Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1127

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1 1()() INDEX. _ _ Pago. » Pago. Internal Revenue, Comnpamoner of—C0nt1nu¤d. Italy, f te t 108 479 to rescribo rules or ex rtiug tobacco, appropriation or minis r 0 , P snail', and cigars witggut paying tax- 218 for secretary of legation . . . . . . 109, 479 Internal Revenue Lawn, convention with, for extradition of perappropristion for tootecting and punishing3A SM I L sons charged with kidnapping .. 1001 violations 0 .. .- . . ‘ ,ramc, ewia, deiioioncy appropristion for- -...289, 298, 303 I payment to aderministrator of . . ... . 760 Internal Revenue Stamps, ’ verizon, Andrew .. appropriation for paper, etc . 233, 516 payment to, for losses, wrock of the Anime- ' Internal Revenue Taxes, lot .. . . . . . . 891 certain claims for refund oi} to be rc-ox-B9 298 Ivsrson, 1t\[¢:1lae,th f 883 amined ... .--. .. . . 2 ut.00 on 0 ...-- . . .. Infefnational Exchanges, · , I twclvc months' pay to heirs of ; proviso .. 883 appropriation for expenses of} under Smith- arrears of pay ot] to legal representative. . 883 I sonian Institution - . ...236,523 I Ivey. James, nfernatianal Law, 5 payment to . . . . .. . . . . , . . . 945 digest ot', printing of, authorized - . 345 I Ivie, Vardemun, International Medical Congress, payment to .. 777 appropriniion for expenses of ninth annual Izor. R. H., meeting  ; . . 524 payment to . ... .. 661 Intemationul Sheep and Wool Show, _ . report of Commissioner of Agriculture on, V J. . to be printed, distribution . . 347 - International Statistical Institute, Jackson, Addison A., appropriation for expenses of represents- pension increased -. .. . . . . 886 tion at -. . . . . . . . 498 Jackson, Elisha Interpreters, Indian, payment to ., . . ... . , . .,... 662 appropriation for pay of . ... ..30, 450 Jackson, George, I do cicncyt:p¢pmp1;iat1;i01b{pr paydottk --- 294 J pzgmcpf to . . . . . . .. . . 959 interpreters mm: a a, na an upon, uc on, enry appropriation for TE-- .i_ -._- 116,g ·J payment to’cxocutor of .. 946 e 'cicncy approprm on or. . . . ..on Huntington TK receiver, I nurpreterp io Letgatwno, 480 J ppymorp of j iglgmentof Court of Claims to. 276 appt0pt1a I0!] ul` :.-1.. .. ac san, sqac ,, I oeticienoy pplpropnation for - . .. . . 257 J payment to administrator of - .Q-. . .. . 760 n crpreting, n ian, ackaon, James JI. employee-s_of Unitizd Stnés? paid for other 30 J ppynieptlfo udnlinistratrix of .. . . . 779 services no o pm or . ac neon o n J., Iurealigalionr, Senate, pnymont to widow of . . . . . . . . 946 I appropriation for expenses of . 549 Jqekqmp, Leu, awa u, mont to .. ... . . . .- 946· construction of bridge across Dos Moines Jalzkgon, Manton, I I dRiver m, authorized . .. , 27 payment to -... ,,,. . . 946 awa n Sims, Jackoon, Pats wid w ‘ nliotmcprprzzilznd to minor children on ro- 367 J pzmrion in<f1¥<;$1;ledo..2’. . . . . . . .. 744 _ s _ . ... . . --..acvon, one . dnstrxbntuje shore of ullottocs in lands sold, payment ofjudgrncnt of Court ofClaimsto. 280 not impaired. . . . ... 367 Jackson, Sarah B. ( widow), appropriation for fulfilling treaty with . -.33,454 pension ,,__ _ ,,,,___,_______ `__ _ _____ _ _____ 554 I tor'; august fngd interest .--. .. ... . 46,466 Jackson, JZ L., pwic iw. w-. ¤ em a . . -. .. 946 I epppopriatiou for improvement of . 317 Jagkgolial, Wilgam, ""W FW ‘ 6 tf . . .. .. 662 rules to,bo prescribed for use of water for, Jox2g;, \;ViIza»n, ` I _ ( L} I]\d§¤¥2¤U0I¥€¤ ·--- - · --··-----... 390 J priyuiegit to aelministmtor of ..,. . . 946 _ rrm or rrme ee ac won 'mmty, Mo., i*}\§'¤¤€¤W to - ·, ··-- -—--- - - - · · ------·- - - - . 672 construction of bridge across Missouri River I¤'¢'"•¤, B0!'??'?, FM iu, and Wyandotte County, Kansas, I pflylligllt ;¢'0j!2•=,9¤fo¤‘ of ) . . 966 authorized ,,_,,.,... , _,,,__ , ______ 58 rome ara . _ ormer y r' erry I Jackson Miss., P?)';¤¤¤t ro ------ ··- --—------ -; ----· -· ·- 945 , curtain rooms in Town Hull, to be released Iracm, Joneph C., and Company, i yo ____ _ ___ ___ ____ _ __ _ _ ____ __ _ 645 claim for property taken on Utah cxpedi- Juckwn, Term., 18 [ppp reigrcd Sslfgourt ofClni¤ns 128 appropriation to complete public building · . aaos, a mm .. an .ompimy, i M ______ _ _______ _ _____________ _ ____ I :lai;nFotQ iegrrcd to Court of Claims .. 644 E nnexpencloil bulancc appropriated for gmd- 19 8 um. ran ‘ . ( ing, t ·., ubl` · build' t; ._,,,_ __ 1 ;>¢1}él¤1€r¤$ go -- · -..· ---·..-----·-- 257 Jacknmzrille, 27;;, P K mg a 19 s an 1 o. 7* , iaeiaxippi liver, · ·;‘ 5 by- b j y _ _ construction of bridge from Winona, Minn. , . uu uizeri) . . - .1f: . - _ T,t _?; _?‘?2l?f_ 161 t0, 8ll$lLl0I'lZBd .··· . - - . . . - .-.. . - . 566 E npproprinfiun fg; ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ _ ______ 510 Isla-. Bicbpid M., 6_‘_ g Jmbt, Amt 11, A P¤5'll|¤lI 0 ..·. ---- ---. .- 1.. pension __ _________ ____________ __________ 5 Incr,Jn¤n:%° (78 3 Ja¢·oba,Jo¢¢·ph R., 84 P•S'¤¤‘¤ -·-· ·--· -··--· ···· -·---- ···- -- · payment to mlminietmm { ____ _ _______ _ 1***, HW! J-, Jacoba, Mary A., rs 0 662 PGXIIDDI to . 2 .. . . . . . . 661 I payment to administrator of .. 946