Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/385

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352 ronrrnmrn eonennss. sms. 11. cus. 4, 5, 7. 1886. to the extent of their interest in said land. Said land hereby granted Description. is described as follows: Situated within the corporate limits of said city and county; bounded on the north by the southern boundary~l1ne of the land granted by the United States to said city and county by patent dated June twentieth, eighteen hundred and eighty-four; on the west by the Pacincgcean; onrtho socutlgpy ::16 line snrlvteyed lby · tv U 'ted States urve or ames . ra on in eig een un End sigty-seven and eighthen hundred and sixty-lzight, as the southern line of the land granted to said city and county by act of Congress approved March eighth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six; and also bounded on the south by the northesnsboundary;>f,th•;JRanchodLz;guna de la Merced granted by the Uni tates to .~ e are an o ers September tenth, eighteen hundred and seventy:two, wherever said northern boundary of said rancho is north of said line surveyed by said Stratton; on the east by the westerh boundary of the Rancho_ San Miguel, granted by the United States to J. do J. Noe, March thu·t1eth, eighteen hu dred and hit -seven. {Sec. 2. That upon the gpproval of this act the Commissioner of the Patent to issue. General Land Offico shall issue a patent for said land to said city and . county, and said patent shall inure to said city and county, and the grantees of the same, and their said successors in interest, as a confirmation of said city and connty’s grants of sa1d_land. _ Condicting laws Sue. 3. That all laws in couilict with the provisions of this act are

  • ¤¤PP'1°•·b1°- hereby declared inapplicable to the lands hereby granted and rellnquished. ’

Approved December 20 1886. 7 . ! Dec. 20, 1886. CHAP. 5.-An act for the relief of certain soldiers of the Twelhh Michigan ‘—"`——""'_' Volunteer Infantry dishonorably dischar ed under special orders ninety-two, War Dgpyartinent, Adj¤tsnt·General's Omoo, fated March first, eighteen hundred and I —SlX.‘ Be it enacted by the Sendte and House of Representatives of the United Twelfth mein- States of America in Congress asse·mbled,iTha.t the Secretary of War be, s¤¤ V¤l¤¤*¢°¤·, and hereby is, authorized and directed to revoke and cancel special 0,,5,'g:,';Q‘Q,l{}§,,,__,‘,}:,°,, orders numbered ninety-two, dated Washington March first, eighteen tocemm, member, hundred and sixty-six, ordering the dishonorable discharge of the solef. diers therein named; and to cause to be issued to Sergeants John M. Bussey, Company A, and Wilham Becker and Michael Casey, Company B; Corporal Seth Gregory, Company B; Sergeants Collins Phelphs and George S. Foster, Company E; and Alfred Doolittle, bompany H, and Hull M. Cross a11d_ Lewis hope, Company K, and each of them, all of the Twelfth Regiment Michigan Volunteers, and in case of the death of any of them, then to their heirs, respectively, honorable discharges as of the dates and places at which their companies were respectively mustered out of the service; and such discharges shall each have the same force and efect as if issued at the times and places of the muster-out of the said companies, respectively, and as if said special orders numbered ninety-two had never been issued or executed. Approved, December 20, 1886. Dec. 21, 1886. CHAP. 'I.—An act for the relief of William P. Chambliss. Bc it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United Wm- P. Cham- States of America in Congress assembled, That the President be, and he

  • 1;,;*:5, be Mn_ is hereby, authorized to reinstate William P. Chambliss, late a major of

,,,,,,0,, ,,0 ,,,,,,0,. 0,, the Fourth Regiment United States Cavalry, and place his name on the retired list. list of retired officers of the United States Army with the rank of major: 1’¤>ri¤<>». Provided, however, That he shall receive no pay, compensation, or al1ow·