Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/18

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xg.; LIST OF PRIVATE ACTS AND RESOLL TIONb. Page. Margarrl II. Hurnrood. An act granting n pension vtu Ll¢1l"g1ll'l‘l1 B. llnrwood. Apr1l5, 1886 .-.. David ll'- Jones. An ner wr the rclivf of D=¤‘¤·l ll - -l¤¤<·¤- Ann! =·. 1¤6•>---_-- -, ---·-- - --·-- - ----- _,; Florence .l1u;·ray. An act to increase the pension of F lorepco Murray.,, April lo, 1886 .. . .. be: Henry O- Hill. An ncb granting u pwsjvu to Henry 0. Hill- Aprrl 1->,_18¤§ -----· - ----------- ---- QEB Susan Gilman. An act granting a pcnswn to Mrs. Susan Gilman. Apnl lo, 1886... -2 QSS Adaline M. Putnam. An act granting a pension to Mrs. Adeline M. Putnam. _April lo, 1886 .. 0..6 Sarah Hague. An act to amend and correct the not approved March third, eighteen hundred and _ eighty-five, granting a pension to Sarah Hague _Apr¤l 15, 1886 ..-- .. -. orig ll`i1llam Blanchard. An not granting a penswn to _William Blanchard. _ April lo, 1886 .. . . bbl- William lnbgm. An act granting a pension to W1l1w¤1W¤b¤f¢f- Alml 26, 1886— - ·~~-- - ----· ---· 689 Noah Nelson. An Mt granting a pension to Noah Nelson. April 26, 1886 ... _.; .. _ . 089 John Taylor IV ood. An not to remove the disabilities of John Taylor \Vood, of Louisiana. Apu} (Q3 29, 1886 , , .,__,. , _,... , , , ...,,,,., _ ___,, , ,,,__ , ________ , ____ Q ,_,_,__ _ ____ _ __,__ , , _ _ L- Dimciddle B. Phillips. An act for the relief of Dinwiddie B. Phillips. _Apr11 29, 1886 -.. .= 689 John lgandolph H¢XuilI{mb lg not for the relief of Jolm Randolph Hamilton, of the State of Lorth 6,:9 arolinu. ri 3 , 1 G .. . . . . . ..·-------- - ----- - ·--·- - --·--··-·--· - -·-- · --·- — Alexander Smiley. Inn not for the relief of Alexander Smiley- May 1, 1886 ——---- - ··--· · ~-·-------- 690 Rosa Wallace, An not for the relief of Miss Rosa Wallace. May 1, 1886 .-·-·- - - -·-·---- - ----- -·- · 690 John A. Jilorris. An act for the relief of John A- H01‘1'lS· M11! 1, 1886 ---··- - ---·- - ·----·-- -·- ---· 690 James G. Martin. An act for the relief of James G. Martin. May 1, 1896 ------ - ------.-----·--·-- 690 Jenneue S. Kent. An not granting a. pension to Jennette S. Kent. May 3, 1886. -.··--·--- 690 Isaac N. Jllmahall. An not granting a pen ion to Isaac N. Mmshall. May 3, 1886 -.--.-.. 691 Rebecca Miller. An act granting a pension to Miss Rebecca Miller. May 3, 1986 . _ .._ .. 691 Emeraon lgheridgf, Tzilpam B. Stoke:. An not for the relief of Emerson Etheridge and William B. 691 Stones. ny , 886 .. . . .. . . . . . .. ..-. Mary A. Tibbem. An not granting a pension to Mary A. Tibbets. May 7, 1886 .. -- ... 691 Nancy Baltorj, An act granting a pension to Nancy Batter!}'. May 7, 1886 .. . . . . .--. 691 David C. Pauline. An act for the relief of David C. Pnullus. May 7, 1886 . . . . . . . 692 George II. Campbell. An granting a pension to Georve H. Campbell. May 7, 1886 .. . . .. . . 692 Susan Woolley. An not granting a pension to Snsangwoolloy. May 7, 1886 ... . . , . 692 Tleomaa Ferguson. An act for the relief of Thomas Ferguson. May 7, 1886 . . . . ... 692 Enoch Goaa. An act granting n pension to Enoch Goss. May 7, 1886-. , . 692 James Morgan. An not granting n pension to James Morgan. May 7, 1886 ...,.. 683 John Defenbaugh. An act granting a pension to John De enbangh. May 7, 1886 .. .. . 