Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/470

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442 FOBTY-EIGHTH coxcmcss. sms. 11. cu. 354. wss. “ The use of these signals is optional, but if they are used the- ccursv cf the ship must be in accordance with the sigpal IIE3dB. _ Ovm-mkzing my “ART. 20. Notwithstanding anything contumcd m {my preceding urn W kwv <>¤¤ •>f WW cle, every ship., whether :1. sailing-slup or n. steamsbnp, overtuking uu) "f "h'P °'°”“k°“· other shall keep out of the way of the overtaken ship. _ Conrminugrmw “ABT. 21. In narrow channels every steamship sha1_1. when nt rs sqm ¤b•¤¤<¤!¤· and practicable, keep to that side of the fairway or m1d·chunuel whwh lies 011 the starboard side of such ship. _ _ “ART. 22. Wlxere by the above rules one of two ships as to keep out of the way, the other shall keep hor course. swam cmmm. "AR'1‘. 23. In obeying aud construing these rules dqc rcgzml shall besamem. had to all dangers of navigation, and to any special cnrcurpstnnces

 which may render addoparturo hom the above rules necessary m order

to avoid immediate anger. No amp, under “N0 SHIP, UNDER ANY CIRGUISTLNOES, T0 NEGLECT PROPER PRE- ¤¤y ¤ir¤¤¤¤¤¢¤¤¢¤•» cuvmous. * tn noglpct proper P @ “ABT. 24. Nothing in these rules shall oxhoucrato any ship, or the owner, or master, or crow thereof, from the consequences of may neglect to carry lights or signals, or of guy neglect to keep a._prop<>r 1001;-out, or of the neglect of any prgcantnon which may be mqmped the oruinary practice of seamen or by the special circdmétauccs nf the case. Resowvamm or "1msmzvAT10N OF RULES 1*01: HARBOR um INLIND 1uvIGA¤‘10N. rules for harbor

i°‘““d“"“¢* “A1n·. 25. Nothing in these rules shall interfere with the operation
 of a special rule, duly made by local authority, relative to the navigation of any harbor, river, or inland navigation.
  • ‘s1>Ec1AL LIGHTS 1*01:. sqvnmous um OOIIVOYS.

No inemmum A “Au1•. 26. Nothing in these rules shall interfere with the operation with wid mlm of any gpeqigl rules made by che Government of any nation with rqagpcct

 to additional station and signal lights for two or more ships of war or

0,. ship, mq,,. ,0,,. for ships sailing under convoy. V0 . _ Eggummr ships “AJz1·. 27. When az ship is in distress and requires assistance from ·¤ •*··*¤'°•¤· other ships or from the shore, the following shall be the signals to be used cr displayed by hor, either together ur separately, that is to say:

 “In the daytime-

“ First. A gun tired at intervals of about a minute. “Scc0nd. The international code signal of distress indicated by N U.

  • ‘ Third. The distant signal, consisting of an square flag, having either

above or bslow it a ball, or anything resembling as ball. “At nig t-- “First. A gnu fired at intervals of about a minute.

Sw;>ndL)Flamcs on the ship (as from u. burning mr-barrel, oil-barrel,

an so on . “ Third. Rockets or shells, t,hrowin,·£smrs of any color or description, iired one at as time, at s on intervals. A ll ccuiicting Sec. 2. That all laws audgaru of··laws inconsistent with the forego- 'j*•’¤ ¤=P¤•i¤d·,°¤· ing “Revised International ales and Regulations" ibn- the navigantion 'ggf °Q·‘},*{,‘:§‘: of all public and private vessels of the United States upon the high

,k,,_ ,,,,,; ;,,;,,,,i seas, and in ull coast waters of the United States, are hereby repealed,

»y¤e.·¤» or United except as no the navigation of such vessels within the harbors, lakes, and

";tY;";mnh°‘“t illhiud waters 0i: the United States; and that this act shgll take gig`;

Swwmw, I mM_ and bu an force trom and after tha iirst clay of September, anno Domun

 eighteen hundred and einzbtyfour.

Approved, March 3d. 1885.