnrs; one captain of the watch, one thousand four hundred dollars; two hentenauts of the watch, at nine hundred dollars each; fifty-eight watchmen; one foreman of laborers, one thousand dollars; twentyaunc laborers; ton laborers, nt tivo hun- QS ‘Z‘Z!£‘2€.“;%‘$‘L‘c{.‘J;.*0'““°"i;“’°“‘ f.'"""é.°d"“”‘3°‘* $113 3%.* ‘°£L;‘£“ · - men a no un an ug 0 e · and ttm- the iollowing omployeés while actually employed: one foreman of cabinet shop, at tivo dollars por day; one dnughtsmsn, at four dollars por day · one cabinevmakor at three dollars and llflzy cents 1- da ·

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twelve cabmetmakcrs, aq three dollars per day each; one oabnnetmakor, ?§uZ”§¤`§‘(¥l;‘3“..‘L"i{ 33; $l§.‘1}k¤°"...° '“‘3"$ ““"&.'°"""""‘ "“°“"“"‘ · · an can Divi mm pr wm-· Division of warrants, estimates, and a.pg1·0pristions: For chief of di- '•¤*•· °•¤¤¤*»?¤· vision, two thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars- assistant chief • n d n ro na- - · · 7 mu Pp P of dxvxsnon, two thousand four hundred dollars; estimate and digest clerg, tivo thonsand ¢lm1 Qvo clerk; of glass four; additional to one cer 0 cuss ourus peronc un reddollarr three lcksof clasp zbgee gn: of class two; agar clerk; of clnss,ono; si: clerks, a. mnc un 0 rs em: · one a rex- an one ussistantmesse · in all, thin; ·fuur thousand Jud thirty dollars. · nga,