Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/902

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874 INDEX. P8g€_ Page. Ely, .loseph, i Epidemic Dicqavcv, _ _ payment to ,. ..-,.. -. , ,,... . . 572 ; u.pp\'0pflufl0D fig SUPDTBNTOD of ----·· - - · · 49** Emigrants , Eppcrson Reuben . ___ importalion and migration of foreign. or pnymclif fi] ··-· --t- —·-- · -·~-··· ---· ----·- "°‘ aliens under contract to periblm lll- El]";}'?'!""; #\W’H· , ( , » bor in the United States, prohibited; a.ppropr1auou for . ._ .; .. . JG-}, 4Z¤ proviso ,_,, _ _ , , ,.____ , , ,_,.,,,, 332 Eqummeuf and Recruiting, Navy, _ Emmons, Stephen M., 3 appropriation for salaries, etc., in Bureapm 411 paymenttc ..,... . .,. .. .. -... 557 I of . ...-..--· - --»·- - ----- ·¤ ‘ Emory, William H., 2_ 1 ;;0l‘ tho B11l'0$\}0f ----- - ----·- --—- · ·--- payment to ...,,. , ..,..,,., . ,,.,. 45‘ ] 01'0SpCD88S 0 --_-- I--- --- -· · ··-·- -_·-- » Employéa of Congress, I deBciencyvappropr1ation for Bureau ot ,... _ 17 payment nf compensation of, for month of H8 , E fgr C3D£lD§:l;_ GX1W11B8S of ---· ---- -·---- In 4**0 July 11184, etc .. . .. ‘ ria all ig 0H8B, _ of salaries of, for month of December, re-establishment of the, authorized; pro- 196 ldd3 on 22d of month authorized .. 265 ViS0 .. --··---- · --·-~-· -- ··-·-··---· Employés of lhe Goverwnient (pla- diem), Erie, Pa., _ to receive pay for certain holidays .. .. 516 appropriation for improvement of harbor at 134 Employés, Special, of the Pow Opie; Dqmrment, I additional _ appropriation for erection of I pay of, fbrdeliveriug specially stamped let- g E publicrllzulldlllg, SW., Bt-. ------ ·--- 306 mrs .. .. , . . .,... . . 388 · wing Pizorgc . Em-lonure of Public Lemda,appropriation for duplication 0|'Frencb and occupancy of or, unluw ful .,.. -- . -.. .. 321 , Ameriloanfmedals,f]¥·Ies;ente<{ £obC0n- 2*9 Engirw—House s gross y, or use 0 a iona 1 rary 4 appropriation for door and repairs to, near Erwin, J., F Senate stables . . .. - 497 ‘ payment to . . .. . . .. . . 9.; Engineer Department, Army, Escumbia Blur, Fla., appropriation fordepot atWillet,ePoint,N.Y. 360 Eszzpplropnzatmu for improvement of . . . . 140 Engineer Troops ‘ri gc . ., appropriation, for instruction oi} in use of payment to .. . . . . . ... 96 to edoes, etc-. ... 158, 434 . Eolick, Sarah, ng an , i 1 . . E I rl rp payn ent to administrator of 557 return of steamer Alert to, nuthorired 433 Esica, Louisa A. (widow), 635 England Eliza, pension to .. - ' payment to .. .. . . 557 Estlmafes, England, John, of appropriations and for deficiencies in appayment to .. . . . . 557 propriations tobetransmitted to Con- English, WZ E., I gross through Secretary of Treasury 254 payment to . .. .. ...251,253 , only -. . English, Wesley, to be classified, compiled, indexed, and payment to . . .. . . .. . . 557 printe . . . . 254 Engraving and Printing, Etlmology, appropriation for salaries of clerks and em- appropriation for continuing researches in, ployés in Bureau of . . . 199, 401, 419 , etc . ... .- . . 214 lor expenses of work, etc . . ..- . 199,486 { printing of fourth png fifth annual reports for paper and printing stamps for inter·of Director o_ uresu of 275 nal revenue, under Bureau of . . 204, 493 printing, etc., of sixth and seventh annual for ahecks, etc., {0:1 ns; 'of Treasurer 406 Eu reports of Director of Bureau •·f .,.. 519 ’nited States an ct ers . .. logics, deficiency for .. . , ,. .. .. 450 i on the life of the late Thomas Allen, to employes in Bureau of, to receive pay for §_ be printed with en avcd rtrait; certain holidays 516appropriation gr P0 10 mzssmz mm, Army mz 1i?&{·:`»JécoYp»]` " " 5 ormmy rs. Aumosyljjjfljllffjljjjfff 344 retiree`! list created for, having served as Q of William A. Duncan .. . .. 517 such for thirty years .. . . ..-- 305 5 of John H. Evins ... . . . . 518 Enlisted Mere, Vohmieers,Earclc, William, muster and pay of ... . 34 pension to .. . ,,,.,,,,,,, ,,,, _,,, _ 627 Enloe, T bona; K., Evans, Chai-lea H., I payment to administrator of .. 578 Epaymgpt m ,.,, ,,,,, ,__,_ _ _ __,, ,, ,_______ 226 amiga-v . ran, ark: [L gradilates 0t'Naval Academy to he com.mis· payment to . . . .,.. , ,,.., , ,,,,.,,,,,, 469 sioued as .. . . . . 60 1 Evans, Thomas, grade of junior, abolished .. .. 60 payment to administrator of . ,,,,. ,,_, 557 Evnomologieal Division, Agricultural Dqarb { Evans, William R., mw!. * payment to .. . . . . "7 Euppropriutions for the . ... 37, 354 Evans, William S., _ on are ope-u. payment to .. . ... .. . . 5T" appropriation for manufacture of stamped, Evins, John H., nl distribution, etc . . 157, 367 appropriation for rintip om, gu] as , P 8, i 08* for register package and dead-letter. .. 157, 387 upon the lam ,_,,,, ,___ ______ _ _____ 513 Epcnnliy may he used, etc. .. -. 158 Epaymgg tp widow of ... ... . ...-.. 469 oroya .xh-¤ordm' ary, wing, ja giiroirriotion for salaries of . 228,322 I payment to, .. . ... .--. . . . 572 Izmic Ewing George colored the Pr;·sie\•·nt authorized in cane of, to use _ payment. to iialmiuislrator of . . 357 nnexpeuded balance of certain appro- i Ewing, Joh; ‘ printion .. . . . .. $07 payment to .. . .. - ...- 572