Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1554

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r 518 INDEX. Page. P¤39· Cnrr, John, Cou·les. IV. A., C iiipsiog .,,.. 1304 C paymgngepbo. hb . .. .. . .. 578 or Ls, ., I Ou' es I" ‘, , claim of representatives of, tobeexamined 1308 I C apprtpigiationvpor siurvey of .. 430 Corsica River. ozcli tz tiver, ’as 2.. appropriation for improvement of ... 410 appropriation for improvement of ... 423 Costa Rica. Cow. Joseph, appropriation for minister to ... 247, 697 relief of ..., 1025 ('otner, Nancy J. (sister), 1014 Cox. Samuel, 1w_ pension 2 payment to .. _ ... . . . . ..2.1 Colt, Christopher, _ ‘ Crabtree Ledge, JIe., _ payment of bounty, etc., to heirs of . 1121 , appropriation for light-house between Cotton, W'. Hi, Bean Island and main-land ... 508 ( paymgift ailministrator of . ... 1226 ‘ Craig, H732pm:'., t fC t fc! I to 20 fouc 1, wi ., paymen Ju gmen o our o aims ‘ .. claim of, to be examined: payment . 1309 Craigmyle. Americas, Oouden Joseph G.,payment to . 1236 payment to administrator of . . . . 1241 . Crail. Samuel B., ('oughlin, Edward W`.,| paymentof judgmentsof Court of Claimsto 24, 59 deficiency appropriation for . 928 1 Crain, Nathaniel, Coughlin,t.h>lzn J., 11_0 [ Cpensionjncigeased ... 1317 paymen o . u · ramer, aco , Counterfeit Money, ¥ bounty land-warrant to heirs of . 1289 punishment for using the mails in offer- 87 l Cramer, Noah S,, _ ing to sell, etc 3 g pension . . . 1065 ('ounterfeiting and other Crimes, _ { Crump, IVilliam, and Sons, appropriation for enpenses of suppressing 520. 956 I deficiency appropriation for wharfage deficiency appropriation for suppressing .50, 597 i monitor Terror ... 578 Countmpoise Battery, ; Crane, H. A,. appropriation for construction of, etc 834 . claim of. to be examined; payment .. 1309 _ gun to be furnished by the Navy .. 834 { Crane, Belden and Company, Counties, _ _ , claim of, to be examined: payment .. 1309 Territonal legislatures may create and lo- } Cranes R1 ver, Mass., O t Iréatedcorpptyj seats . 336 { Cappropréatign f/or survey of .. 428 oun y oa s, . . _ _ raney s an , a. appropriationforrepaus 8.IldCOI1StIUCt10H·319,798 l appropriation for ,new wharf, etc 811 deficpgncy apprcgniation for repairs . 573 * C1-augfgrd, M_ H,, Court- owe, D. ., payment of 'ud e tof Cou t fC]t 25 ?1P£"9PI'l¤ti0¤ for 091;;, Gt?., of..._ .,, 293,7ggCrawford, Miihaggx n I 0 mms 0 e ciency appropria on or repairs .. 5 .. yment to . 166 Court of Claims, , Crgxaujforcl, Reuben, appropriaton for judges, etc . . 294, 744 l payment to . 1187 for contingent expenses . . 294, 744 E Crawford. lVilliam A., for reporting decisions ... 294, 744 payment to .,... 1226 for printing and binding .. . . 548,980 , Creek Indians, deficiency appropriation for payment of appropriation for fulfilling treaties with 221.984 judgments .. . . 22, 58, 590, 929 E deficiency appropriation for annuity . [ 13 to try Ellapposkpg gpsttlers or \Vestern 694 a for paypig Cpeek Onphpn ]il`und. . 580 . , a eemen W1 , · ‘- to determine right to tribal funds, ctc., of i gr vision line, ig. éllu. illfs. . .1. 757 Wea, etc., Indians who have become Q confirmation of agreement '7 59 citizens ... 1015 i lands to be part of public domain . 759 jurisdiction ; form of action ; parties. . 1015 l subject to homestead entry .. 759 paymppt ; counsel fees ; records, papers, 1016 g notpétrplupeztion prior to opening forset; 759 - . . . en .. . ... . . ‘o»n-t-Rooms, lf f lI I l ,,.,,..,,,.·m;.,.. for mt .. me ; “"‘°'3£Ié‘I.€"€L t‘3‘.S£11‘}‘f.33T”f‘Tf’i.l‘T‘?`}S’ EY? Courts, States (see United States ]_ glance polbe held in trust ,, 759 _ _ . c isposi ion o ands acquired from .. 1005 (;our¢s·11Iart1al, Army. C k I d' . Z -*1 appropriation fol‘ €XP€HS€$ . 483 827 fe ron ir tl, rt t f ‘ Uouzhah Adeline. l I CNI;_pld’p suppo , e c., <> . 231, 99.i Crpzpfie/yi;. ... . . 1193 . appropyialiicpi for consul at 251,701 { rleiiciency appropriation for . 577 Cren.;hcn¢$rAz:;zl;tiesIT;,'· i li I l I I l il i I .204, {OJ

£{(;€’h"· -» 1300 1 payment gnof pjudgment against District

(WT!/~iJ{1u;.y · z1l·i(·j, .. . . . . 121 r CW".- "¤;;dtep1p}ii>1a . 7 pens o ... .. T E - ______ Comm (md Dicmnyqn, n I O pient to ... . . . . 1241 C'B2§;;:(E*Tq§,rli01pl11'V1Y'1Ilg p3I'tH€I' of . . . . . 1166 a[)1')r()];;L;;ti;;]1;l ;upp]·gs45i¤g· gnuntprfejt;00 gl.6 .·-.> r . ...-r,-. (_' . .. . . . 1226 1 fgpr prose¢·ution. etc.. of .. 544, 976 payment of Judgment of Court of Claims to 23 ( 50