Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 23.djvu/953

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LN DEX. 925 l’¤2¢· , Select C=mnni1t4·» ( 'le: ka. Page- .Sem·rl44ry of Har-Continued salarv nt', fixed ,___,_,,,_,.., . __,. . . ,_ 467 to approve plans. etc., for construction of Selecf Cornamlmm, Senaie, bridge across the Saint Croix River. 309 deficiency appropriation for expen es of.. 249 to grant permission for the extension of fm- Bongo_ _ _ _ _______________, _ ____ _ ____ 250 roads. exc., through military reserva- _ Sel)`. Claiborne, Y10M .· ·----·-- 104payment to .. ., . . 567 authorized to remove charges of deser- Sell. Isaac. tion from records of certain soldiers, ; payment to . . .. . . . ..., . . .. . . 582 G10 .. .. . ... . . . . 119 I Sellurs, John J., to prescribe rules, etc., in expenditures I payment to ____ _ _ _ __________ , ,_____ _ _____ 567 for improvement of rivers, harbors,Sellers, Joaeph B., ctc -·--..-. ---. .--. 147 increase of pension to.. .. . . . . 546 to make annual reports, etc., to Congress, Seminole Indiana, giving detailed statement of work, 1 appropriation for interest, etc., to . . . . .85, 37.5 €0Dt¤¤¤tB, Bw -... . . 147 l negotiations with the. for opening unasto report on use, occupation, etc., of piers, I signed lands in Indian Territory 384 breakwaters, etc., in aid of commerce Seminole Indians, Flmida, and navigation . . . ... . . 147 appropriation for homestends for .. 95 duties of the, in maintenance of free navi- Senate, gation of rivers, etc 148 appropriation for pay of officers and emto prescribe rules,ctc., for use of certain ploy és of Mic .,.,,,i ,.. ,.,. 160, 388 canals ... -. . . . . .. 14·s deticiency for . .. . .. . . 467 reports of preliminary examinations and for contingent expensesof the . 161,399 surveys of rivers, etc.. to be made to for reporting debates und proceedings of the .. .. 154 the ... 162,390 to report annually to Congress persons, etc., for addition to contingent fund of the. . : 269 employed under Chief Signal Omeer. 180 deficiency appropriation for stationery for. 249 authorised to detail ofioers of Army for for miscellaneous items .. . . . .. . 249 Signal Service . .. .. .. .. 218 for iuel, etc . . . . . . . 249 to permit Antonio Barrios, of Guatemala, for iblaling documents .. . . . . . 249, 467 and José Victor Znvaln, of Nicaragua, for extra pay to officers and employés to receive instructions at Military of the .-- . . . . . . 469 Academy, West Point . . . . . . 266 for miscellaneous expenses of the ... 467 to loan ilags, hunting, etc., to mayor of time for payment of officers and employes Richmond, Va .. - . . . 271 oi, for December, 1864 .. . ... 515 to mayor of Charlotte, N.C ... 271 proclamation by President convening, on to Portland Soldiers' and Sailors’ Monu- March 4, 18e5 . - . . . . 843 ment Asoocistion ... . - . 273 Senate Slablee. , to prescribe conditions for construction, appropriation for general repairs to. .. 497 etc., of sewer across breakwater at Senalmw, Goat Island; proviso .. . $0 appropriation for compensation and mileto make annual report of number of per- I age of .- .- - . . . 160, 389 sons detailed for Signal Service 411 for salaries of clerks to -.. . 102, 390 to make rules for collecting and tix amount deticiency appropriation for clerks to 249, 468 to be collected from the Davenport Seneca Indiana, and Rock Island Street Railway O0m· appropriation for permanent annuity to -.85, 373 p,..._.- ,,,_. . . .. ..,... -.-. 435 Seneca Indiana of New York, authorized to correct record of War Depart- appropriation for permanent annuity, etc , ment relating to Major Wickliife, do- to . . .. 86, 374 ceased . . . ---. . 307 Suter, Samuel, antlioi-ized m sertle accounts for arms be- payment to ... - .. 568 tween South Carolina and the United Sergeant-at-Anne, Stgteg __,. . ,.. . . . .. 320 ; appropriation for salaries, etc., in office of, authorized to restore regimeutal colors to L Senate. . . -..-.. . .. 161,7*89 the Eighth New York Heavy Artillery for salaries, etc., in omoe of, House 163, 3492 Association ...,.. . , . . . 518 I for posta e for, Senate . .. -l6l,390 authorized to detail limited number of com- Scssinghaus, Lg., migsioued oiilcers for service in Signal l payment to .- . -.. .. . ..-.- . . . ...·. 469 Corps .. . . . -. .. . .,. 505 { Severance, John F., _ Secretary of War and Secretary of the Navy, , relief of, for loss by robbery .. . . . . 67o authorized to loan Bags, hunting, etc., to g appropriation for .. .. ... ... . 676 Committee on Inauguration Cere- i Seward, Benjamin, _ _ monies, Washington, D. C.. 183 { payment to .. . . . . 568 to loan xents, etc., to American Associa- I Seward, Henry J., _ tion of the Red Ci-oss,New Orleans. . 183 · pension to . . . 2 .. .. .. -----·-·- -·· ··-·- 600 See Randolph, l Seymour, Mary ls., pgyyngngtqn _,_, ..,-..- ,... .. ., 577 pF11N1Q11h!' » . ..-· ··— ·-··-·--··- --- 550 Seed, Division, Agricultural Department, Shurlmvau. William, _ __ appropriations for the, etc . . .. . . ..38, 355 s P¤y¤1€|lt»¥0 wld0W 01-- -· - ---·- · ---—· · ··-- ***4 Seeds, Agricultural Department, ; Shajter,Bul:awl, appropriation for propagation Mid (ll»ttl· puymélli to ----·-------- · ----·---··-- ·- -- 577 lmtion ot, etc .. . . . . . . . . 38, BT5 Shankland, Alexander B., _ _ Serine, Mr:. Sarah F. E. (alias Franklin Thump- f payment to mlmmistrutrnx ol . . . . . 568 ' non )_Q Shannon, Thomas U.. _ moon to . ..,... 598 2 credit in account; proviso. . ---. . . 60b Selaeu, Ilobert, l Shmgp. Isaac J., pgymqnt t3,,,,., .. ...-- . . 457- payméllti to ...- . · · ---- -· ·---· -- ····-~ 568