Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/756

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728 c0NvnNT10N-Fnxucn. FEBRUARY 8, 1883. February 8, 1883. Convention between the United States of America and the French Republic for the further extension of the term of the Claims Commission established under the Convention of January 15, 1880. Concluded February 8, 1883; ratijication advised by the Senate, with an amenament, February 21, 1883 ; ratified by the President of the United States April 3, 1883; ratified by the President of the French Republic, June —, 1883; rati/ications exchanged at Washingten June 25, 1883; proclaimed June 25, 1883. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNTTED STATES OF AMERIGA. A 1>R0oLAMAT1oN. Preamble. Whereas, a Convention for the extension of the term of the French and American Claims Commission to April 1, 1884, was concluded between the United States of America and the French Republic and signed by their respective plenipotentiaries on the eighth day of February, eighteen hundred and eightythree, which Convention as amended by the Senate of the United States, is word for word as follows: P•1‘¢i¤¤- Convention between the United States Convention entre les Etats- Unis of America and the French Re- d’Amérique etla Republique Franpublw for the extension of the term caise pour prolonger le terme de of the French and American Claims la durée de Ia Commission des Re'- Commission to April 1, 1884 clamations Franco-Américaines, jusqu’aa 1er Avril 1884. _ $¤¤p¤- The Government of the United LeGouvernementdes Etats-Unis States of America and the Govern- d’Amérique et le Gouvernemeut de ment of the French Republic, being la République Francaise, ayant acpersuaded that the labors of the quis la conviction que les travaux Commission for the settlement of de la Commission pour le reglement theclaims of citizens of either coun- des réclamations des citoyens de try against the Government of the chacnn des deux pays contre le other, which was organized under Gouvoruement de Pautre, qui a. été the Convention between the two instituée par la Convention entre Governments signed at Washing- les deux Gouvernements signée a ton the 15th day of January, 1880, Washington le 15 Janvier 1880, and which was extended to_July laquelle a été prolongée jusqu’au 1, 1883, by the supplementary cou- 1** Juillet 1883, en vertu de la vention of July 19, 1882, cannot be Convention supplémentaire du 19 concluded by July 1, 1883, have Juillet 1882, ne peuvent étre terdeemed it expedient to conclude mines le 1** Juillet 1883, out résolu another supplementary convention de conclure une autre Convention extending -the term of duration of supplémentaire pour prolonger le said Commission for a further pe- terme de la durée de la dite Comriod, and have named as their re- mission jusqu’a une époque nltérispective plenipotentiaries to that eure, et ont nominé a cet enet pour end, as follows: leurs pléuipotentiaires, savoir: The President of the United Le President des Etats-Unis,Mr. States, Frederick T. Frelinghuy- Frederick T. Frelinghuyseu, Secré- sen,SecretaryofState0ftheUnited taire d’Etat des Etats Unis, et le States, and the President of the President de la République Fran- French Repnblic, Theodore Justin caise, Mr. Tliéodore·Justin-Domi- Dominique Roustan, Envoy Ex- nique Roustan, Envoyé Extraorditraordinary and Minister Plenipo- naire et- Ministxe Pléuipotentiaire