Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1108

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INDEX. 108] Ps · I Pa Fo"?!/”{€» 4l¢¤¤¤d€¤`, ge i Fort1?obino0n,Nebr., ge- P€¤¤1¤¤ 1H0N3S8d .. -- 703 appropriation for completing barracks and Fo", U· H-, [ quarters at. .. . . 372 payment to administrator of .-- . .. 757 s Fort Russell Military Rcsermtion, Fo", lfob0f! D-, 685 right of way aicross go Cheyenne and North- P°¤$*°¤ mcm -.·--- - -----.---.-.. ern ai way ompany . . ... 104 Fort Belknap Agency Fort Scott, Kuna. appropriation for pay of Indian agent at. .29, 450 appropriation lor public building-- .. - 222 Fort Berthold Agency, limit of cost increased of public building at 371 appropriation for pay of Indian agent at- -29,450 appropriation to complete . . --.. -- 370 Fort 194,-rlholrl, Dusk., Fort Selden Military Reservation, appropriation for negotiation with Indians right of way through, granted to Rio at, for modification of treaties .. 44 Grando,Mcxic0 and Pacific Railroad- 68 Font Berthold Indian Reservation, Fort Smith, Ark., right of way_ through, to Saint _Paul, Min- appropriation for construction of public neapolis and Manitoba Railway Com- building at, plans .. . . . . 4 _pany s-.. . I 402 constructiau of jail for United States Fmt! {]¥tl1s.:_M;!1lq1iy Reailrvatoeig, Taz., d d prisoners at; plans 5 rw o way t iroug to io ran e an Fort Wayne, Ind., a El Paso Railroad Company . 404 appropriation for public building .. .. 222 Fort Brady Military Reservation, Mich., purchase of land adjacent to public `build· Secretary of War antbonzcd to sell; oxoop— 128 ings at -. . . 57 tion . .. . . . . limitation as to cost --.. ., -- ..-- 51 property to be plattcd and sold in lots; 128 titlofto be complete in United States bo- 5 ¤Xp0Ds6s. . . . - . . oro payment . . 1 appropriation for purchase of sito for mili- Fort Worth mad Denver City Railway Company, {STV POBU. FB21I1g rise. Mario, to be 128 granted right of way throingh Indian Tor- 419 l10W1I ns orb y .. .--- ritory .. .. . . . .. ground for public park may be reserved.- 129 Fortress Monroe, Va.. — Fort Buford, Dak., _ _ _ appropriation for construction of wharf. -- 246 Frank W. Hunt authorized to maintain for expenses of artillery school at .. 251 Fort D aozgnslgiisouri River at .. 401 Fpointiission given to build hotel at; proviso- 648 . . use , yo. orti ations, appropriation for completing barracks and deficiency appropriation forcontingoncios.295,305 F"' - . .k ..-..- it . . 372 Fousett, Isaac, 843 1 • ry norm um, pension . . riyht ogway through, to Salt Lake and Fort Foster, Egbert, Fm Douglas Ra way -. . --.-. . ..-.- 477 Fpayment tug ...-.--·..-. 756 Inc' * outer Georges ., appropriation for consul at ...-.. 113, 484 honorable discharge to be issued to. .-...- 352 Fort Greene, Newport, R, I., Foster, Isaac LL, _ _ use of lands oi] to oity for a park ; pro- payment toadmmmtrator of -. ..-. 942 mIVl80. ,. - ... . ... 408 Foster, John L., 659 Fort l Agency payment to ..-. - -. . ..-. .. appropriation lor pay of Indian agent at..29, 449 Foatgr, Gwggn and Company, 801 Fort Hall Reacrcation Indians, re uud 0 tux to .--.-...-. Fappzropriatiigp lfor sulpport, etc., of ..-. ..-.41, 461 Fought, Simon J, 832 art aramic i ito eservation, pension -... . . . ..--- . .-.-- . .-..- . .-.-- right of way across? to Cheyenne and North- Fonlk, George C., _ _ cm Railway Comhpazny .-% . .. 104 dciiciongzy appropriation for protest foes, 257 F rt Learenworl Kang, i Mary 'wu e c ...- . . . . -.------- .·· .-.· . - · - oappropriation lor oxponses, ctc .. :-..250, 536 I Foundliag Hospital, D. C., _ Fm-; flgqvinworlh lgilitaogj lieaefarion, db q appropriapion for -. ...-.. . ..--... ’ t way t rou , 0 oavenwo , o comp o c . . . ..-...-.. ng Iclortheru andg Southern Railway Fourche River, Ark., Company .. . .. . . -. .. . . 122 appropriation for improvement of. 323 Fort Madison, loam, Fourleeuth Light-Hons Distric-t, Inspqclor, Chicago, Santa F6 and California Railway to be mimbursod lor losses occasioned by may bridge Mississippi River at, or burning of light-house tender Lily.- 8:20 Kookuk .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . 564 proof of loss to be furnished Light-House 820 F ·¢M dejlillt R ation, B¤¤1‘d· ---·· - --·.----·-·-· ·--- --··~ ‘ onighfof wa thrguglxafto Fremont, Elkhorn insurance: to be eleelucterl .. . 820 and Klissoun Valley Railroad Com- award of Board to be iinal .. .. .. 820 pany ..., . ,., ,. ..,.., . . 434 Fourth Audiior of the Treaom-y, _ Fort Mya, Va., appropriation for pay of; deputy 182, oO;; school of instruction, Signal Corps at, ubol- for clerks, etc., otllco of .. . . - . . .182, b05 ighgd , _ , _ _ _ ____ _ _ ,,,,.. . . .. , . . . 249 Fourth Lioh!-llouso Diafricl, Fort Peck gigency, _ appropriation for building steam-tender .. 225 appropriation for pay ot Indian agent at..29, 450 Fourth oj July, _ 644 Fort Peck Agincytfnduns, rt t f 41 461 Fpcxélflign} imployoes to receive pay for a ropriat on or sn po c c. o , our o an y anu _ __ dggcicncy nppropriatgon for support of 293 payment of .. I--- -.·-...--. ..-. -6=»4, ool,937 Fort Riley, t_ f ut br L_ hm] f _ Fcggvt, EI€GROT(1md0W), 842 g ropna wu or a is mg B0. 0 lp- ¤¤l0¤ -_ --·-··- ···- ··---· ·--- -·---··· pv struction for cavalry and light artrl-· Font, Leann 8., lay gg _____,,_, _ ,_,,,, . ,. .. 372 payment to . . --·· 757