Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1106

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INDEX. 1079 Pug . ‘ FcrrilI,Diuwo·n, e i Fish, nge- P¤Y¤¤¤¤¤ $0 ---- · --·-· - - ---------..-.. 659 I prohibition of im orhstion by Canadians Ferris, A. Marton, and Brother, upon deuisijof rights, etc.,t.oAmeri-

£&Y!1#§5; ofJ¤dgm€¤t of COURT ofC1mms to- 278 I       fsu fishermen .. . . . ..,.. 476

nam is 0 n,

Njsi;u - ·   ---..-.--. . . . ... 841 |  p;;yg1ent to administrator of .. . ... 672

wl s miie .rs ommiavion, yhyillfmt to udilliuistmtor of .. .- .. 955 appropriation for expenses of .. . ..,.. 236, 523 Fields. W- fo& establishing iish-hatchery, Duluth, paymcn 0 W1 ow 0 .. . . . ... inn . . . .,,.. . . , __.,. 236 Heasinger, Lewis, for salmon-hatchery, Columbia River--. 523 payment to administrator of .. . , ,. 956 for mnt ..,... .-, ____ _ ,,,,,. _ ___,_ ____2i6,523 Fifth Audijorpf the Treasury, for fish-ponds and distributing fish 236.523 appropnatmu for pay of ; deputy .-..182, 605 for maintenance of vessels, ctc . -- .236, 523 for clerlgs, etc., in omce of . 182, 605 for dfainago Hsb-ponds, Monument lot-. 523 Figlqy, William, for expenses of steamer Albatross ... 236 charge of d680th0n removed .. -. .. 970 for repairs to steamer Fish Hawk. .. 523 Hke, Charge: H., degciency appropriation for iish-ponds, ctc. £ pa mon 0 -- . ... .. . . orrent .. . . FilIe§rou•n, .Mary (widow), {gr propagation of food·iiehes .. -. . . 289 pension increas . . . . is emmiaaioners, Finigan, P. P., to submit detailed statement of expendideliciency appropriation for pay ot] as spe- tures annually .. . .. 523

 cial policeman   .. . . - 286 Fsh Hatclicry, Columbia River,  

Fmk, {-Ienry, appropriation for establxshmg; proviso.-. . 523 deficiency appropnauou for Judgment ro- Fish Hawk, Fish Commession Steamer,

    ;;oyer;d of him  . ... .--.  274 Efgmistion for repairs  . .. .  523

an , z za . - s, pension . I .. . ... . . 704 deficiency appropriation for maintenance Finks, J H., at Washington and elsewhere, etc.. 262 Payment ofrudgment of Court ofCla1ms tc. 276 Fuvhbauk, John B., Farley, Alexander, payment to administrators of . 659 payment to administrator of . . 756 Fisher, Eliw A. (widow), Finley A (/`red 12, pension . . . - . 730 payment tug;. . . . . . . 961 Fisher, James A5 Finnell Jose]: ., payment to a ministrator 0 .. . ... 7 payment ofjudgmgnt of Court of Claims-. 277 Fisher, Henrietta (widow), • Finney Riley, pension _ .. . ... .. . . 836

payment to ndmugstratcr of  .-  757 Fuller, Henry,  

are lkpariment D. ., payment to .. . . . . appropriation for pay of engineers, etc.- .135, 5g? Fisher, Michael B., for repairs .. - ... . . 135, 5 payment .. . . . ... . . for purchase of hose, atc.. .. . . . 135, 5T:' Fisher, Samuel, for purchase of horses; forage ; comin- payment toadmiuistrntor of . . 659 gent expenses . .--- .- .. 135, 577 Fesher, Samuel L ., for purchase of new engine . ..-. 135 p:: sio;j . . . ... . . S35 R E , ia i iam in-bgcggged to certain buildings, D. C 365 remission to,i>f revenue tax, etc., on spirits Fire Insurance Companies (eee Insurance). destroyed by hrs ... .. . . 1:23 Brea, protection from, D. C. (sec Protection {ax to be refunded it already paul .. 823 fro Fi s atc.) as cries, Firenm•’s Isoiurarscoi Com n D. C. President may deny entry of vessels, Heb, pa yr 1 charter extended twenty years 633 and goods of British North America FE W k D. l`. in vermin contingencies 76 xkcfrgéulntiorns concerning, to be mule 369 Hnjaermavfs Inland, Vu., Fin! Auiujant Poarnaamr-Ge1»¢~ral, life-ssving station csnbliabeol st . . F4 "}"°'l"‘£°’L.‘°' *5* °'e ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ "f·'}"" '”Z§""'2.$°”¥.'§{“’L'{l“¥.’Z!{'Z;¤ M l r . ceo .., ,... • ne·snvn gs lo e u s . , fg iisiiperinternilgut free delivery, clsrk.205; 628 Fishing Teucls, for postal service, office of the .. 91, 569 i licenses to contain prohibition from me- First Auditor;] ¥m 1`rean1:;·y, frail;} culchnng mackerel . . . 43o ut ; e u y •s mg our o,. mem-an, Pi}oi·°¤5;i·:ir:;):tc?,r1i)tI‘i£'e°of.f. P ... 182; 604 on dexrisl, etc., of certain anglais sud pgs? Fiatlfontr lar th Tan: egesto vesses `e,e . rom n· nppropgation fg psy oz; degixty . . . -181, 224 ish Norib Agnerig.-3 forbsde en- for clerks. ctc., office .. . ... 18 , 4 trance into ’mt es .. · F' tN`a!i lB¢n•k Lit1leR lc, A 1:., Fisk, Harry Inzzmo rg”l2erchs1its’ Natigiml gnuk, Little i to be credited in accounts for postal funds 0 . h dt ·.-- --.· . ..·-- ‘ g ven ..---- . -.·-- - ------------ Fmt Nativsal gaxinlligrgshinkvpcc, Minn., Filch, Georgmand D. W. C, Palmoler. authorized to increase its capital .. . -. 8 payment of damages to, Fox and Wisconsin 1'¥rv¢N¢¤fic¤al Bank, Winona, Minn-, { Rwers -- . . -... 284 the N ations] Bank of Winona authorized ; Fitch and Bowen, to change name to . . . . . . 3 Q psyment of judgment of Court of Claims to. 278 l Fitch and Company,

 for ggpggggg of ,_,, ____ ,,,,3, 52] I payment gfjudgmeut gfcgurt ufC]3imgfg_ ZE