Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1155

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1 l 12 FIFTIETH CONGRESS. SEss. I. Ons. 567-569. 1888. July 5, 1888. CHAP. 567.-An act to grant a pension to J oanna Barry. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the {,°**¤P°* B¤¤·y· United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary °°S`°”' of the Interior be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to place on the pension-rolls, the name of Joanna Barry, widow of Lieutenant. John Barry, late of Company C, First United States C_avalry, subject to the provisions and limitations of the general pension laws. Approved, July 5, 1888. July 6, 1888. CHAP. 568.-An act to amend chapter two hundred and fifty-three of the acts ‘ -;···········' of the Second Session Forty-fifth Congres , passed June fifteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, granting a pension to John Langland. ‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the gg£;({j¤8i¤¤•i· United States of America in Congress assembled, That chapter two va. zo, 5. sos. hundred and fifty-three, passed June fifteenth, eighteen hundred and seventy-eight, second session of the Forty-fifth Congress, be amended so as to read as follows: That the Secretary of the Interior bc, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to p ace on the pension-roll, subject to the rovisions and limitations of the pension laws, the name of John Uangland, late a ppivate of Company B, First Mich- 1’··¤¤·¤¢¤¤- igan Sharpshooters; Provided, at nothing in this act shall be conf rmi? complete claim strued to prevent the said John Langland from completing his claim °" °"”°' on nle in the Department of the Interior numbered one hundred and eight thousand nine hundred and thirty-one; and the Secretary of the Interior is hereby authorized and directed to adjudicate said claim on the evidence on nle and to be furnished hereafter; Provided w"b‘;“g]Yjdc°@·d°d“°”°¤ further, That in case of the allowance of said claim by the Secretary ` of the Interior he shall deduct from said allowance the amount of money drawn by said claimant under this act. Received by the President June 25, 1888. [NOTE nv THE DEPARTMENT or STATE.-—The foregoing act having been presented to the President of the United States for his approval, and not having been returned by him to the house of Congress in which it originated within the time prescribed by the Constitution of the United States, has become a law without his approval.] July 6.1888- CHAP. 569.-An act granting a pension to Eleanor S. Lawson. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Egg; S·L¤*=°¤· United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary ` of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to lace on the pension—rol1, subject to the provisions and limitations oi) the pension laws, the name of Eleanor S. Lawson, widow of Elias Lawson, late an acting ensign in the United States Navy. Received by the President June 25, 1888. [Nom nr THE DEPARTMENT or STA·rE.—The fore ing act having been presented to the President of the United States air his approval, and not havin g been returned by him to the house of Congress in which it originated within the time prescribed by the Constitution of the United States, has become a law without his approval.]