Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/893

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C`0'm"¢¤¤¥¢0*]€"€, [ ?¢1 ]¢, I Congressional Directory, nppr•»prmt1un for »nlm·1•-~ of, appointed appropriation for compiling, ctc., the 162, 391

 umivr Ht'! Mardi 22. 11:*82: ]\l0\'iS0.17C', 409 I Congrmsionai Gfube,

Committee j'Ie·rI.·», mstribution nf, to certain G0ver11me11t 0H1- salaryut selvct. tolw same as session clerks. 468 ces and to libraries authorized .. 272 Commirfer on Inaugurahon ( 'eremonivs, Conyrrssional Record, Secretary 0i'\Var authorized to loan Hugs, · not making provision for limiting the cost; etc., to ; proviso . . . 183 * of indexing the, etc .. . . .-.. 6 Committee on Imlran Appropriations and Im- E distribution of copies of index to the .- 6 pqvvejmemt of Yellowstone Park, * appropriation for printing the ,. __,_,_ 513 appropriation for expenses of the .. .. . 417 § for payment to printers employed 011 the- 514 duties and power of the, defined .. 417 J Coun, Gmrga, Committee on Military] Afairs, i payment to .. . . . . . . .. 256 suthorizing printing, etc., of extra copies · Connecticut River, Coma., of report oi] on investigation of Na.- { appropriation for improvement of, below tional Home for Disabled Volunteers- 520 Harmfo rd ,,,,,.__,_,_ _ ,_______, _ _ , _ 138 Cosnnittee on Public Printing, I Connell, Alexander, appropriation for publishing catalogue of I payment to administrator of .. 582 Government publications under di- { Comur, Gao1g0S., rsctiou of the .. . ... 514 · payment; to administrator; of ,__,,, _ ______ 572 Commilfcc on Steel-Producing Works of the Cormcr, Richard AZ, United States, payment to .. . . . . . ,.. 555 appropriation for expenses of the . 470 Cmmolly, John, Compass-testing House,rclicf of . ..,,,.,.,,,,,_,,_ 531 appropriation for erection of .. .- .. 289 Connor, Elizabeth (widow), Comptroller of the Ourrency, pension to . .,.. ..,.,,,,.,,.,,,_,,,___ 681 appropriation for salaries in officc of Constantinople, the .. . . . . - 170,400 appropriation for hire of steam-launch for Colwiock, Elizabeth, { use of iogatiou at .. . , , ..,., 330 reimbursement to, of custom dues-. .. 621 I Construction and Repair, Navy, Canonical Inland, Narragansett Bay, R. I., appropriation for --.. .. . . 262, 291,429 qzmpriation for light-house on .. 197 I for salaries, ctc., in Bureau of . . 184, 415 Con man, William D., j for repairs of wooden ships . . .. . 430 payment toadmiuistratrix of .. . ...,.. 578 i dcticicucy appropriation for preservation Concord, N. H., I and completion of vessels, ctc., under appropriation for completion of public the Bureau nt' . . 17 building at. . . . . . -- . 480 { Secretary of Navy hereafter to report to Condemnation, { Congress amount expended during of materials for improvement of rivers, i prior tisca.1 year for pay of Bureau of. 295 harbors, ctc., how made; proviso-. - 148 { Consular Clerko, Conecnh-Eaoanbia Rivc·r,Fla. and Ala., S appropriations for salaries of 229, 233, 325, 329 appropriation for improvement of . 140 { additional compensation to; proviso . 233, 329 Confcderafed Banda Cayuse, Walla- Walla, and j deficiency apprepriationforallowanccto--260,470 Umatilla Indians, Y Consular Cmrrta, appropriation for sqpport, etc., of the 91, 379 J appropriation for s::lari•·s of marshals at-234,330 allotment, sale, ctc., of lands to, in Uma- { Consular and Dipl¢mm‘··· service, tilia Reservation .. .- ... 341 i appropriations for thu .. . 227.322 Confodcratrd Band of Ule Indiana, E Consular and Diplomatic Appropriations, appropriation for installments, ctc., to 88, 376 · for International Prison Commission .. 235 Confdasul Tribes of Indiana, 2 for pay of expenses of civilian experts to appropriation for support, etc., of, of Mid- International Commission for Estabdle Oregon _,..._ . ,.. .--. .., 89, 377 lishment of Electrical Units 235 Cemger, Frank B., Q for repairs, etc., to monument to Benjamin payment to ____,_,_.,,,_,,,, . , . .. 460 ; A. Bidlack in cemetery at Bogota. . . 235 Congo Association, ¢ for agent to States of the Congo Associaappropriaticu for agent to the Stmies of tion; duties -- . ...--.---.------- 235 the _,,_,_ _ _,_,,,,,,.. . ..., . . .. 235, 3*23 · for foes, etc., in extradition cases . . 25 Congo, International Association of the, * for diplomatic officcrs . . . - ... 228,32 declaration of friendship. rights, ctc., by L for consular 0Hiccrs .. .. 229,3:4330 the ,,,.,_ _ ,_,,,,...,.., .-- . 781 2 for contingent expenses at legutions . 234,324 Congress, I for ac Im al experi sos,trausp0rtu.tion ofpris0¤· appropriation for printing and binding for 226, 513 { srs . . . . . . . .. . QEK4, 324 Ccngreuimml Commission, Joint, { for loss by exchange m remittance 0i to consider and report on the present or- g momy . . . ... ..%»,324,330 ` gauizatiou, ctc., of Signal Service, E to enable Secretary of State to comply with Geological Survey, Const Survey, and Q requirements of act regulating fees, Hydrogmphic Officc, of the Navy De- » ctc., in extradition cass .. . 215, 324 partmsnt ... . . 219,506 E for rout of lcgation buildings, China. :-.234,324 time for making report extemdccl 515 { for repairiug logamun buileiinis, Taugnsr. - 324 Congressional Committee an Indian Apfzropria- for Capo Sparta! and Tangwr ght, .-. :..235,324 lions and Improvement of Ya lmvniorw ’ for printing and distributing publications Park, by Department of State; prcvism.235,324 appropriation for expenses of the 417 Q for International Bureau of Weights and duties and power of the, deinod -. 417 g Measures . . . 1-255, 324 Cangwuional Cmnnimm, 3 thx- expenses of transportation of romarms appropriation for payment. of current cx- { of ministers and cousuls dymg psnsu of select and special. .--. 272 Abroad . ... .-··-· - -·- ------ 235, 324 xxm-55