Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/146

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IOC FIFTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 206. 1888. claimed by the President February twenty-fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-nine, as hereinafter provided, shall be taken and held to be a release of all title on the part of the Indians receiving rations and annuities on each of the said separate reservations, to the lands described in each of the other se arate reservations so created, and shall be held to confirm in the Ihdians entitled to receive rations at each of said separate reservations, respectively, to their separate and exclusive use and benefit, all the title and interest of every name ` and nature secured therein to the different bands of the Sioux Nation by said treaty of April twenty-ninth, eighteen hundred and use at Iminns to sixty-eig t. This release shall not adect the title of any individ- §f',,',§'Q,,,,,,,T']°°"”‘°"°' ual Indian to his separate allotment on land not included in any of said separate reservations provided for in this act, which title is RW ¢mF_g£ herebgiconiirmed, nor any agreement heretofore made with the Chi- EEL: mm mu- cago, ilwaukee and Saint Paul Railroad Company or the Dakota $mC°o!Z`l°€}°§i {nl Central Railroad Company for a right of way through said reserva- ¤¤w¤¤u¤•¤y· tion; and for any lands acquired by any suc agreement to be used in connection therewith, exceipt as hereinafter provided ; but the Chicago, Milwaukee and Saint aul Railway Company and the Dakota Central Railroad Company shall, respectively, have the right to take and use, prior to any white person, and to any corporation, the right of way fprovided for in said agreements, wi not to exceed twenty acres o land, in addition to the right of way, for stations for every ten miles of road; and said companies shall also, respectively, have the right to take and use for t of way, side·track depot and station privileges, machine-shop, reight-house, round-house, and yard facilities prior to any white person, and to anyacorporation or association, so much of the two separate sections of nd embraced in said agreements; also, the former companyso much of the one hundred and eighty-eight acres, and the latter compariy so much of the seventy- five acres, on the east side of the Missouri iver, likewise embraced in said agreements, as the Secretary of the Interior shall decide tohave been agreed upon and paid for by said railroads and tobe reasonably necessary ulpon each si e of said river for approaches to the brid e of each of said companies to be constructed across the river, for right of way, side-track, depot and station privileges, machine—shop, freightaww. house, round—house, and yard facilities, and no more: Provided, 'Ighat hymns by mn- the said railway companies shall have made the payments accordin

  • ¤°°mP°“‘°'· to the terms o said agreements for each mile of right of way and

each acre of land for railway purposes, which said companies take and use under the provisions o this act, and shall satisfy the Secretary of the Interior to that effect: Pr0·v·idedI{urthe*r, That no part of the lands herein authorized to be taken sb be sold or conveyed except by way of sale of, or mortgage of, the railway itself. Nor shall an of said lands be used direct y or indirectly for own-site purposes, it heiug the intention hereof that said lands shall be held for neral re be used cmlyfor railway uses and purposes only, including stock-yards, warehhuses, "*°'““""’°"" elevators, termina and other acilities of and for said railways; but nothing herein contained shall be construed to prevent any such railroad company from building upon such lands, ouses for the accommodation or residence of their employees, or leasing grounds conti - nous to its tracks for ware house or elevator pu connected ¤¤•f¤· v¤r¤¤¤¤· said railways: And provided furthe-r, That said pa ents shell be made and said conditions performed within six monthelafter this act shall take effect: Andlprovided further, That said railway companies ummmwbommc and each of them shal within nme months after this act takes eifect, '“'° """“"• deiinitely locate their respective lines of road, including all station grounds and terminals across and upon the lands of said reservation esignated in said agreements, and shall also within the said riod of nme months, file with the Secretary of the Interior, a map clinch definite location, splecifying clearly the line of road, the several station grounds and the amount of land required for railway purposes,