Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 24.djvu/410

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FORTYJSINTH CONGRESS. Szss. II. Gus. 91, 92. 1887. 377 of the bridge, and a. map of the location, giving, for the space of one mile above and one mile below the proposed location of the bridge, the topography of the banks of the river, the shore-lines at high and low water, the direction and trength of the current at low, medium, and high-water stages, and the souudings, accurately showin g the bed of the stream, the location of any other bridge or bridges, and shall furnish such other intbrmatiou as may be required for a. thll and satisfactory understanding of the subject; and until the said plan and location of the bridge arc approved by the Secretary of War tho bridge shall not bo built; and should any changes be made in the plan of said bridge during the progress of construction, such change shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary of War. Sec. 10. That in case the construction of the bridge authorized in this To be finished in act be uct; commenced within two years and completed within seven WO SWFS- years from the clam of its approval, then this act shall be null and void. Sec. 11. That whereas a. principal reason for giving authority to Poouug of mm-- build the bridge herein contemplated is to secure reasonable rates and i¤g¤ f<>rb¤dd¤¤- tolls for corporations and individuals for passing over the,the Saint Louis Merchauts’ Bridge Company, or its successors or assigns, shall not agree or consent to the consolidation of this bridge with any other bridge across the Mississippi River, or to the pooling of the earnings of this bridge company with the earnings of any other bridge company on said river, l10I' shall any person who is or may be 0. stockholder or director or manager of any other bridge over said river be a. stockholder 01‘ director or manager of the bridge herein provided for: Pro- Pyoviaq. vided, That if this provision of this act shall at any time be violated in f ,¥*?1°“*$ *° f°" any of these particulars, such violation shall, without legal proceeding, °' "°° "' at oucc forfeit the privilege hereby granted, and said bridge shall bccomc tho property of the United States, and the Secretary of War shall take possession of the same in the name and for the use of the United States. Sec. 12. That the rights to alter, amend, or repeal this act is hereby Right¤d, expressly reserved. And it in further providegi that up bridge shall be °**;;;_m"°d· coinstructed across the Mississippi River within two miles above or two ' miles below the bridge herein authorized. Approved, February 3, 1887. CHAP. 92.-Au acl: to amend au act entitled "Au act to provide for the muster Fab, 3, 1g5g?, and pay of certain ntiiccm and enlisted men of the volunteer forces," approved June ——-——-·—-—-—- third, eighteen hundred and eighty-four. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repreccptativen of the United . States of America in Congress assembled, Qhat section one of “An acc to U pm, ,,5 ,,0},,,,,;,- provide for tho muster and pay of certain qEcers and enlisted ngcu of snoato cairtaxn v¤1·— the volunteer forces," approved J unc third, eighteen hundred and argh by- ¤¤ °’ ° °°"°· four, be, and is hereby, amended so as to read as follows: _ “ Than; the joint resolution approved July eleventh, Qlgh`t9€D hundred zu}. ii, p. gg; ~ and seventy, entitled *Joi¤t resolution amcndatory ot Jams resolution vglz u» gc for the relief of certain officeys of thq Army} approved July twenty- ’ sixth, eighteen hundred and mxty-_s{x, IS hereby so amended and shall . be so construed that in all cases ar1§1u g under the sagnc any pengon who was duly appointed and commissmned, whether bus commission was actually received by him or not, shall be considered as commnssnoued to the grade therein named fron] thq date frqm winch he was to takg To www pm I rank under and by the terms of Ins qaul commission, and shall be erm- ctc_ from dam Lg tied to all pay and emoluments as 1f; actually mustered at that dma: .,,,mm;§,,i°,,_ Provided, That at the date from which be was to palm rank by rho gr:;;?;; umterms of his commission them was a vacancy to yvhxcb he cquld be so ed, or dm; wm commissioned and that he wasjxcfually peryormung the dxmgs of the perfumed_ grade to which be was so commnssmued, ur, 1f not so performing quel-