Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 25.djvu/1568

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1 53 2 mnnx. _ [ P3g0. Flint, James M. Page s Ford, Thomas B., _ payment of judgment of Court of Claims to 25 { Fpatynreimzof judgment of Court of Cla1ms to 23, 931 FlintRire1·. Ga., · 0 , 1 iam, appropriation for improvement of ... 413 l pension .. _ . . ... 1333 for survey of . , ... 426 l Foreign Countries, construction of bridge across, authorized. 336 schedules of freight rates through, to be _ at Bainbridge. Ga. ...,. 380 _ posted by common carriers 805 Flow , Mm.}! (,,,,0,],6,.), Foreign I nteroourse (see Diplomatic and Conpension .. . ..,..,.. 1104 _ Sum? APPI`0P¤¤tl0¤S)» Foreign Mails, Florence, . . 11ppmp1—11111¤¤ m1-e0118111 111 ,...,. 252, 702 oppropmoooo for Sopormtoodoot oiorka F for clerk hire .. . . 254, 704 Gm ······· ; ······················ ?9r *41 Florence S C for transportatwn ... . ... 347, 840 approljriatidli for mad from national cem8_ for balance due foreign countries . 347. 845 my to . .. 641 d g>r_do1•¤so¢o to V¤ooo-3 Pgstogioosrgjs- 845 Florida_ e eiency approprm ion or ansp 3.; appropriation*<m"o·¤·o=¤m*»meg,. 739 11.,..1,.. *;3‘2.;.e;.;.;.,· g.;4.·;.t.;·11i;.1;.;.;..;.a *‘.§’;..‘i8°’ **22 etc . ... , . , . . for (aOIll.7iDgGI1t expenses . , 290,739 0o¤¤}¤!==¤1g$om§o>· t 048 698 for hght-house west of Crooked R1ver. . 352 aPP!`9PU·°m0¤ 01991* ufgfm €’$P€¤$€$· - -~ ~ _ _ for re-imbursing for expenses .. 529 deficiency; for Im-mst0T S ¤¤1¤¤o¤ -···---- ; · 06** deficiency appropriation for milgagg gpg. fo1` CDI11E1I1g0D1I GXp€IlS€·S ... , . .097. 602 cial messenger for electoral vote of. 905 Forest O"?/g Dakw , _ _ construction of bridge ac,-OSS Saint _]01m>s construction of bridge across Missouri _ River, betyveen D8 Land landing RIVCY at, authorized _ ... 360 a11d_12k3 1x10¤1§E,311£10r1zm .. 373 Foroor Ogynzw Woiorrowrr Rorlrood Gom- 1°'ttsalfds',t'- {r1_ __ _ · um fate sal; . .. . 626 may bndso Mloooorr Rwor or Forest (My, _ c]aj_]¤_0f_t0b0€x3[n_ingd;I-eport_________ DREv.1...;... 365 Fgourncy, g_ An granted_ nght of way through SIOUX In- 1 ~y111e111 13 administrator or 1320 dm rosorvooon --·--- - --..--·--- 852 Flgiwers, George WZ, Fm‘eSt1‘yDivision,DepartmentofAgrieulture, penii? .. . .. 1144 opyropmtroo for ohrof .-.-------... gig Floyg, oh", OICXPGDDBS ...·.··. h , t to amiuim-am c ..,. 1322 Foroo¢or11o1Mwh-. F:;;;;;¤Bay aN K I 0 appropriation for survey of, breakwater at 428 ovvmvoeooo for kovroromoot of ·-·---- 4**2 F‘3I§‘§L’{.p£iZ`0i.°'$I1¤i$£Zveme¤1of 416 Flynm Ben·}amm’ ., Forney. James H, i I I l i i U l poymentto ... . 12.17 paymmtmI---.--··.·..~"-_ 1243

£'1verard(son), 1040 Fowing Mary E., ... . . . .

Fowsignqlg (See a 180 Light_H0uSeS’ etc.), U Flpjegxgjsaonjébiéé .. . 1145- appropriation for .. 508. 941 payment of judgment of com of Claims to 25 or estabhslnng, etc . 012, 946 Foysyth, wvillianl Fogle. (reorge HK. d g · ’ · · - ,...1.3..; i ... 1268 ° °‘°B?’(;_’f?*?T?¥’““*‘°“ ‘°' ““"°’"’“g· 5,3 payment of judgment of COLITC of Chili11S2O 592 Fm·sg2$1e,lgZi:;;?t In full. i i i e i i i · l l Il i l i . 914 Fo?*¤*”¢· N M6-?-1 _ _ payment to administratrix of ,... 1227 to be lamllofl‘ice:]_Colfax district . 638 Fm-; Belkylup Agency Folsom, Vi iam .. · ’ - 111133111»11111g1¤1·»1»¤¤~¤m»¢c¤»1m¤¢» 23 “”lZ$’é’1T,?,§L?2‘, 2‘22.‘3‘Z.’1°£.{1’§SI.Z“l.*£??‘?Y?'T;im 3Sé Fond du Lac Indian Reservation. Fort Belknap Indian Reservation, right of way through, to Duluth and Win- boundary established .,. 124 I I nzggegillailwayf Company. . . . . 558 Fort Benton, Mont., Fon: r zi c iver, is., bridge across M'.·R' · t, thed 3 appropréiation for survey of harbor mouth 433 I Fort Berthold A;;;?;;;]?! “ er a au (mz 36 o ,.,., . . appropriation for f I d' t t.218, 981 Foo-Chow, _ Fort Cranford MilzIt17ig)Re;1er;;a1;i?o§y1in a Fapprcipxaation for consul at . 250, 700 right of way through, to Denver and Rio DOM · G d Railroad C r injurious adulteratiou off, prohibited . 549 Fort Cltstggijllgitary Resergcitityaoijyi i i U I i i 80 articles of, to be of quality demanded by right of way through,to Big Hom Southpurchaser 550 ern Rail d C ... Fm, _ , M11. .1.R1s.§?T111192’.{“"E’...~,..ii.,,, · ”"°

  • 7/ .

payment of Judgment of Court of Cla1ms to 929 right of way through, to Cheyenne Street FOI:-;l,]gér;4.£0 1097 I F rt Dejiiiailroad Company 691 ( . 32 . o ance, Ford. George, i l t' f, t bg · V

 {B   Of. . · .· · · · · · · .   ,   I£D(l. Sur" Eyed, etc l i · . i i . I I15., ., _ I termsf ll!'t.rl'th" ‘ ‘ 7 payment orvludgment of Court of Clmmsto 60 · Fort Doflgecillilitanofg Rgglniolglxal dlsmcti 8 Ford. John 1 ., i sale of lands of, to Kansas for soldiers’ payment to . . . . . . . 166 l etc., home .. . .. 1012