Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/446

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418 FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 343. 1885. Per EGM, Mc-. For per diem, when absent irom home on duty, for special examiners, mr ‘V°°""1 °"““‘ or other persons employed in the Pension Office detailed for the purm°r°' pose of making special investigations of matters pertaining to the Pension Bureau, in lieu of expenses for subsistence, at a. rate to be fixed by the Secretary of the Interior, not exceeding three dollars per dey, and for actual and necessary expenses for transportation and assistance, three hundred and sixty thousand dollars. _ Addmomicxam. For an additional iorce of one hundred and Efty special examiners, iners. for one year, at ei salary of one thousand tour hundred dollars each. two hundred and ten thousand dollars; and no person so appointed shall ‘ be employed in the State from which he is appointed; and any of those now employed in the Pension Office or as special examiners may be reappointed if they are iound to bequaliiied. Per diem, sm., For per diem in lieu of subsistence for one hundred and fifty addifor %ddi*i$>¤¤l tional special examiners above provided for, while traveling on duty, “¥’°°“‘I"‘““"“"· at ei rate to be tixed by the Secretary of the interior, not exceeding three dollars per day, and for actual necessary expenses for transportation and assistance, two hundred any twenty thousand dollars. Compensation UNITED STATES PATENT 0F1··1cE.-·For compensation of the Oom- <>f¤<·r¤mi··¤i¤¤¢r<>f missioner of the Patent Office, five thousand dollars; for assistant

 cggfgiefg commissioner, three thousand dollars; for chief clerk, two thousand

Bm ’ ’ two hundred and iiity dollars; one law clerk, at two thousand dollars : three examiners-in·cl1ief, at three thousand dollars each; examiner in charge of interierences, two thousand five hundred dollars ; trademark examiner and examiner of designs, nt. two thousand four hundred dollars each; twenty-tour principal examiners at two thousand ibm- hundred dollars each ; twenty-eight iirst assistant examiners, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each ; twenty-eight second assistant examiners, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; thirty third assistant examiners, at one thousand four hundred dollars each ; thirty-five fourth assistant examiners, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; one financial clerk, two thousand dollars, who shall give bonds in such amount as the Secretary of the Interior may determine; one librarian, two thousand dollars; three chiefs of division, at two thousand dollars, each; three assistant chiefs of division, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each ; three clerks of class four, one of whom shall act as application clerk; one machinist, one thousand six hundred dollars; tivo clerks of class three (one of whom shall be translator of languages) ; eighteen clerks of class two; fifty clerks of class one; one skilled Inborer, one thousand two hundred dollars; four skilled dranglitsmen, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; three draughtsmen, at one thousand dollars each ; one messenger and property clerk, one thousand dollars ; thirty-two permanent clerks at one thousand dollars each ; five model attendants, at one thousand dollars each ; ten model attendants, at eight hundred dollars each; seventylive copyists, six of whom may be copyists of drawings; four copyists, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; sixtytwo skilled laborers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; torty-five laborers, at six hundred dollars each ; forty laborers, at tour hundred and eighty dollars each; in all, five hundred and ninety-seven thousand one hundred rind seventy dollars. Books fo,. m,,,,, For pu rclmse of books for a. scientitic library for the Patent Office, three tiiic library. thousand dollars. ph0t,,mb,,g,,,ph_ For photolithogrnpbing or otherwise producing plates for the Official ing, etc. Gazette, forty-tour thousand dollars. For pliotolitbogrnyihing or otherwise producing copies of drawings of the weekly issues of patents, for producing copies of designs, trademarks, and pending applications, und for the reproduction of exhausted copies; said photolithographing or otherwise producing plates and copies. reterred to in this and the preceding paragraph, to be done nneler the supervision of the Commissioner of Patents, and in the city of Washington, if it can there be done at reasonable rates; and the Commissioner of Patents, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior,