Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/451

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FORTY -EIGH’1`H CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 343. 1885. 423 dred dollars each; fifty-four female clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; six female clerks, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each ; three assistant messengers; eight laborers; four female laborers, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; in all, two hundred and thirty thousand seven hundred and eighty dollars. For superintendent of foreign mails, three thousand dollars; chief S¤P*2ri¤*°¤d*?¤* clerk, two thousand dollars; one clerk of class four; three clerks of gig'?:?;?? class three; one clerk of class two; one clerk of class one; two clerks, and assistgiut ,,,,,81 at one thousand dollars each; one assistant messenger; in all, sixteen senger. thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars. For superintendent of the money—order system, three thousand five S¤P°*i¤*·°¤d°¤* hundred dollars; chief clerk, two thousand dollars; six clerks of class :fSt':u;’Q;3{(Q;‘;;' four; eight clerks of class three; five clerks of class two; ten clerks of J,,,k,,Q,,,d ,,;;,,,1-sf class one; six clerks, at one thousand dollars each; live clerks, at nine hundred dollars each ; one assistant messenger ; one engineer, one thonsand dollars; two Bremen; four watohmeu; one conductor of elevator, seven hundred and twenty dollars; four charwomen, at one hundred and eighty dollars each; one female laborer, four hundred and eighty dollars; and ten laborers; in all, seventy-three thousand one hundred and sixty dollars. For ollioe of mail depredations: Chief clerk, two thousand dollars; 0m°°_ 0* mail one clerk of class three; two clerks of class two; five clerks of class :Q;f_?d;E}fff’;i‘;°f one; two clerks, at one thousand dollars each; one assistant messen— ’ " ` ger; in all, tlfteen thousand one hundred and twenty dollars. For topographer, two thousand five hundred dollars; four skilled Topographer, draughtsmen, at one thousand eight hundred dollars each; three skilled d""gh'“”’°”# "°"· draughtsmen, at one thousand six hundred dollars each; four skilled draughtsmeu, at one thousand four hundred; three skilled dmughtsmen, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; one examiner, at one thousand two hundred dollars; one clerk of class two; one mapmonnter, at one thousand two hundred dollars; one assistant mapmounter. seven hundred and twenty dollars; one assistant messenger; two watehmen; and four female clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; in all, thirty three thousand nine. hundred and eighty dollars. _ _ For omce of dishursing clerk and superintendent of building: Dis- Dishnrsrngclerlk bursing clerk and superintendent, two thousand one hundred dollars; ::3 of“P§;f£‘;‘gj one clerk of class two (accountant); one clerk of class one (store- ,,;,,;,,1 gym ’ keeper); one engineer, at one thou and four hundred dollars; one assistant engineer, at one thousand dollars; one fireman, who shall be a blacksmith, at nine hundred dollars; one fireman, who shall be a steamlitter, at nine hundred dollars; one conductor of elevator, seven hundred and twenty dollars; two iiremeu, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each ; one carpenter, at one thousand two hundred dollars; one assistant carpenter, at one thousand dollars; captain of the watch, at one thousand dollars; nineteen watchmen; twenty laborers; one plumber, nine hundred dollars; one awning maker at nine hundred dollars; and fifteen eharwomen, at one hundred and eighty dollars each; iu all, torty-five thousand six hundred and forty dollars. For contingent expenses of the Post-Office Department: For station- Continnent •—x— ery and blank-books, nine thousand dollars; for the purchase of free mlm ° P""' penalty envelopes, three thousand six hundred dollars; fuel, and for °°D°P°m°°°" repairs to heating apparatus, seven thousand two hundred dollars; for _ gas, six thousand six hundred dollars; plumbing and gas-fixtures, four thousand seven hundred dollars; telegruphing, ilve thousand dollars; painting, tour thousand seven hundred dollars; carpets and matting, ive thousau d niuelmudred dollars; furniture, seven thousand Eve hundred dollars; keeping of horses and repair of wagons and harness, one thousand five hundred dollars · hardware, one thousand seven hundred dollars; miscellaneous items thirteen thousand dollars; in all seventy thousand four hundred dollars. For rent of topographer’s ollloe, one thousand ilve hundred dollars; Rent or topogfor rent of a suitable building or buildings for the use of the mo¤ey· "Pl‘°"' °m°°·