Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1200

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INDEX. 1 1 7 3 . . P - 1* . Sundry Caml Expenses Appropriatio1z—Cont’d. age i Surveying Public Lands, ago Uiidfilj the YV3f Department for: appropriation for .. . .. ...240 527 g¥‘h“?'}é 1*0%*8 ---· · -- - ---- · ----- - . - . . . .246, 5gl deficiency appropriation for ,_,,,,,, , .,,,, , :304 lgfm €¥'VW° - -_- · ---·-···--.-. · .. 246, 5 2 Surveyors-General, 1l;*?;;*;§*§u°€m€V€P16S ---------·--.· .-249, 534 S appropgagion for pay of clerks, em ,,._,, 203, 626 cons: . ., Records; of thi} Bf5b6U10B - . .--. - . 249, 535 uavpépgiiipriation for , ,____,,_,_ _,_, __ ,___ 573 examining claims of States and Terriho- Susquehanna River, Md. and Pa., FWS ------ — - ---· - -·--- - -----.·.. 249 ap ro ·' t' ft f .,,,,,_,, 318 m?tary prison, Fort Leavenworth, Suss1£anFié21ri$gZ, or lmpmvcmgn 0 _¤·¤9 · -—---· ---- ·~·--- - ----- - --... 250,536 claim of, referred to Con t f Cla/in . . 358 artillery school Fortress Monroe, Va..251, 537 Sutton, A. Schuyler, r 0 I S NSUODBI Home fol' Disabled Volunteer pension increased ____ _ _ _ _ ____ _ _____ _ _____ 624 S0}di€1'S ---··· ·... 251,537 Sutton, James B., under Department of Justice for : payment to __,_ _ _ _ _ _____ _ ____________ _ ____ 755 repairs of Department building 251, 540 Sutton, William K., penptentgagy, rifigopiug .. . . 252 payment to .. . ..,.,,_,,_,_____,,,___ 775 e orm c 00 , . .. . ... . 252 Suwanec River Fla. courtiiiouse, Washington, repairs, eto..g§2, i S appropriation foxzimpruvement of .. ... 321 misce aneous .. . . - 2 uydam and Vincent, j ddnadustrial Home for Women, Utah ’ 252 i S pagmpn} of judgment of Court of Claims to. 279 u ici : wa or ames expenses of United States courts ... 253, 541 payment to administrator of ,,..__,,__ 952 under the legislative establishment for: I Swalea, Francis, Botanic Garden .. - . . . . ..,, 254, 542 payment to _ . , _,,___,__,,____________ 611 works of art .. . 254 Swallows, Isaac, commission to report on value of histor- payment to .. .- ..,_____ __ __ ,,__ _ _____ 767 ical manuscripts . . -- . .. 542 Swamp Lands, public printing and binding .. ---- .254, 542 appropriation for adjusting claims and inallotmesxt i . .. . . -- . . . 255, gg? S Ldeusugiiyfor ..., - , , , . ,,, , 240 eaves 0 cmp oyees .. . . . . wamp- an anna, extending boiler vaults, etc., Senate .,.. 256 appropriation for expeuseg, etc,, _, ,____, _24(), 527 8 ventilating restaurant, Senate . 256 Swango, Jabua, _- uwjlowcr River Misa. payment to ..-. . .. . . .,... 674 construction of bridge across, authorized - 567 Swaugo, Sylvester, · Superintendent Foreign Maila, payment to . . . . - . . . ..,, . . . . , .,,,_ 674 appropriations for omce oigzoetal service.92, 570 Swankc, August, Superior Bay and Saint Louis y, Win., payment of damages to, Fox and Wisconsin appropriation for improvement of harbor - 316 Rivers . ... . . . ._ 284 estimate for dredge-boat to be submitted- . 316 Swartz, William M., Su me Court pension ----~- ---. . . . ... . . 797 fp ropriation for pay of Chief Justice . ..208, 631 Swcaringm, Allen, - _ For aawiate justices .. 208,631 payment to . . .-.. 679 for mgrshal .,.,,. , ,,,., . ..,,.. 208, 631 Sweazy, John M, for printing and binding . ... . -255, 543 paymvllt to ---· - .-.·. .. .. .-.. 778 deficiency appropriation for printing and Sweden and Lforway, _ _ binding. ,..,, , _,,,. , ,,,,.,.,..,.,., 353 appropriation for minister to . ,.,108, 479 Supreme Court, D. C., SW60M/{ E- B-, appropriation forgudgee .. . . -208, 631 penswu ...- . . · - . . .-.. 702 for printing an bindinp I .- 543 Swceny, Joseph A., deficiency appropriation or printing and _ payment to executor of .. .. .. . . 957 binding __,,_,,,_,,,, , ,,,.,...,. 3o3 Swift, Emily M. (mother), may require security from foreign execn- pension . . . . .. 901 tor or administrator. . . . . . .. 431 Switzcr, Albert, suryeawcenmzl, Amy, _ _ rgsyuwut tv ---- · --·--..-- 677 to act on board of appeal hom decision of Suntzerland, _ _ _ commissioner or Internal Revenue approprmtnpu for minister to .. .. 108, 479 as to imitation butter being delete- Swongcr, Plnlep, I-mus ______ . ,,,,, , ,,,,,.. .- 212 S pzaymeut to . ... . . 679 S General Navy ll **63/ _ uggeggg cu bg;;·d_ of Jppqgl from decision of app1'i>pI"Z&1G10¤ for G011811i at . . 112, 483 Commissioner of Intern?} Reivenue Sydr;eyl,l1V4;l»ré, Land Dwmct, 20 to'tat butter ein e etc- 98 41 is 8 -·-· · --·.- . ..·-··-·---···.

1?0‘¤8* nifl. .. . . q -.. 212 _ appointment of register and receiver au-

·$’·•ryw»-G¢»v¤¢’v ODM, thorrzed -------·---·----------- · 20 appropriation foir pay of clerks, Etc .. 13:, Syracuse, yi?]. { M_ b ld_ 224 ' m t s` n wor . ... , i approprm ion or pu ic ui ing . $:21%.fg. .?T.!fI3.i.(: . . . 195, 618 for heating apparatus, public building.. 512 deficiency appropriation for medical and _ hoapita, department . . . 292 , I T• printing prohibited in the. . . . 194 Tuff, Cjlamew (wld0N'), Surywu, E¤r•mf¤:»g,,fw· Penciww, 122 440 Tpc¤¤i;»nI.;L . . . . 844 ation or.-.. ... , dggur 0 N S P3>lr0g;a.:;uliati0¤sk.i;. .6.. n-}; ui;} 122, 440 Tplaymiant to; for stamps burned . . .. 822 nerve N ern an or wes n ca a iti gpgyggmnm for printing, etc., charts]. .249, 535 appiopriation for consul at .. 115, 485 1