Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/899

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mmcx. 871 _ _ _ _ Pa e. · Page. Dzstmct of Col umb·za—Cout1nued. _ g l District of Columbia»—Contiuucd. for unscellaneous expenses ot . . 130,318 | for expenses of United States courts in l{p'h(·l€uc)· fm- __ _ _____ _ _ _ _ 25Q, 454 I the ____ _ _ _________ __ _ _ _ 224 for mc_d•·partment, relief fund, etc . 128, 316 dehciency appropriation for judgments deficiency for . . . . .. 251, 455 I against the .. . ... 25:2, 455 for Mefmpvlltuu police of; relief fund, for, fm- 1881 ___, _ , _ , __,, ._ , . 251 _ QU! --------.·. · ----- ..-.127, 282, 315 for 182:2.. .. . ... . . 251 deincnency for .. - . .--. .. .251, 454 for 1883—’84 . . ... 252 for `public schools and school build-· for contingent expenses asscssofs office- 253 ings . ... . - . - . . 192, 317 l for \Vnsl1ingfon Asylum .. . . . .. 253, 455 dehciency for .. - ... .. . .. 251, 455 I for junitors of school buildings . -. . . 17 for }1¤¤U€l1 d€P31'UI1€l1t . . - .. . .. .130. 318 ior judicial cxpen es .. . . .. 253 for water department .. . .. . . .. 131. 319 for land taken, etc., on account of ind•§l1010¤¢)' foI‘ . . .. 455 creased water supply; proviso.-.. 253 for increase of water supply in the .. 72, -157 l tin- payment of taxes, etc., on property of for police court -- . .1:9, 317 r Columbia. Hospital 1hr Women 253 dehmency for .. . . .. . . 455 transfer of certain appropriation trom sccfor interest and sinking fund . . .130,319 ond to third school division in 17 for streets, etc .. . . 127, 315 i domestic animals in the,affected hy plourofoI' nlateflal fol‘ permit work .. - . 313 y pneumonia ___, . ,.,__,,_ , , _._____, 1 for sewers, repairs to concrete pavements, I establishment of standard time in the.. . 4 H0 .. . . . . . ... .123,313 duties of the Commissioners, etc ., ... . 33 for continuing surveys, account of exten- | mechs.nics’ lieu in the, authorized .. .- . 63 sion of avenues, etc .. . . ... 125, 313 · vacation of alley in square 234, \Vnshiugton [br street lamps, price for lighting; pro- l City, authorized., , .,... , ______ , _, 35 visa . . . . . . 127, 315 Revised Statutes, sections 545, 546, 547, for telegraph and telephone stations.- .129, 317 549, 551, relating to societies, corfor Gamewell alarm telegraph and tele- porations, etc., in the, amended 13 phono police-stations .. .--. 128,316 unexpended balances of appropriations of for parking commission . .. . . . . 127, 315 tho, reappropriated . . . .454, 455 lor repair and care 4 f bridges . . . .. 125, 313 name of "Association for Prevention of of courthouse . . .. . . ---.424, 510 Cruelty to Animals" changed ...,.. 302 for expenses of assessment of real prop- abuse, abandonment, etc., of children in erty in the . 313 the, a misdemeanor -- ... . .. 303 deticiency for . .. -...454, 455 authorizing suits for damages where death for insurance of property of the . . .125,312 ensues from wrongful act, etc.; profor defending suits in claims .. - 510 Q viso .. . . . . . .. . . 307 for maintaining order in, during inaugu- g records of surveyor of, to be part of public ration of President, 1885 .. - 303 property of the .. . . . -- . 312 for charities, etc., in the. .. 125, 126, 313. 314 l moncys legally retained from contractors, (br Vlfashiugton Asylum . . . .-- -,.125,313 to beinvested. . . ... 313 for cure mul rcimir of school buildings in i water service to be extended .. . .. 319 the . ..,.. 17, 31-1 i allowed credit as part of revenues, one half for aqucducr . . . . .. . ... 125, 313 i drawback certificates .. .. -. 319 for rcibrm srhoul . . . - .. . . . . 126, 314 { increase of Water supply 111 the, act authorfor repairs to building .. . . ..-. 510 I izing amended . 332 f2·r Georgetown almshonse. .. . 126,314 { printing extra copies of annual report of for support of insane of .. .- .. . 126, 314 I Health Officer, authorized .. .--. 335 for transportation of paupers .--- .126, 314 i protection of fish in the .. . . . . 340 for relief of poor of, compensation of phy- depositing or allowing How of waste prod- . sician to the pom- .. . . . 126. 314 E nets, etc., into waters in the, prohibfor Columbia. Hospital. . . .. 126, 314 1 ited .. . ...-.-..---- 340 for Womcu’s Christian Association. .. . 126, 314 f incorporation of tho Luther Association in for National Association for Destitute ! tho . . -... -. . ...-- . . 349 Colored Women and Children . 126, 314 l appeals from Supreme Court of the, retbr additional building for ... 315 stricted . . -... - ··--. 443 for Childrens Hospital .. .. 126, 314 l disposal of proceeds of sale of Holmcsd for Saint Ann’s Orphanage . . .. 126, 315 ’ Cemetery, in the . . . .·------·-·---· 445 for National Homeopathic Hospital. 315 l District Marshals, United Slales, {0;- mdustrial School Home 126,315 _ appropriation lor compensation of .- .224,425 for warden of jail. . . .. . .. .193,425 Diatricla, _ _ for support of convicts transferred icom division of Dakota into council and reprotbs __,_ , ,__,,,_, -,-. .. ,... ,... 511 sentutive, authorized .. .. .. 408 for rent of city post—office ... 512 l Division ·gf Warrants, fm- sewerage, gm,, in the . ., .. .-.. . . 62 payment to clerks of Ulm, fol' GXUB work.. , 448 for Church Orphanage of the . . . 126 I Dixon, William L, _ for German Orphan Asylum Association; { payment to widow of .. .. .. . . 5:47 reappropriated . . . 126 V Dobbins. Alexander IZ, provisions in cases of reduction in special Q payment to . . . ... 556 assessments . . . ... . 132 g Dockers, 1aaac(colorcd), _ for justice and associate judges of su- 5 payment to .. . . . . .. . . 5o6 preme court of .. . . .. 193, 425 { Dodds, Janes, for construction of addition to building i payment to .. .. , . 557 lor home lor Little Sisters of the § Dodds, Joseph R. Pnl)! in ,_., , ..,.- ... 222, pCDS101I {0. .. .--·-·--· - ·--- ·--·-···-· 667 for repairs to policemonrt building. . 222 g Dodds, Sarah, _ fg; yqgin lu gqnryhonsu ,.,, , ,, _ , ,..,.. iz! · payment to administrator of .. . ... 557