Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1064

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IX DEX . 1 Q3 7 P¤g¤· _ Page. Angell, M. L., Anti-Polygamy Act-Continued. paymcut to .. . ... 937 quarliticzrtiorr for voting; oath 639 Anglo-American Drug Company, , administration and record of oaths. . . 640 payment of judgment of Court of Claimsto- 275 i qualiiications for office, and jurors ; oath., 640 Amgmrr, disqualitications . . ... 640 relatives of, to receive twelve months’ pay, ‘ office of superintendent of district schools, and arrears due .. . . 883 I Utah, abolished . . -. 640 Animal Industry Bureau, Department of A gri· commissioner of schools to be appointed by vulture, I Supreme Court .. . .____ __ _ _ ____ 640 appropriation for ..-. ..-- 103 owers and duties . (640 . may be expended in purchase and destruc- religious societies to hold through trustion of diseased animals . . -103,499 tees necessary quantity of ma] pm. printing of third annual report authorized- 645 perty ..,. . ... . ,. , ., 641 Animals, D. C., present organization of militia. in Utah dispolice regulations, as to droves ot, on the solved .,...,,,,,_ ,_ ,_____ _ ____ ______ 64] streets, to be made .. . . ... - 369 militia to be organized under United Stages Anin, Henry, laws ..,,_,_,___ _ __________ 541 pension.. .. .- . ..- 844 general officers to be appointed by gov. Annapolis and Baltimore Short-Line Railroad emor .. . ,,,,,,, _ _______ _ __ _ 64] Company, Ansberry, Rawlcy, grunted right of way through Naval Acad- _ payment to. .. -.. .. . . 678 cmy grounds .. - 422 s An tes, William, Anti-Polygamy Act pension --., ..., ,,-. ..,--. ,. . 795 amending act of, March 22, 1882 ... 635 Antigua, husband or wife may testify in prosecutions appropriation for consul at .. . . 113, 484 for bigamy, etc - . .. 635 Aamverp, ‘ not permitted to testify as to conndential I appropriation for consul at 112, 482 statements between each other . 635for clerk hire- ... . . . . 116, 485 attachment may issue to compel attend- Apache Indians, ance of witness .. . . 635 appropriation for fulfilling treaties with__31, 45] recognizance to be accepted . ... 635 support, etc., of .. - . 41, 460 punishment for adultery .. .. . 635 deficiency appropriation for support of__293, 300 for incest .. . . . . 636 for schools, farms, etc ... . .,,,...,,, 294 for fornication .. .-- 636 I Apaohs,aio.,Indiam iantrizona and New Mexico, laws of Utah providing for prosecuting appropriation for support, etc., of . . . .41, 461 adultery only on complaint of hus· de ciency appropriation for support of .- . 293 baud or wife annulled . 636 Apalachicola Bay. Fla., adultery to be prosecuted as other crimes. 636 appropriation for improvement of harbor- 313 commissioners in Utah to have powers of Apalachicala River, Fla., justices of the peace, etc .. . . 636 appropriation for improvement of --.. 321 powers and duties of marshal and deputies. 636 Apartment Service, certificates of every marriage to be made- . . 636 compensation to be allowed railroads for to be deposited in probate court, etc 636 postal, furnished ..-. .. 220 to be prima facie evidence of the facts. . . 636 Apia, other proof of marriages admissible .-... 636 appropriation for consul at .. 113, 48*3 punishment for not complying .. 636 Aplm, William H, illegitimate children not entitled to inherit ; payment to . . . . . . - ... 958 exceptions , ..., 637 Appliances for Disabled Soldiers, jurisdiction of probate courts restricted- .- 637 appropriation for furnishing 249, 535 of district courts extended . . 637 Appomalfvw River`, V4., proceedings to forfeit property of corpora- appropriation for improvement of 319 tions illegally held ... .. 637 Appraisers, _ _ proceeds to be for benefit of common appropriation for 'meetrngs of local .. . 524 schools ,.,,,. , . . . . ..,.. 637 Appro lull0MB, houses of worship, etc., not forfeited 639 for gurls}: of July claims .. . 654, 751, 937 summary power for produciu g books, etc. 637 for public buildings (scc Public Buildings). dissolution of Perpetual Emigrating Fund annual, for militia, increased. .. . . 401 Company . . . . .. 637 . for urgent deiiciencies .. . 6 passage of immigration laws thrhidden- . 637 for In ian Departmentand fulfilling treaty proceedings to settle and close up . .. 637 stipulations with Indian tribes. 29, 449 proceeds to o to common schools. . . 638 { for support of Military Academy .. 87, 436 proceedings close up affairs of Mormon for postal service .. . . . ... 91, 569 Church ____,_ . ,..., . . -. 638 i for the support of the Army . 93, 394 transfers of title . .. . ... 638 i for the Agricultural Department .. .. 100, 495 dqwor rights of widows .. .- .. 638 for pensions .. -.. . .. 108, 478 probate judges in Utah to be appointed byfor diplomatic and consular service .. 122, 439 the President . . 639 Q for District of Columbia expenses 130, 571 females prohibited from voting in Utah. . . 639 for the l18V3d service .. . . 149, 581 legislative laws of Utah for voting an- • for legislative, executive, and judicial exmilled. . . .. 639 penscs . .. . ... .-. . 172, 594 existing election districts in Utah nbol- for sundry civil 6Xp¤¤S8¤ --·--· - -·--·---- 222, 509 ished , ,... . 629 for printing Agricultural Report, 18% 347 establishment of new districts by Utah 1887 -..--..-»·--·-- - - ·---·- - ----- ·_ ·---- 649 ' commission and governor .. 639 for rivers and harbors (no appropriation in none but UnitedStatescitizens tovote--- 639 i 1887) ·---· _ ---1---- ···-· · ----· T---- 3U) powers of commission as to registration P to supply deficiencies (no appropriation continued . ...,., -. .,.. .--. 639 1867) ... . ... . . .-... 256