Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/1207

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1 180 ixnnx. Page. Page. 1`witchell, Leander O., United States Courts—C0ntinued. pension restored . .. . . 742 suits to be brought in district where de- Two Harbors, Minn., fendant lives ... 552 light-house established at . ... 142 between citizens of diifereut States. .- 553 appropriation for .. . . 225 assignee of negotiable paper to have no Tye, Henry L., greater right than assignor . 553 payment to . . . ... 958 circuit courts to have appellate jurisdic- Tylcr, Tex., tion from district courts .. . . 553 appropriation for public building- 224 non-residents defendant may remove cer- T foigleating apparatus, public uild:ing.. 512 tain suits to circuit courts from State 55 yus, ia, courts ... . . . . .. 3 pension .. . . . . . . i . 791 removal on plea of inability to obtain justice; proviso -.. 553 U. cause may be remanded if on examination U t h d Ou A the defpxéidant mzgvgeceivo justice .. 253 in a an ray gency, no a ea rom suc ecisiou ... . . 53 Uappgcpvxgatioz for pay of Indian agent a.t..30, 450 petitioliipflorgemcévpl igay be made at guy in a n ian cscroation time e ore e cn ant is re uire to right of way granted to Iltah Midland Rail- answer .. . ti- . . . 554 U i H viiay Company through . 548 gonds to be given to Statefcoulrt .-.- 554 ma 5 a gency, tate courts to proceed no nrt er .. ‘ 554 appropriation for pay of Indian agent st. .29, 449 proceedings in land cases . -. .. 554 Umatilla I indians, receivers to manage property according to appropriation for support, etc., of . -- .42, 462 laws of the State .. . ... . 554 deiiciency appropriation for support of 294 penalty for violation . . 554 Umbdenstock, William, receivers under United States courts may Upaymeg of juldrgment of Court of Claims to. 281 be sued without lgglve of court, submpqua wer, eg., "ect to equity juri 'ction .. 554 appropriation for survey of -.: . . .. 305 natienlal banks deemed citizens of the States de ciency appropriation for improvement for purposes of actions . ..,, . _ Q_ 554 U t d of ..--- ’ ··--- . · ·· · ----- 334 not tlc nlilfecttaéirédsdiction in actions by msc, on, the ni tates .. . .. . 555 payment to administrator of .. . . . . 953 civil rights jurisdiction not aifected .. . 555 Uncompahgrc Indian Reservation, inconsistent laws not atiected ... . 656 right of Way g1`£\¤t0d to Uhh Midland Rai]- pending suits not afected _,.. - ..,,, .,,,,, § way Company through . 548 relatives of judges not to be appointed to · Unrierhill. xm Juv (_f¤r••r¢y Searcy), court offices . . . . . ... 555 Y11I0i! ··-··—-·----~-·· · •·-- - ··-· ---- 958 n' a , Usivrkilh 1 E. M ¤•»•p¤•·s, _ Ugg ig; izagggga in San Fi-smme, csi.- 560 UE; ’,:?;*t1;£-l7'::€;*;“é‘;fp(;°‘;“ °f Claims t°- _279 of large denpminafiou not to bedprintcd in » " ·sma s . . payment of judgment of Court of Claims to. 278 Um, 6;;,* nom mmm 227 Underwood, James A., a°"°°°*t to ’ ..,,6 pgngiqu in(}f33|3d __,_______,,_____,______ 712 P ym8n‘ °°°°"°'°-°'°°°°°°°--° °°°` °"` I Underwood, Jana E., UPh°“¤¢• UMP"' Hwy, pgymggttou,. ..,. ,, ,,_, ,,,-.,,, __,_ ,___ 674 Pqymcut to' ° ‘°°'"""""°""" 963 Underwood, John S., UPP“*9h°“'°¤ J“"'*€· _ _ payment to admimstntrnx of . 777 gxhnaymnszt? `°°`````` " °``°`'`°’ 963 Urqehart, Caroline Augusta, deemed conslgnees of abandoned merchsn- P“Ym°“t t" ···· · ··•·•········•····· · ···-- 68* dine . . ... .. 416 Ufvywny . _ _ Union Agency, i appropriation for charge d’an‘sires to 109, 479 appropriation for pay of Indian agent at..30, 450 Canary, Martin, Union Padjia Railway Company, { payment to administrator of.. . -.. 953 consolidation of, to be investigated . .. 489 _ Utah (ses also Anti·Poly my Act), costs of surveying, etc., lands granted to,appropriation for incidental expenses Indus on demand of Secretary of the i digg ggryigg iu,,,, ,_,,,,, ,_ ,,,, ____43,463 Interior . . . . . ... 143 Q for salaries, government in. . . . 192, 615 deticiency appropriation for transportation, ; for legislative expenses .. . . 1m, 615 Indian supplies .,... . .. .. ., 271 i for contingent expenses .. . -.192,615 Fninmlowrr, D. 0-, ‘ for Utah Commission salaries; and ex. uame changed to Anacostia. .. -... 14 i penscs . -.-. ... 192,615 United States and Brazil Mail Sleaualaip Com- t f expe; compgnsétion to secretary- 192, 615 mr orc ectiouo 0 cers’ e nses ---.192 615 claim gi go be examined and reported by I for pay of surveyor-gengfcal; clerks 205:625 Postmsster—Genem1 .. . . 273 for contingent expenses . .. . ..,_, 905, mg United State: Courts, for expenses of courts, etc 252,540 circuit courts to have concurrent jurisdic- é for establishing an industrial home in -. 252 tion with State courts in specified 531 { deiicicpcy pipmpdation for expenses of cases .. . ... . ... '>. 2 crri ri courts . 274 291 original jurisdiction of, in crimes, etc., forincidental expenses Indian service in- ,%*3 under United laws . : - - t-- 552 i commi ioners appointed by supreme court concurrent Junsdiction With district m2 , og, gy have same powers as justices courts -. - ...-- · ·-··· - .. "' 0 the ce etc. .. . . . ..,,, 636 no arrests in one district for trial in governor andlsezreiary to act on board to another in civil actions- ·. - . 552 respportion election; districts ..,,, , , _ 639