CO1\VENTION—EXCHANGES. MARCH 15, 1886. 1465 Convention between the United States 0 America, Bel iam Braz' M 11 Italy, Portugal, Serbia, Spain, and Switzerlanrlfor theginteiinatiortdl m 15, 18%. exchange of ojjicial documents, scientific and literary publications. Concludecl at Brussels Jlarch 15, 1886; ratyication advised by the Senate June 18, 1888,- ratified by the President July 19, 1888; ratifications exchanged January 14, 188.9; proclaimed January 15, 1889. BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 4 A PROCLAMATION. Whereas a Convention to establish a system of international ex- Preamblechanges of the official documents and of the scientific and literary publications of the States adhering thereto, was concluded and signed at Brussels, Belgium, on the 15th day of March, 1886, by the Plenipotentiaries of the United States of America, Belgium, Brazil, Italy, Portugal and the Algarves, Servia, Spain and the Swiss Confederation, which Convention being in the French language, is word for word as follows: ' muslation. Le President des Etats-Unis The President of lthe United connecting v¤¤i¢== <l’.-imérique, Sa Mafeste le Roi des States of America, His Majesty Belges, Sa Majesté l’Empereur du the King of the Belgians, His Brésil, Sa Majesté la Reine Re- Majesty the Emperor of Brazil, gente d’Espagne, Sa Majesté le Her Majesty the Queen Re ent Roi d’Italie, Sa Majesté le Roi de of Spain, His Majesty the lging Portugal et des Algarves, Sa Ma- of taly, His Majesty the King {zesté le Roi de Serbia, le Conseil of Portugal and of the Algarves, édéral de la Confédération Suis- His Ma/esty the King of Servia, se, désirant établir sur les bases The Federal Council of the Swiss adoptées ar la Conference réunie Confederation, desiring to estaba Bruxellleis du 10 an 14 Avril 1883, lish, on the bases adopted by the un systeme d’échanges interna- Conference which met at Brustionaux pour les documents otii- sels from the 10th to the 14th ciels et pour les publications April 1883, a system of internascientiiiques et littéraires de leurs tional exchanges of the official Etats respectifs, ont nommé pour documents and of the scientific · leurs Plénipotentiaires. savoir: and literary publications of their respective tates, have appointed for their Plenipotentiaries, to wit: Le President des Etats-Unis The President of the United riempomum-see cl’Améri ue, Mr. Lambert Tree, States of America, Mr. Lambert MinistreqRésident des Etats·Unis Tree, Minister Resident of the <l’Amérique a Bruxelles, United States of America at Brusse s, Sa Majesté le Roi des Belges, His Majesty the King of the Mr. le Prince de Caraman, on Belgians, The Prince de Cara Ministre des Affaires Etrangeres, man, His Minister of Foreign Afet Mr. leChevalierde Moreau, Son fairs, and the Chevalier de Mo- Ministre de l’Agriculture, de l’In- reau, His Minister of Agriculture, dustrie et des Travaux publics, Industry and Public orks,