693 John G. Shaurbeil. An act to grant a pension to John G. Shawbell. May 7, 1886 ...,.,., , ,,... ..,, 693 William B. Keith. An act granting a pension to William B. Keith. May 7, 1886 . , ,,,,,,,,,,, 393 NZ LL Miller. An act granting apension to N. M, Miller. May 7, 1886 ,, -,,, ,,,, ,, ,,,,_. ,,,, 693 J. W. A. Bennett. An act granting o pension to J. W. A. Bennett, May 7, 1886 __,,,,, , ,,..,,,,, 693 Frederick Botyer. An act granting a pension to Frederick Bottjer, May 7, 1886 ____________, _,,, 6g.;' David McKinney.An act granting a pension to David McKinney. May 7, 1886 .,_,,_,,,, , .,,_,, , _ 594 _ Aagud Schindler. An not granting a pension to An st Schindler, May 7, 1886 ____ __ ,_ __ ______ __ 694 Edgar Payne, An act granting n. pension to Edgargayne. May 7, 1836 _ ______ _ ________ __ __ __ __ _ 594 Daniel I Ferguson. An act granting a pension to Daniel T. For umn, May 7, 1886 ____ __ _ ______ _ 594 Samuel V. Hollarad. An act granting a pension to Samuel V, H751m1d_ May 7, [336 ____________ __ 695 Lewia .4. Thornburg. An not granting a pension to Lewin A, Thgmbury, May 7, 1336 __ ____ _ ____ 695 Elizaberh Sullivan. An act granting o pension to Elizabeth Sullivan. May 7, 1886 .., 695 John H. Barry. An act granting a pension to John H. Barry. May 7, 1886 _______ _ ____ _ ________ _ 69;, Waller S. Haynes. An not granting n pension to Walter S, Haynes, May 7, 1335__ ____ __ ____ _ ____ 695 William Turn-ille. An not granting n pension to William Tm-ville, Mgy.7, 1886 ____ __ __ __ ______ __ 695 Xalhuniel II. Blakely. An not granting n pension to Nathaniel H. Blakely. May 7 18% . .- -. . . 696 Thome? Ljéégewuam. An not to place the name of Thomas G. Newman on the perinionqtgll, - 's ···· · ···· •··• ··•·• ···•••••··*•··•••····· ······· · •-·• ···••··•· ··•···· ·•·-·•·•·•··••· 596 Grorge II. Perkin:. An not granting a nsion to Geor e H. Perki . a , .11.1.-u.. mm. An m to pension xummpnuk. my 7, ieee ... T`?. K’.{?€.ZIZZZZZ]ZZ ZZ`3366 Mary Almjphy, An net granting 5 pengion to Mary Murphy, May 7, 1886,, ,..__,__,H 696 Jamgg ]lIeAm;y. An net granting n pension to Jnmeg MoAnny, May 7, 1886 ..,_ ,, _,:" -··· u n-. 697 Marcus A. Hamilton. An act for the relief of Marcus A, Hgmi]w¤_ my 7 1886 __' '" "697 Phelle Saunders. An not granting apension to Phebe Saunders. May 7 1896.-.- .. -:’: ·•’··· - 697 Ijkilep Jacob;. An ac: grantingapension to Phili Jacobs. May 7, 1896 .. 697 i\alImn‘:el Taylor. An not granting a pension to Ngthaniel Taylor. Ma 7 1586. H 697 ,\’e1p1m| O, Baker, An $131; or the relief of Ngwt°¤ O, Baker, May 7 1%,,, , - N N U n U H u n 697 $arqh Map;, A;] {wg fgrthe 1-gligfqf S3;-gh Maul_ May 7, ]_886____:___ ____ 3i_-".--nin"---n 698 Jpggph Williggygg, An act granting 3 pgpgign to Joseph Wi]ligmg_ Mgy 7 ]§ . H un nn ·--• -·- 698 Cornelia IV. Ellis, An net granting 3 pension to Cqmelin W, Ellis, may 7 1886-. nn an U nn - 695 Grorqc Slack. An act granting apension to Goo Slack. May 7 1886.. ..,... N .·’- --·· n - 698 Peter F. Saeman. An act granting n pension to¥:ter F. Saeman, ’ May 7 '·-- H -·-- H an 693 Joaeph Chalfant. An act granting a pension to Joseph Chalfant. May 7 ,1886 . · ·--- h .···.. .••· 699 ].’¢b4·cca Ijlarghqpt, An ge]; gguting g pension to Rebecca Mgmha¤t_ May 7 18g6u uu ·--- un. (ggg D_ p_ g,mm0,,,_ An act for the 1-e]i,·,fof])_ p_ Simmons_ Mayq 1g8g_______, n"""`""" 599 Sara); A, Genie, An act granting 3 pgngiqu to Sa;-gh A, G5ttig_ ’ May 7 1886:- an-- .--·" N-". (99 Sllgg Jqggh A]; gct granting g Pension to Sung Jamgg_ Mqv 7, _ _,_ _ __ ___;::`--.- no · ·_·-u Aim Jiggguell. An act for placing the namapf Mrs. Ann J .`Conwell on the pension-roll.-'May Tbgnyqs Trqrd, An act (9 ipgrgggg {L5 QQslQlj;)¥··:I:1;6[[;{;gW··-·• ·--·_· ·--n. -ub-. H--N -U-•“ 100 ==l*¢·'*¢",·lM<ll¢¢¤¤- A¤ Mt granting n pgnuion as Asahel ns4dt;1,§,,_Mi°§;.’; `’'‘'‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘··· 1% {php bla]-];, AD gcf granting;. Pension tg John 7 ______t "•--·•.····--·-" érdvcy $l·¢¤rood. An not granting n pension to Sidney Sherwood. May T. l 700