Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/482

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454 FORTY-EIGHTH CONGRESS. Sess. H. Ch. 359. 1885. five dollars; Lelia I. Sinclair, four hundred and fifty dollars; Elizabeth H. Spotts, two hundred and fifty dollars; A. F. Warley, one hundred and eightyseven dollars land tiny ients Mepceid G. lllreut, Shree] dred and seventy-five dollars; Vil iam eig , our unc rem nn; y dollars; Eliza M. Fairfax, four hundred and fifty dollars ; Eliza H. Ramsay, one hundred and fifty dollars; Van R. Morgan, two hundred and fifty dollars; John T. Mason, three hundred dollars; Frederick Chatard, tour hundred and fifty dollars; M. C. Meigs, three thousand three hundred and_seventy dollars ; Joseph W. Harrison, thirty-one dollars and seventy-eight cents, in all, two hundred and thirty-eight thousand four hundred and eighty-five dollars and nine cents; and a sufficient sum in addition thereto as may be necessary to pay the interest on the judgments in favor of the Great Falls Manufacturing Company and I of James W. Harvey and James Livcsey as above provided is hereby {agus:. be aid appropriated : Promded, That none of the aforéeisaid Judgments shall be mm right ops? paid until the right of appeal shall have expir .

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HID Metropolitan police, contingent expenses : To pay Washington Gas- Washi¤gt¤¤G¤¤— Light Company, gas for police headquarters, May and June eighteen Llght C°¤'2P;’”Y· hundred and seventy-nine, fifty dollars and eighty five cents. ”y"?°° of Executive ofdce, contingent expenses: To pay the Public Printer for Public Printer, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ payment to, printing and binding three hundred copies of Report of Commissioners for eighteen hundred and eightyone, three hundred and forty-one dollars and seventy-one cents. · _ w_ A_ G.,,-.10,,, Miscellaneous expenses: To pay W. A. Gordon, for examination of payment tc. title, March, eiggiwjglragpnhw and gghty-two, gfnlot glove; block (pi? by order of A. .e, attorney istrict of um ia, ing a e - ciency for eighteen hundred and eighty-two, twenty-five dollars. _ Boundary mm. Boundary intercepting sewer: That the uncxpended balances of apccpting sewer. propriation for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty, four hundred and fifty-seven dollars and nity-nine cents, liscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-one, six thousand four hundred and fourteen dollars and thirty cents, are hereby reappropriated and made available for labor and material applied to that work under contract numbered three hupldred and eighty ·nine, dated May twelfth, eighteen hundred and eig ty-two. $*A¤e¤¤1¥’:u°¤¤¤· Assessors officez To pay G. A. Hall the difference between salary as ‘ muh m · P‘Y' messenger, at nfty dollars per month, and salary as clerk, at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum, from July first, eighteen hundred and eighty-two, to June nrst, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, eleven months, he having performed ·the duties of clerk during that time, being for the service of the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-tl1ree, five hundred and iiity dollars. Furniture, new Furniture for new school buildings: To pay J. W. Boteler and Son °°}°°`;`,b*§}g¤;8¤·&' for furniture for Analostan school, being a dedciency for the fiscal year Son', p,;,,m_,,Q’,°f°_ eighteen hundred and eighty three, six dollars and fifty cents. Auditors omce. Auditor’s olncez For temporary clerk—hire to enable the auditor to h§;""P°’“*`Y °1°*’k· bring up the books and arrange the records of his officc and to audit ’ the books of the collector, being thr the service of the fiscal year eigiiteen hundred and eighty-four, one hundred and forty three dollars ana niuet —six cents. !gi¤*ri¤¤ 0m ¤¤¤ District?oBces and markets: For fuel, ice, gas, repairs, and insurance, "“Fu‘;‘j‘f;‘:';;s etc being a deficiency for the fiscal year eighteen hundred and eighty-four, ’ ’ ’ ° sixtyfour dollars and eightyeight cents. Streets, sewers, Streets: For cleaning and repairing lateral sewers and basins, four °*°· dollarséind flortyeight ceut1s;ffor clgaping tidal sewers, thirty-ilvc dollars an eig t cents; in a ort · dollars an twen ·eight cents being detieien ciei lor the iiscalyearhighteeu hundred atxid eightyfonr. uxdmpolitan pc- Metropolitan police: To complete the pay of the six members of ' the police force detailed under the act of January thirtydirst, eighteen