Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/38

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FORTY-XINTH CONGRESS. Sess. 1. (Jus- 6, 7, S, 9. 1886. 3 respects for Government use, said appropriation to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War: Provided, That before the ex- 1,,.0,;,,0 peuditure of any of the appropriation hereby made, good and valid title . ` shall be secured to the United States for the land and the improvements T'u°‘ thereon contemplated by this act, and the consent of the legislature of the State of New York obtained to the purchase thereof. Approved, February 2, 1886. CHAP. 7.-—An act authorizini the Secretary of tho Interior to use certain unex- Feb. 9, 1886. pended balances for the relief of t 0 Northern Cheyennes m Montana. -——————— Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United _ States of America in (longress assembled, That the Secretary of the Inte- Northern Chey- rior, be and is hereby, authorized to use, out of the unexpended ¤¤¤¤ I¤di¤¤¤· balance of the fifty thousand dollars, appropriated in the act making mg;‘°&‘£°"€gdJ“fi appropriations for the Indian service, for the iiscul year eighteen hun- to r,,u0,,Zdm,::,_ dred and eighty-six, approved, March third, eighteen hundred and Vo1.23, p319. eigbtyfive, to supply ibod und other necessities of lite, in cases of distress, among the Indians not having treaty-funds, the sum of twelve thousand dollars, or so much thereof, as may be necessary, to relieve the distress, now existing among the Northern Cheyennes, on the Rosebud and Tongue Rivers, in Montana, and furnish them with such _ food, und other necessary articles, as may be required, and in expend- S“l¥;:Ig£’ }“"Y b° ing said amount, he is authorized, if necessary, to purchase supplies in *,;,[;°im_ m °P°° open market, to an extent not to exceed five thousand dollars. Approved, February 9, 1866. CHAP. 8.-An act to change the name of The National Bunk of Winona. Falk 15, 18$6_ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqzresentativea of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That. the name of The National Natiouu1Bankof Bank of V\’inona, located in the city of Winona and State of Minnesota, W*¤°¤¤» Mlm]- be changed to The First National Bank of Winoua whenever the board Mw °“m°' of directors of said bank shall accept the new name by resolution of the - board, confirmed by u vote or the written consent of stockholders holding two-thirds of the stock of the bank, and cause 11 copy of such action, duly authenticated, to be tiled with the Comptroller of the Currency: Provided, That such acceptance shall be made within six months after Promo. the passage of this act, und that all expenses incident to the proposed change, including engraving, shall be borne by said bank. — Sine. 2. That all the debts, demands, liabilities, rights, privileges, D¤\»¤¤» *=¤=·» W and powers of The National Bank of Winona shall devolve upon and f°u°“' °h"“g°· inure to the said The First National Bank of Winona whenever such change is eifected; and that the said The First National Bank of Winona shall continue to be in all respects the identical association it was before the change of name under the provisions of this act; and that nothing in this act contained shall be so construed as in any manner to release The National Bank of Winona from any liability or affect any Liabilities, em., action or proceeding in law in which said bank may be or become a 1*0* ¤*l°¢-*6- party interested. Approved, February 15, 1886. _ CHAP. 9.-Au act to authorize the Merchants' N ationol Bsnk of Little Rock, Ar- Feb. 15, 185. kansas, to change its name to the First National Bank of Little Rock. ··"·""_"""‘* Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the name of the Mer- _M¤1‘¤l;¤£’ E: chantd N ational Bank of Little Bock, located at Little Rook, Arkansas, Sglgck Mi ‘ shall be changed to the First National Bank of Little Bock whenever New ,,g,m,_' the board of directors of said bank having been previously authorized