Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/46

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18 FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Suss. I. Ons. 37, 38. 1884. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mary B. Hem- To pay Mary E. Herndon, widow of the latc Houorablc T. H. Hern- "°“· P’*F¤*B¤* *0- don, the amount of salary and allowances for stationery for the uncxpired term of his service as a. member of the Forty-eighth Congress, eight thousand eight hundred and seventy-fivc dollars. H¤¤-W-F-PML T0 pay the mother of the late Honorable W. F, Pool the amount of p‘?*`“'°“‘ °°‘“°u‘°' salary and allowances for stationery for the uuexpucd term of his serv- °i' icc as a member of the Forty-eighth Congress, seven thousand seven hundred and thirtyseven dollars and sixty-six cents. Hon. E. W. M. To pay the widow of the late Honorable E. W. M. Mackey the amount M“°i‘°Y, ¥’“Ym°“* of salary and allowances for stationery for the unexpired term of his t° °"d°w °f‘ service as a. member of the Forty-eighth Congress, five thousand fivc hundred and eighty-six dollars and sixtyseven cents. Hou. D. C. Has- To pay the widow of the late Honorable D. C. Haskell the amount of k*T“· P¤Ym°¤* *° salary and allowances for mileage and stationery for the uncxpircdtcrm `"d°w °f' of his service as a member of the Forty-eighth Congress, six thousand seven hundred and hftccu dollars and ninety-seven cents. Hou.E.M.Cutts, To pay the widow of the late Honorable M. E. Cutts the amount of P¤>'¤¤°¤* *0 wid"' salary and allowances for stationery for the unexpired term of his °f’ service as a member of the Forty-eighth Congress, seven thousand six hundred and hfty-two dollars and thirty-aight cents. Alcxaudcr B. To enable the Clerk of the House to pay Alexander B. Thomas and T]{°'”’·°· W’l°°“ Wilson Gricc for services rcudcrcd under resolution of the House from Gr"' payment t°' March fourth to December third, eighteen hundred and eightymhrcc, at sixty dollars pcr month each, one thousand and eighty dollars. Approved, May lst, 1884. May 2, ]884_ CHAP. 38.-Au act to add certain counties in Alabama to the Northern District —...;...— therein, and to divide the said Northern District after the addition of said counties into two divisions, and to prescribe the times and places for holding courts therein, and for other purposes. Bc it enacted by the Sonata and House of Representatives of the United Alabama, coun- States of America in Congress assembled, That the counties of Sumter, ms h°*dd°dd§rf;° Greene, Halc, and Pickens, included in the southern district of Alabama, °°" °"' °and the counties of Tuscaloosa, Bibb, Shelby, and Talladega, included in the middle district of Alabama, shall be hereafter included in and constitute part of the northern district of said State. Northam and Sec. 2. That the said northern district is hereby divided into two ¤¤¤¢h¤¤’¤ divi¤i¤P¤ divisions, which shall be known as the northern and southern divisions ‘:fi§°'H‘°'“ d‘“' of the northern district of Alabama. The southern division of said ` northern district shall include the counties of Sumter, Greene, Halc, Pickens, Tuscaloosa, Lamar, Fayette, Walker, Jclfcrsou, Blount, Bibb, Shelby, Saint Clair, Etowah, Calhoun, Cleburne, Clay, Talladega, Term, hold at Cherokee, and Dc Kalb; and a term of the district court and circuit Bir ¤¤i¤zh l m, court of the United States for said northern district shall be held thr "h°"· said southern division at the city of Birmingham, in the said county of Jcticrsou, twice in each yam-, on the first Mondays in March and Sep- C5>¤¤*i¤¤ wm- tcmbcr. The remaining counties in said northern district shall consti- §;‘;‘”€d?§i:?;*£j tutc the northern division thereof; and `the terms of tho district and ,,.,,.m_ ’ circuit courts of the United States for said northern division shall be held therein at the times and place now prescribed by law. Oifcuscs mgm- Srnc. 3. That all ofcnscs hereafter committed in either of said divisi- ¤•b1q¤¤d_f¤gii9¢¤·· ous shall be cognizablc and indictablc within the division where com-

l°hn:’ cgégiugdn mittcd; and all grand and petit jurors summoned for service in each

‘ division shall be inhabitants thereof ; and all odenscs committed within J""°"‘· either of said districts prior to the time this act goes into operation shall _ be prosecuted and tried as if this act had not been passed. Ci"! ¤¤i¢•, ¤¤f· Sec. 4. That all civil suits, not of a local charactcr, which shallbc I°°°l in °h'"°*°’· hereafter brought in the circuit or district court of United States for the