Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/7

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LIST OF PUBLIC ACTS AND RESOLUTIONS. *.11 Pago. Logialafivo, executive, and judicial appropriation:. An act making appropriations for the legislative, executive, and judicial expenses of the Government for the tisca] year ending Juno thirtieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-tive, and for other purposes. July 7, 1864 -- . . . . . 159 Sundry civil expenses, appropriations. An act makin appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Government for the ii cul year ending J uno gxirtioth, eighteen hundred and eighty-fivc, and for other purposes. July 7, 1—B4 .. .. . . . .. .. .. . . 194 Consular and diplomatic appropriaiiona. An act making appropriations for the consular und diplo- , matic service of the Government for the fiscal yam- ending J unc thirtiath, eighteen hundred and eighty-five and for other purposes. July 7, 1884 .-.- .--- -.-. -- 227 Deficiency appropriatiana. An act making appropriations to supply daiiciencies in the appropriations for the iiscal your ending June thirticth, eighteen hundred and eigbtpfour, and for prior years, and for those ccrtiiicd us duo by the accounting ohicers of the Treasury in accordance with section four of the act of Juno fourteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, heretofore paid from permanent anipropriations, and for other purposes. July 7, 1884 .. 236 Naval {mlm apprqrriations. An act ma ing temporary provision for tho naval service. July 7, 26 -.-- .-.- ...- ..-. -- ... . . .. . ... -.-. 2 RESOLUTIONS. I Employc'0, House and Senate, compensation. Joint resolution extending tho time fixed for tho joint commission appointed to consider the number and salaries 0 oiicers and employés of the two Houses to submit their report. December 12, 1883 .. . . . . -... . 265 Salaries ennployla of Congress. Joint resolution authorizing the payment of the salaries of the omployés of the two Houses of Conigress on the twentymccond instant. December 21, 1883.. - 265 General George Washington. Joint reso ution relating to the surrender by George Washington of his commission as Commander-in-Chief of the patriot forces of America. cccmbcr 26, 1883 265 Detail of clerks to House committees. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to detail from that Department two clerks to act as assistant clerks to certain House committees. February 1, 1884 .. .-.. ... 266 Antonio Barrios, José Victor Zarala. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of War to receive for instruction at the Military Academy at West Point, Antonio Barrios of Guatemala, and José Victor Znvala of Nicaragua. February 2, 1884 - .. . . . - . . . .. . . . . . . . 266 J. J. McElIo•r¢. Joint nw lution to correct an error in the enrollment of on act making appropriations to supply deficiencies in the appropriations for tho fiscal Klear ending Juno thirtioth, eighteen hundred andei rhty-three, and for other years, approved arch third, eighteen hundred and eighty-threw. $’cbrnsry 2, 1884 .. . . . ... . . . . ..-. .. ... 266 1\|•¤for paging club to committees. Joint resolution fixing the time when the pay of certain clerks wcommittocsand other cm loyés of the House of Representatives shall begin. Fcbrnariy; 7, 1884 266 Deatitute Indian, appropriation. goint resolution appropriating one hundred thousand do an for the sup ort of certain destitute Indians. February 8, 1884 - . . . . ... .-.. $7 Sujcrera, oveqgm of Ohio River. Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary of War to use rations for the relief of destitute persona in the district ovcrtlowcd by the Ohio River and its tributaries and miking an appropiamiou to relieve the snilksrers hy said overflow. February 12, 1884 . . . .. . . . . ... . . -. . .. . . - . 267 A. W. Gnely, relief of Joint resolution making an appropriatirn for the relief of Licntennnt,A. W. Grealy and his party composing what is lmown as the Lady Franklin Bay Expedition to the Arctic Regions. February 13, 1884 . -... .. . . . ... . . 267 Health ojlcer, District of Columbia. report ufl Joint resolution authorizing the printing of two thousand five hundred extra copies of the report of the Health Oiiinar of tho District of Columbiz. February 15, 1884. . . -- .--. .. . . - ... . 268 Seafarers, aren;/low of Ohio River. Joint resolution making further appropriations for the relief of destitute persons in tho districts ovorilowcd by the Ohio River and its tributaries. Fcbru— ary l5,ld··é4--... .. -.-. .. -... -.- . .. ... . . .--. . 268 Inimus, edumiion ori Joint resolution authorizing an expenditure of money for Indian educational purposes. 1·`chrua.ry 15, 1884 .. .- . . . .. 268 Smilkmnian Institution. Join; resolution filling an existing vacancy in the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution. March 3, l8r: .. . . .. . . . . .. . . 2{E Dudley C. Haskell, eulogiea. Joint resolution for the printing of certain uulogies delivered in Congrmm upon the late Dudley C. Haskell. March 13, 1864 . . -.. .. 269 Sufvrers, jlood» of Mississippi River. Joint resolution reappropriuting the sum of one hundred and twenty-tivo thousand dollars nor expended lor the roliof of sutlbrors hy tbc floods of tha Miseiissippi River. March 27, 1884 . . . . . . . . . .- .. .. . . . 269 Contingent fund, senate. Joint. resolution providing for the addition of ton thousand dollars to the contingent fund of the Senate. March 31, 1884 . . . . .. . 269 Customs revenues. Joint resolution to provide for printing certain documents relating tonustoma rovcnumi and domestic exports for the use of Congress. April 2%, 1884 .. . . .. . . 270 Okoimmxi lawlibrury. Juini resolution granting certain publscntionsto the Cincinnati law library. April 2:*, Iw:4 .. . . . . . . . . . ... . . . ., . . . . 270 0IiqfJutice Marshall statue. Joint resolution relative to the ceremonies of the unveiling of the shame of Chiof’Ju»ticc Marshall. April 29, 1884 .. .-.. .,.. .,.- ._,_,, _ 270 Loom of lays. Joint resolution authorizing the Sowrotsry of Wsrto losn to tho mayor of Richmond, Virginia, is curtain nmount of tlugs and bmiting for uso at as fair. May 3, 1884.. . 27] Loan offap. Joint resolution authorizing the Serrotary of War to loan two hundred llags to the city of Charlotte, North Carolina, for the celebration of the Mecklenburg Doclaraiion of Indevpenolmscc. May 3.Pid84 .. , . . . -.-. . . .. . . .-.. 271 Dunne H. Herndon, oulogies. Joint resolution to print twelve thousand Ivo hundred copies of eulogiu on Thonma H. Herndon, lata a Repreantativo in Congrm. Hay 3, 1884 . . 271